The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1336: Happy mid autumn festival

Jun Changxiao has been away from the astral continent for more than a month, but the news about his ascension has not cooled down and is still being debated by the world.

It can be said that about this person and the things he has done will be written into the annals of history, and will become an eternal legend like the elderly Taixuan.

In Wanguzong, although the disciples were used to the days when no suzerain took the lead in doing morning exercises, they always mourned in their hearts.

Especially the flower rose, sitting in the pavilion, holding his face lightly with his hands, said quite sadly: "Although the husband has only gone for a month, it seems that decades have passed."

After Jun Chang laughed and soared, she didn't return to the battlefield of the plane. First, the portal was gone, and secondly, she was also a member of Wan Guzong, so she chose to stay and help.

Hua Rose has no position, but because he has an unclear relationship with the dog left, he is respected in Zongmen.


Li Qingyang came to see him and said, "Three expansions of Tiegu Town have been completed. Would you like to see it?"

Jun Chang laughed away for more than a month, more and more planes to do major trade, and the city began to look crowded again.

The main thing is that the Chinese medicine sold by Tangji Dan Pharmacy is too bad, which has caused many powerful people to come in line to buy in advance.

Although Flower Rose came to the Starfall Continent not long ago, but already understood the basic situation, she summoned the high level of Zongmen to discuss, and finally chose to expand the city again.

She is in control of a plane and manages a sect. It must be easy, not to mention Yuan Gongzi and others, who are even a little leisurely to miss Jun and laugh.

"no need."

Said the flower rose.

Li Qingyang said: "Mother-in-law does not have to worry too much, because the suzerain has a way to go up, there must be a way to come down."

As one of the earliest disciples under the income gate, he still knew Jun Changxiao very well.

"I hope so."


Jun Chang laughs and rises, the most depressing is Ye Xingchen, because he desperately wants to go to the upper world than anyone in Zongmen, but the former left by himself!



In the mysterious area of ​​life and death, Aniu gathered the depression in his heart into his fist, madly killing a spirit beast, and the whole person seemed to be a devil.

"Brother Xiao."

Su Xiaomo, who accompany him, whispered, "Brother Ye is a bit temperamental lately. Did he miss the lord too much?"

Xiao said to himself: "No, he is angry and hasn't risen to the top."

After learning about Ye Xingchen's past life, he can understand the mood of each other very well, after all, he has been hurt by a woman.


The last soul beast was resolved, and the drill was over, but Aniu did not vent his breath, so he shouted, "Go, drink!"


Su Xiaomo and Li Fei's expressions turned bright.

When they used to celebrate the festival or hold a line in the past, they used to find the night star who could n’t stop drinking, but now they dare not, because ... they ca n’t drink him at all!

"Oh, my stomach hurts. I'm going to that hut!"

"I told Shui Yun today that I'm going to town for shopping!"

Su Xiaomo and Li Fei each made excuses to let go, which made Xiao Guiji shook his head helplessly and said, "Brother, go, I'll accompany you to drink."

Men who have been hurt by women know the men who have been hurt by women best.


Inside the cafeteria.

Liu Wanshi took off her apron and said, "You two, drink less."

She was only 13 or 14 years old when she became a member of Wan Guzong. Now nearly 20 years later, she has lost her innocence and innocence, and has become a beautiful woman.

The biggest change is Yao Mengying. She is no longer the child who cried when she died because of Elder Lu. She has grown up now and has a different temperament because she majors in magic.

As for Li Luoqiu and Ling Yuanxue, one of the few female members with a family name in Zongmen, with age, their looks have not only declined, but have become more beautiful and moving.


Ye Xingchen raised the jar and said, "Keep drinking!"

Xiao Guiji did not speak, because people were already lying under the table.


Ye Xingchen sighed, how lonely the invincible expression appeared on his face.


In the days when there is no laughter, Wan Gu Zong is still full of vigor, but always lacks a sense of ease and happiness.


One night, the sky suddenly sounded a thunder, and a lightning-like dazzling light appeared from the depths of space, instantly rendering the entire plane into daylight, and then fiercely splitting in the direction of Tiegushan.

"what is that?"

The sudden appearance of thunder and lightning alarmed everyone on the continent.



Slightly, a very familiar atmosphere rushed wildly, which contained the thickness of martial arts, but also the sharpness of penetrating kendo!

"It's him!"

Master Xie Cheng came out in his pajamas and said, "It's him!"


Our hero Jungou!

"Isn't he broken into the sky and flying into the upper bounds?" Han Cheng asked with a puzzled expression, "Why did he come down again?"



In the ancient martial arts, in the dust-filled martial arts field, the two breaths of majestic sword and sword spread wildly.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others have already arrived at the scene as quickly as possible, with joy and excitement in their eyes.

Gradually, the dust gradually dissipated, and various psionic air waves also began to weaken. Only Junjun was smiling and kneeling, his right elbow was resting on his leg, and his fist was resting on his forehead.


Li Qingyang and Xiao sin shouted excitedly.


Jun Chang stood up with a smile, his left hand was on his chest, his right hand was raised slightly, and his head was always lowered, and said, "Baby, don't you miss me!"

"miss you!"

The crowd was in unison, with a bright smile on their faces, and the air over Zongmen was gradually shrouded in a happy atmosphere.

This is a complete eternal ancestor, and this is a soulless eternal ancestor.


With a moonlight treasure box, Jun Changxiao, who has been practicing in the upper world for more than a month, not only successfully returned to the starfall continent, but was also accurately transmitted to Zongmen.

The whole Wanzong area suddenly became lively, especially the dining hall. The team of gold chefs headed by Liu Wanshi began to be busy because the suzerain had just ordered a dinner to celebrate a festival called Mid-Autumn Festival.

"The host soared on September 9, corresponding to the lunar calendar and more than a month in the upper world. The Mid-Autumn Festival has passed long ago, OK?" The system growled.

"I said today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, that is, the Mid-Autumn Festival. This issue doesn't need to be discussed, all listen to me."


The disciples began to prepare for the upcoming dinner. Jun Chang laughed alone and came to Longshoufeng, walking towards the courtyard where he lived.

However, when I walked to the door, I stopped, because Hua Rose stood there, and smiled sweetly, "Come back?"

Jun Changxiao appeared in Yanwu Stadium, and she caught it as soon as possible, but instead of following her disciples, she stood quietly waiting in the courtyard like a wife who was looking forward to her husband's return.

"I heard them from Qingyang. You are taking care of the ancestors during this time, so ..." Jun Chang smiled and said, "Thank you."

"The disciples respect me as the lord's wife, and it's also appropriate to take care of the husband's ancestors." Queen Rose said: "Besides, with the presence of Yuan Yuanzi and Lao Wei, I didn't really help anything."

After a short conversation, the two stopped talking, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.


Zongmen Photography is absolutely responsible for Li Shangtian sneaking his head out from behind the stone ~ ~ Put out the camera and press the shutter button, a photo of Jun Changxiao and flowers roses looking at each other outside the courtyard is born, the background is for In conjunction with this Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon becomes extraordinarily round.



The bonfire rose on the Yanwu field, dissipating the coolness and darkness.

Jun Chang, who was sitting in front of the main hall, smiled and served wine. Zongmen's seniors and their disciples stood up and looked at you in the camera collectively. Congratulations: "On this festive day, I hope the moonlight will bring our blessings to Wanzong. May you People realize their dreams, their careers and their families! "


"Dried this glass of wine!"


PS, in fact, I really want to make more changes, but in the Mid-Autumn Festival, there are really many relatives and friends gathering, so there are only two changes today and tomorrow.

Reader: "Understand!"

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