The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1313: Star Fortress is gone, I'll replace it

What is a real master?

Even if a fight never comes to the battlefield by itself, a bodyguard can be sent out, which can shock people.

Jun Chang laughed and did it.

Nine swords flew out, and the unified bodyguard Yi Feixue was a character in the universe, and his deeds were widely spread in top circles.

And iron clothes.

Although the strength is only a lower level to break through the air, but the name is not small.

To put it bluntly, whoever is the principal offender in the ninth-floor **** has a head and face in the universe.

With a handsome power, Star and Sea King is very strong, right? Sorry, only a little brother can be counted in front of them, and a little grandson can be counted more seriously.

So Jun Chang laughed without sending, and sent two principal offenders directly, shocked the two medians of Jiuquan mainland on the spot, and let the two begin to analyze his identity carefully until the latest news, and concluded that ...


Dog left proudly said, "It's me."

The two strong men in Jiuquan mainland almost passed out.

The young man who can stand full-loaded without standing underneath is really the culprit of the Star Explosion Fortress and the Lord who destroyed it!

It's over, it's over!

I'm afraid there will be big trouble this time!

It wasn't just the two who were shocked. The generals and many strong men standing on the towers of Tianying City also widened their eyes.

The destruction of the starry fortress has spread to many continents on top planes. Tianhe continent has heard of it, but never imagined that such a super-ruthless person would appear in his own place. It seemed that he would come to help!

In a sentence, the main money is in place.

of course.

Taking the money of other people, Jun Changxiao is also due diligence, and said lightly: "From now on, the Tianhe mainland is covered by this seat. Anyone who dares to provoke him will just laugh with me."

This is a disdain before being identified.

but now……


The Jiuquan continent strongman named Dong Lao hurriedly said, "We will now withdraw from the Tianhe continent, and we will never invade it again!"

If it is someone else, even if the strength is stronger, it may still be hardened. Now that I know that the other party is the culprit of the Star Fortress, it only has to be counseled for an instant, because how dare to destroy an organization that maintains the order of the earthly dust? Plane!

"go away."

Jun Chang smiled lightly.

The two medians broke through the air and hurriedly disappeared. One million soldiers also disappeared in the Star Wars. It can be said that the evacuation speed was extremely fast.

"They're gone!"

"Tianyingcheng kept it!"

After the killing breath that enveloped the heavens and the earth completely dissipated, the soldiers and the people in the city shouted!

"Monarch Sovereign!"

The injured middle-aged man came down from the warship because he was too excited. He knelt down and was grateful: "I Tianhe mainland will always remember your great deeds!"

Jun Chang laughed and stopped him from kneeling, and said, "Take money and dispel disaster with others, and there is no need to do a great gift."

Although this guy is greedy for money, he will definitely take things seriously when receiving the benefits of others, so both the disadvantages and the advantages.

Here comes the problem.

If the money was given to Jiuquan mainland, would Jun Changxiao help bully people?

The reader of Doraemon No. 1 in this book will definitely analyze the dog leftovers into the ten evil and unforgiving scumbag villains in this chapter. In fact, instead of helping, Jun Chang laughs, he will take the opportunity to blackmail because it involves Bottom line and questions of principle.


The Jiuquan continent retreated, and the Tianhe continent returned to calm.

After the incident, Jun often laughed and was not responsible, so he didn't even eat the specially arranged banquet, so he took his disciples away.

It doesn't matter what the food is, after all, it reaches his level. Unless you have thought about addiction, it's okay to be hungry for a few years. The most important thing is ... before you leave, you have given millions of spiritual stones and a lot of martial arts resources.

"The gentleman loves money."

The dog left standing on the bow of the boat said loudly: "Get it!"

The Tianhe continent is invaded, and it will exterminate the sect at any time. It is not reasonable to collect 20 million spirit stones to help resolve the crisis. Is this wrong?

Not only that.

Also remembered by others.

A few days later, a stone statue based on Jun Changxiao was erected in Tianying City, and a group of prisoners were taken away from the battleship with a group of prisoners around it for the worship of descendants of Tianhe mainland.


Our big hero!


Jiuquan continent.

The entire plane was shrouded in slaying air.

At this moment, over the Imperial City of Jiuquan, which represents absolute rights, ancient warships are quietly suspended.

Jun Chang laughed sitting at the bow of the ship, revealing the trend of the world.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others stood behind their backs with iron bones on their faces.

All the prisoners in the prison tower came out, some hanging under the battleship, some squatting on the city wall, and a grinning smile on the corners of their mouths.

Twelve jailers also appeared.

They clasped their hands around the city, just in a circular shape, with cloaks with the word 'Chivalry' written behind them, and the serious expression of the admiral appeared on their faces.



The crowd did not release Xiuwei, but the breath of the air filled the entire city like Mount Tai, making all the warriors in it afraid.


A middle-aged man dressed in gorgeous costumes and emperor-style, stood in front of the palace hall and swallowed a spit, his eyes flashing with strong horror.

He is the leader of the Jiuquan continent and launched the culprit of the invasion of the Tianhe continent. He is now extremely annoyed. Why did he make such a move, but instead of gaining benefits, he attracted a ruthless man!

At that time, the starry fortress sent a patrol to warn that the scene was not too big and the shock brought by it was not very strong.

Jun Chang smiles differently. He directly brings prisoners and twelve prisoners to the city. The sense of oppression produced by strength and momentum is unprecedentedly strong, and it is definitely enough to impress on his heart!

To put it plainly, the style of Star Fortress is more conservative and traditional.

Dog leftovers are just the opposite. No matter how strong they are, they must be smashed with a hammer, and a psychological shadow must be thrown with a hammer.



Emperor Jiuquan collapsed and said, "Sovereign monarch, there are too many nine hundred spirits, I ..."

Jun Chang smiled impatiently and interrupted: "No explanation is needed ~ ~ Just take action, if not ..." He paused and said, "That person will order someone to search for it in the mainland." searched."

"Yes! Yes!"

Emperor Jiuquan said hastily.

If you can't search in the mainland, you can tell whether you want to be upright and looted. This will take away all kinds of martial arts resources, and the loss must be more than 100 million!

Hundreds of high-ranking pillar-level strongmen died on the mainland of Tianhe, and their homes were searched again and again.

After weighing the pros and cons, Emperor Jiuquan still endured the heartbreaking pain and took out one hundred and ninety-nine spirits from the state treasury. He only hoped that the other party would leave quickly and stop using prisoners and patrols to suppress himself.


Jun Chang laughed, took the money and didn't leave.

He continued to sit on the bow of the boat, his eyes sternly: "Remember this seat, the starry fortress is gone, I will take the place of it. Anyone from any plane dares to behave in the universe and wait for the eternal punishment!"

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