The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1216: Starry sky

From the nick of Shang You, Jun Chang laughed and learned that there are nine layers of **** in the Star Fortress, which is very similar to the prison he created. Each layer holds prisoners of different strengths.

It doesn't matter who learns from whom, what's important is what the fortress considers itself? Is it possible to detain warriors from all planes?

"I heard that Star Fortress is related to the upper world." Shang You marks.

"Upper Bound?"

Jun Chang smiled and thought of the law enforcement bow that he had previously obtained, and if he opened the string, he could gather the arrow of punishment.

The black and white double brake said that this thing comes from the upper world. Only what world hall can have it. Is the starry fortress implicated in it now? Is it a prison built in Fanchen that holds all kinds of souls that violate the rules?

"It's possible." The system agreed.

Jun Chang smiled and held his chin and said, "If that's the case, isn't Star Fortress equal to having an upper bound as a backstage? A little scared."

"Counseling is not the character of the host. If God deceives you, then it will be reversed." Systemically.


Jun Chang laughed: "Less standing here is not to talk about the wind and talk back pain."

Now he just wants to complete the main task. If conditions permit, it's also good to go to the upper bounds to see. As far as the sky is concerned ... I really have to think twice, after all, it's not a joke.

of course.

Dog left to remember the hall.

Because successive punishments and sanctions on the battlefield must be approved by this department before they can be implemented.

"Oh shit!"

Thinking of new hatred and old hatred, Jun Chang smiled and clenched his fists, and said angrily in the middle: "After Lao Tzu rises, he will overturn the world hall!"

The seed of hate buried in the heart is only the point of Xiao He.


Jun Changxiao also asked Shang Youchen about the strength of the ancestors of the Da Shang Empire, and he was detained in several layers of hell. The answers he received were all unknown.

"You don't know anything, how can you redeem it?"

"Get resources."

"Can prisoners be redeemed?"

"According to the Star Fortress regulations, as long as sufficient resources are paid, they can be released in a certain period of time, but they will eventually be detained."


Jun Chang smiled and said, "It's a bit interesting."

People still have to shut them down. They can only use money temporarily for bail for a period of time, which can be used repeatedly. Their own prison can also implement this model.

The system murmured: "I'm afraid that after the ransom is collected, the prisoners will run to the ends of the earth, and they won't be able to chase after them."


Jun Chang laughed: "So you have to wait until you have absolute strength to implement it."

"Do not worry."

He patted the scratched shoulder of the dealer and said, "Since I have collected your money, I will safely take you to the Starry Fortress."

"Thank you Brother Jun!"

"call out------------"

The ancient warship advanced at full speed, leaving a faint light and shadow in the past.


After receiving the money of the prince, Jun Changxiao completely gave up the idea of ​​going to other planes and devoted all his thoughts to the way to the starry fortress.

of course.

He also developed a keen interest in the Nine Hells.

Tianyuan Town Prison Tower was just built, and there were not many prisoners detained in it.

This long-lasting hell, there should be many prisoners from various planes, how about their overall strength?

"If ..." Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "All prisoners in the ninth-floor **** will be released. Will the fortress master's mentality explode on the spot?"

"I don't know if his mentality will explode, I know, this must be a very terrible thing." System said.

The strength of the Starry Fortress can be seen from two strong faction investigations. Prisoners held in **** are naturally not ordinary people, and releasing them is like a disaster.

"If the Lord of the fortress keeps biting Lao Tzu, he will break the nine-story **** with anxiety!" Jun Chang smiled lightly.

System said: "This is a bit big."

"of course."

Jun Chang smiled his eyes narrowed into a line and said, "I can also transfer all the prisoners to the prison tower of Tianyuan Town."


The system crashed and said, "This is a bold idea!"

Anyway, Gouyu has been watching nine layers of hell. If conditions permit, he will definitely do something.


There are many meteorite regions in the universe. They slowly converge to form a special existence similar to Xinghe. Of course, they can also be described as 'garbage dumps', because there are not only stones, but also various fragments and bones.


The Tungu warship was traveling at a low speed in the garbage dump.

Because the Xinghe area is extremely wide, Jun Changxiao couldn't choose a detour, and could only intersperse carefully in it.

"Brother Jun."

Shang Youxian worried, "This starry sky dump is the most ambush."

As soon as the words fell, the Tonggu warships passed several huge meteorites. Several warships were hovering quietly near the stone mound in front of them, full of armed armored warriors.

Jun Chang smiled helplessly and said, "You are really a crow's mouth."


There was a bitter smile on Shang Youchen's face, but his eyes contained endless anger, because the black armored warrior on the ship was always killing his own enemy.

Home is gone.

My loved ones are gone.

Why didn't they let me go and kill them!

"His Royal Highness."

The leading middle-aged man standing on the bow of the ship laughed, "Hurry up and meet your father and king in Huang Quan."


Shang Youjin clenched his fists and couldn't hold back the horrible anger.

"Of course."

The middle-aged man again said, "If you know the acquaintances, you may be able to avoid death by handing over the treasures of Dashang."

Shang Youyan was stunned and said: "The treasure of Dashang is the hard work of my predecessors, and how will it be given to you ugly demons!"


The middle-aged man laughed strangely: "Since you don't cooperate, let's die!"

After all, looking at Jun Chang with a smile, disdain: "Boy, dare to help us hunt the prey, you are impatient."

"I thought you didn't exist when I did." Jun Chang smiled and shrugged.

The middle-aged person said lightly: "It doesn't matter whether you exist or not, because it will really disappear soon."

"You want to kill me?" Jun Chang laughed.

Middle-aged people laughed at him for saying that this question was simply stupid.


One of his men whispered, "This guy has a good warship."

Middle-aged people have noticed for a long time, and said lightly: "Be careful when you start, don't damage the warship, and this general will still be driving back."


Everyone cried.

The middle-aged man smiled at Jun Chang and said, "Get out of here."

From the appearance of this guy to now ~ ~ I haven't looked at Jun Chang with a smile at all, it's almost arrogant to the extreme.


Jun Chang smiled on his toes and flew out of the Tonggu battlefield.

Because there is also a plane-like system in the area where the meteorites converge, the tearing feeling brought by the force of the universe is not very obvious, and it can be easily handled with his strength.

"Brother Jun ..." shouted Shang Youchen.

There is still a chance to sail on the boat, just fly down like this, once surrounded, it is absolutely impossible to escape!

"Quite a cooperation." The middle-aged man waved.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Thousands of black armored warriors flew out of the battleship, then broke out to repair, and rushed to Jun Changxiao and Shang Shou in two batches.

People want to kill.

The ancient warships must also be taken away! Reading Network

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