The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1293: I want to surprise them

Jun Changxiao's second battle with Yin Hu was completely a textbook-level crushing.

If you have to find some face and excuses for the other party, I am afraid that because of the injury, I have not reached the peak state, but ... it seems to have little meaning.

"Black Dasha!"

Bai Luocha shocked: "Little brother is too strong!"

He Luosha frowned, recalling the powerful psionic energy that Jun Chang laughed just now when he raised his hand and cast his foot, and solemnly said: "With his current strength, he can rise to the upper bound!"

As the two audiences who witnessed the whole process, they were deeply shocked by the mighty performance of Jun Changxiao.

To know.

When he met him back then, although his strength was powerful, but relying on the power of stone statues, now he has managed to break through the media by relying solely on his strength!

This is growing too fast!


Hanging over the torn apart plane, Jun Chang smiled with a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

Defeating his opponent who was once regarded as a mountain with a crushing attitude makes him feel so excited that he even had the urge to kill a star in the sky fortress to set up a bomb!

"calm down."

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said: "There are eleven such opponents, not to mention, what the master of the fortress is for the time being is unknown."

"It's not the character of the host that wins or loses itself." The system encourages: "It's the host's style to copy the guy directly to the starry fortress!"


Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile, and then waved the Yin Hu who passed out to death and grabbed it and threw it into the prison tower of Tianyuan Town.

Defeating him in the Star Fortress can be teleported away and can be treated in time. Now ... I can only be a prisoner.

"Let those guys who like to convict and like to put other people in jail to experience prison life, actually it is not bad." Jun Chang smiled secretly.

A bold idea arose in his mind, that is, not only to blow up the starry fortress, but also to patrol the garrison and the fortress master, and use the other way to imprison him in his prison.


No one was obstructed during the smuggling.


Town prison tower.

Nine-story prison.

The unconscious Yinhu opened his eyes, and the pain caused by his whole body suddenly swarmed into the sea of ​​knowledge, and the entire face suddenly narrowed.

Slightly, he stood up, looked at the strange surroundings, and whispered to himself, "What is this ... where is this?"


Suddenly, the lights in front flashed to illuminate an area.

Jun Chang laughed and sat on the chair with his legs crossed, like the kindest star in the endless darkness, and said, "This is my private prison."

Yin Hu crushed the injury and said angrily: "Private prison, this is a felony!"

"Private prison?"

Jun Chang smiled with his arms on his thighs, leaned forward, and smiled, "Is the nine-tier **** in the Starry Fortress legal?"

"The ninth-floor **** was built by the Upper Boundary Hall. Do you think it is illegal?" Yin Hu said coldly.


Jun Chang laughed with his fingers clasped together, his chin resting on the back of his hand, and said, "The backstage of this fortress is Jietang."

Earlier, a law enforcement bow was obtained from a law enforcement general. Black and White Rakshasa said that this thing can only be found in the Realm of the Realm. Now listening to patrols makes it clear that there is a connection between the two.

In fact.

The ninth-floor **** was indeed created by Jietang, and the purpose was also to detain the creatures born of evil.

However, the prisoner's detention needs to be ruled by the Jietang. Later, a large number of detentions began to be the personal reason of the fortresses.

To put it bluntly, Jietang opened a prison in the Lower Boundary. Later, the power of the warden who was responsible for guarding the prisoners expanded, first being transformed into a fortress and then turning himself into law.

The Nine-Floor Hell is officially recognized, and the rules they made are not recognized, but after all, the Emperor is far away and does not take it seriously, so there is a starry fortress that now represents justice and law.


Yin Hu said angrily: "What you are doing has already seriously violated the Star Fortress Order. You should surrender yourself and fight for leniency!"


Immediately afterwards, Jun Chang laughed and punched him with a punch, and said coldly: "Don't talk about the Star Fortress Commandment, even if it's the Upper Jietang Commandment, I can easily trample it!"


Yin Hu paralyzed for a moment, and said, "You ... Niubi!"

Dare to trample on the rules of the world hall, this guy really dare to say anything, really a complete madman!


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Take care of him!"

"Okay, master!"

Erya God appeared to Yin Hu unknowingly, put the flashlight on his chin, and the light shined from bottom to top on the entire face. He said, "Enjoy good times."


Yin Hu suddenly shivered.



The patroller, who had been seriously injured, whipped under the small leather whip of the **** soul, and suddenly made a painful scream, and the eyes of the vacant shrank in the corner.

After a few hours of training, Yin Hu was hung in the air like mud, and there was no trace of intactness in the whole body, which was miserable to the extreme.

The patroller who once represented the justice and arrested the prisoner many times, but now reduced to prisoners and tortured by torture, is truly worldly and embarrassing.

"Speak business."

Jun Chang laughed: "Are you here to investigate the law enforcement general that I killed?"

"Original ... Original man ... You killed it!" The inner body and soul were severely frustrated, so that the originally very strong Yin Hu could hardly say the whole thing.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "I didn't intend to oppose the starry fortress, but once you send someone to harass me again and again, then don't blame me ..." Put your skin on your shoulder and say: "Hot hands."

His appearance and voice gradually changed, and he finally turned into a Yinhu, and even the exposed muscles bulged.

"You ..." Seeing an identical self, Yin Hu suddenly realized something, and was eager to crack: "To ... pretend to be me!"

Jun Chang shrugged with a smile, and said, "If you guessed right, the other eleven should be looking for me in the universe. I want to surprise them in the past."

After crushing the strength of a patrol ambassador, the dog left has absolute self-confidence, so instead of waiting for the other party to find him, he chooses to take the initiative to attack, and then breaks each, so that the twelve family members will be neatly reunited in the prison tower .


Yin Hu's face is even more angry ~ ~ He has to admit that this guy easily shows himself, no matter his looks or sounds are very realistic. If the boss didn't find any clue, they would be easily attacked.


Jun Chang smiled and said, "Teach him more."

"Okay, master!"

"Remove the word"? "After the word" ", it sounds too much!"

"Okay, master!"



Jun Chang laughed and simply arranged Zongmen's internal affairs, and then flew to the endless starry sky on the Yinhu Star Warship.

"The eleventh patrol, the emperor is here!"

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