The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1323: Crush the void and sneak into the upper realm!

In the battlefield of the plane, only the Lingyuan continent can be regarded as Jun Changxiao's old and intimate partner, so this time he came mainly to bid farewell to Ke Jinnan.

"Monarch, what are you going to do?"

"Do something big!"

"Then Mr. Ke first wished the monarch his wish and success!"

If Ke Jinnan knew that the big thing Jun Chang laughed at was to smuggle his disciples to the upper realm collectively, it would take a lot of courage to say this.

"Ke Cheng, leave!"

"Sovereign monarch, take care all the way!"

This is the difference between the two golden partners who have worked together many times, and I do n’t know if they will have the opportunity to act together.

Jun Chang laughs and visits other planes separately before returning to the starfall continent stronghold.

The Queen Rose still sat on the bluestone and did not leave, but she had arranged her ethnic affairs through special abilities.

As a new queen, she has fought abroad all year round, so her daily routines have become a habit.

"Are you sure you want to follow me?" Jun Changxiao asked again.


The Queen Rose said earnestly.

"Let's go." Jun Chang laughed.

The queen of roses rose with wonder in her eyes, because he put out his hand when he spoke, which meant ...

The system was surprised: "Nine years of retreat and enlightenment really let him know, and today he would take the initiative to take someone's hand!"

Or did you sneakily buy a bottle of EQ while you were upgrading?

Do not!

People like the host really need to take EQ, at least 999 bottles to reach the minimum value defined by EQ.

"Do not misunderstand."

Jun Chang smiled and turned his face, and said, "To the entrance to the starfall continent, I must take you to pass."


The Queen Rose raised her hand generously, but as soon as she came in contact with it, she was dragged straight up and her steps seemed quite daunting.


The system was silent: "Steel straight men's steel holding hands."

"and many more!"

It is full of puzzles: "Foreigners need to let the host personally lead in and out of the portal? When is this a new setting?"



For more than a decade, the Purple King Demon King has changed, and the night stars have changed. The monarch as a suzerain, in fact, is also changing, especially when the retreat studies matrix formations.

There can be a small step in hand today, maybe a big step tomorrow.

"Go to the upper world and listen to me."

"Okay, husband."

"Go to the upper realm and run around."

"Okay, husband."

"Call me lord!"

"Okay, husband."


Jun Chang laughed and hugged the flower rose into the portal.

At this point 'The Queen of Roses' will also be a thing of the past, because when she chooses to follow him, it means that she has temporarily given up all her identity and status.


Van Gogh exploded!

Because the suzerain went to the plane battlefield and brought the suzerain's wife back!

The disciples actually knew that the suzerain had a marriage match, and they were on the battlefield, but many people had never seen it, so when the rose came to the gate for the first time, it must have caused a great sensation.

Here comes the problem.

Who spread it out?

For reference, Ye Xingchen singled out a large number of prisoners for the first time, and was brought back by Zhao Doudou. It happened that Su Xiaomo saw that the Zongmen knew everything the next day.

"Oh my god!"

Yao Mengying stared with big eyes and said, "The big sister brought back by the lord is so beautiful and so temperamental!"


Liu Wanshi said earnestly: "You can't call it Big Sister, you have to call it Suzerain!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Yao Mengying nodded hurriedly.

Due to the arrival of the flower roses, the disciples had no time to cultivate, and gathered together to look at the hall and discuss in private.

"Second Brother, I always find it a bit awkward to use the title of the Sovereign Lady."

"That's called Madam."

The suzerain and the disciples are equal to the master and the apprentice, so it is reasonable for Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo to call the suzerain ’s wife as a maid.


Inside the hall.

Hua Rose glanced at the entry table on the table, and smiled, "Is this why you burned off the distress book?"

The first seated Jun Chang laughed with his fingers clasped together and said solemnly: "Only by becoming a member of Wanzong, can I follow me to the upper world."


Rose said: "I agree."

She is the empress of the Soul tribe. Although she is in charge of the entire plane, she has no clique, so there will be no resistance to joining the sectarian forces, not to mention, she is still the master of her own.

"Ding! Zongmen member: 100001."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 210001."

When the flower rose started according to the procedure, Wan Guzong once again ushered in a strong man, and his strength broke through.

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "There is no upper limit on members. I have been recruiting disciples. Can I contribute infinitely?"

"The host has a good idea, but don't forget that one more disciple needs one more martial arts resource. Unless you recruit them for stocking, don't daydream." Systematic said.


The cold water splashed and made Jun Chang smile carefully and be cool.

Indeed, one more member of Zongmen is equivalent to one more burden. If it has a very high training value, it is worth recruiting, otherwise it will definitely not make money.


Jun Chang sighed with a smile.

"Sovereign." Li Qingyang came over and said, "Sister-in-law's residence has been properly placed, just next to the courtyard where you live."

Jun Chang smiled slightly.

I have already hinted at him very veiledly, placing the woman on the Longji Peak where the high-rise lives, and finally how to place it on Longshou Peak!

Systemically said: "After all, the disciples all know that she is the wife of the suzerain. If you do not live with your suzerain, it is easy for others to gossip, so I feel that the arrangement of the second disciple is OK."

"I don't want you to feel, I want me to feel!"


Bale, bale.

It doesn't matter where you live, let's get ready to take off.


After being settled properly, Hua Rose started to tour Wanzong, especially when she saw a disciple with an extraordinary temperament, she was surprised: "The husband's ancestors are very strong.

In the following days, her understanding of Zongmen became even more shocking, and she even became skeptical. All the backbone forces in her plane might not be a strong ancient person.

"It's incredible!"

"How the husband did it!"

The flower rose was completely shocked by the power of eternity.

When she learned the history of Zongmen successively from the mouths of disciples such as Li Qingyang, she realized that the power behind it came from the essence!


Open hanging details.

"Madam, early!"

"Madam, good!"

The disciples of Wanzong know the rules very well, and respectfully salute each time he meets his wife.


After half a month.

Miaohua Palace sent a letter from Li Jingxuan.

After watching it with a smile, Jun Chang shook his head and said, "I still choose to stay in the starfall continent."


Xing Jingxuan, who was in the Zongmen gate, apologized and said, "I have limited strength and cannot follow the monarch and ruler to go south and north."

Jun Chang laughed and invited to go out together. She was very happy at the time, but she calmly thought about it and chose to reject it because she really didn't want him to hold back.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Qi Jingxuan firmly said, "I will work hard to cultivate and hope to one day fight with you!"


Another half month passed.

Jun Chang laughed that the time was ripe, taking advantage of the dark winds of the night, to stand in the central area of ​​the entire battlefield.



A streamer hidden in the dark rises up into the sky, enveloping the whole iron bone mountain.

"Are you coming!"

Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others raised their heads, their eyes flashing with enthusiasm, anticipation, and hesitation.

Upper Bound.

strange place.

No one knows what tribulations will go through after entering.

They are not afraid, because whether it is the mountains and seas of fire or the abyss, they will unswervingly follow the suzerain along the way!

"It's almost time!"

Jun Chang smiled and looked up at Yuanyue, and the evil charm smiled: "Upper world, I'm here!"

"Praj Borromeo!"

"call out--------------"

Suddenly ~ ~ The star-falling continent caught in the dark was rendered into daylight by strong light, and the sleepless warriors came out one after another, staring in horror as the light from Qingyang County, southwest Yangzhou rushed into the sky!

Master Xie Cheng walked out of the bedroom wearing a pajamas with a hellokitty pattern given to him by Jun Changxiao until he saw a natural vision, and then he stared with wide eyes and said, "What's the matter!"

"The light was transmitted from the Eternity!"

"What the hell!"

The major families and warriors closest to Tiegushan have compared each other.

Especially when the wave of air that contains the supreme mystery permeates, it is an impulse to worship.

"Is it ..."

Han Cheng said, "The monarch is broken and empty ?!"

Judging from the appearance of the heavens and the earth, it really fits the picture of the broken void and rising to the upper bounds, but in fact it belongs to illegal smuggling.

"Oh my god!"

In the most dazzling area of ​​Baimang, the disciples of Wanzong were stunned.

"call out----------"

After a little while, the light like daylight suddenly disappeared, the whole world returned to peace, and Jun Changxiao, who was in the center of the battlefield, had disappeared.

This means that the smuggling was successful! !!

But ... a very serious problem appeared, that is, the dog was gone, Tiegushan was still there, and the disciples were still there!

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others stood as if they were standing still, and looked at each other only a little later, and they all showed a humorous expression.


Hua Rose frowned. "It's good to take me to the sky. Why is he gone alone?"

Star meteorological calendar, night, September 9, 12028.

Born in vision, running through the clouds, the Suzerain of the Eternal Sect, the Emperor of the Wumeng League often laughed and shattered the void under the witness of the world, soared into the upper world and became a new generation of legends on the mainland!

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