The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1387: Medium-sized basalt veins


Jun Chang smiled and said, "Thank you Poison Milk."


The system fell silent.

The host came to look for the basalt veins until they found them, and did not encounter any danger at all, which is far from the said Longtan Tiger Cave!

Why can't Wutian be inseparable from the door for a lifetime, can't I be inseparable from slap in my life?

Jun Changxiao took out the map again, and carefully compared the surrounding environment, and finally determined that this is the place he was looking for!

"That guy didn't lie to me!"

"Get rich, get rich!"

Although I haven't seen the Upper World ore veins, after all, I have dug a lot in the lower world. The gathering of such majestic properties of heaven and earth is all representative, and there must be extremely rich black stones in the ground!

Jun Changxiao now lacks money. If a vein can provide a lot of resources, it is definitely super cool!


Hei Luocha calmed down and said, "Will the people of Lingwei Zhenzong also find out? The big guy fighting with him may be the monster that guards the veins of the mine.

"That's right."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Let them go to contain, we touch the fish in muddy water."


The corner of his mouth twitched.

If that's the case, what I'm doing now is grabbing the veins with a true-word powerhouse!


So exciting!


Jun Chang laughed first, and everyone followed.

There are also lush vegetation in the depression, and there are monsters of different strengths inside, but because of hermitage, no human is approaching the most dense area of ​​heaven and earth.



After a little while, Jun Changxiao waited for someone to stop in the center area.

This is a relatively empty area, and you can clearly see the majestic nature of the heavens and earth rushing up with the naked eye, converging in the middle of the air in a mist.


Hei Luosha concluded: "There must be veins below!"



With a wave of his hands, Jun Chang smiled, dozens of small flags quickly flew out, inserted on the edge of the open space, and instantly gathered to isolate the large array!

The arranging of flowing clouds makes the black and white double brakes marvel.

As far as the suzerain ’s understanding of the formation method is concerned, it must be considered a master in the upper world, right?


In the last ten years of research, my hair has fallen out, not for my hard work!

Moreover, after coming to the upper world, I also got the atlas related to the matrix method from the elderly Taixuan, and studied it with a little care. The experience value can be described as rising.

It is undeniable that when contacting the battlefield, Jun Changxiao was all promoted by his qualifications, but he was totally on his own when studying the battle for the world.

Don't ignore the advantages of the dog leftover because of being constantly on the hook, ignore his perseverance, oh ... I can't edit it anymore.


After the formation of the matrix method, the crowd no longer suppressed the cultivation, and blessings of various psionic powers began to dig up in the open space.

Jun Changxiao has a clear division of labor. He and his disciples are responsible for digging pits, and the black and white Luocha are responsible for the care. If the person from Lingwei Zhenzong comes, be sure to drag or lead them away.

This basalt vein, I'm going to fix it!

This kind of natural treasure is not who finds who it is, but who digs out who it is!

No one can forcibly take over, unless it is absolutely suppressed in strength.

With a low-key and unobtrusive personality, even if the veins are valued by the fairy-like ancestors, as long as they want it, they must find a way.

no way.

Who makes my master a real person from ancient times, and who makes me have a backstage that the world hall is afraid of!

It can be seen that the dog remains deeper and deeper on the way to Master Keng. Although there is nothing for the time being, when all kinds of contradictions erupt fully, it will inevitably turn into a cauldron like Tarzan.

Whether a real ancient man can memorize it depends on how strong he is and his strength!



Jun Changxiao and his disciples worked hard to dig, and under multiple playback acceleration, a large pit about several hundred feet deep appeared, just touching the rock layer on the surface of the veins.


Xiao Guiji was holding an innocent ore and was excited: "I have dug the black stone!"

"Dig! Dig!"

Ye Xingchen and He Wudi immediately dug up their emotions, and then successively broke open the surrounding rock layers to form a hole-like shape. The picture in the field of vision is that crystal clear basalts are half-inlaid in the soil!

"Oh my God!"

Xiao Guiji was surprised: "So much!"

He Wudi dignifiedly said, "It must also be a medium-sized mine!"

Jun Chang smiled ecstatically and said, "I'm getting rich!"


At this moment, He Luochacha said, "Someone from Lingwei Zhenzong is here!"

Jun Chang smiled and hurriedly said, "Isolated formations will be found at a certain distance. Don't let them approach!"


The black and white Luocha glanced at each other, and a strong sense of excitement poured into the heart instantly, then flew out of the dark, and repaired the full-open Chaoling Weizhen Sect.

There are six Zhuanjing strongmen in the true character class Zongmen. They rarely provoke when they walked the rivers and lakes. Now they don't care for Zongmen!


Besides, the people of Lingwei Zhenzong resolved the monsters guarding the veins and rushed over as fast as possible. One of the bearded men frowned and said, "Strange, why would anyone appear in this area?"

The old man said: "It may be a casual repair to break into the Devil's Cave. Come in accidentally."

"The five elders just shouted and scared them away. They should be casual repairers who broke into the forbidden area." One laughed.

The Lingwei Zhenzong strong had no idea that those persuaders did not leave, and they were digging the veins boldly, and because they had mining experience, they were able to obtain the black stone very fast!

In particular, Jun Chang laughed and released the soil of the Five Elements to establish a connection with the soil. Each piece of black stone fell off.


The middle-aged man laughed and said, "From the perspective of the properties of the heavens and the earth converging in the air, this is at least a medium-sized mineral vein that stores one billion basalts. If it is dug out, it will also provide a lot of resources for Zongmen.

If these words are left to the dog to hear, I am afraid they will jump up excitedly!


This may only be a small goal in the eyes of the richest man, but it is definitely an astronomical number in the eyes of an ordinary Zongmen!


When the Lingwei Zhenzong strong was about to approach the depression, the black and white Rakshasa rushed out from another direction, and he could not help but converge on various real powers to start the offensive!



More than a dozen Zhuan Dan borders quickly moved closer together, and various martial arts and treasures were all revealed, and all kinds of energy would be resolved.


The black and white Luocha fell on the boulder, his voice coldly: "I didn't expect to meet the enemy here!"

The enemy?

The Lingwei Zhenzong strongman suddenly realized that he was meeting his enemies, but he saw the true face of the other through his face towel, and found that he was very strange. He wondered if Zongmen had offended the two warriors whose strengths had changed from six to the other. ?

Did not offend.

Black and white Rakshasa said this, too, to divert their attention and prevent them from thinking about the veins.


The five elders of Lingwei Zhenzong whispered coldly, "What is the resentment between us?"

More than a dozen of them can solve a monster that is comparable to a six-turn monster. Naturally, they will not jealous of black and white double brakes, but after all, there are veins here and they don't want to be known to outsiders, so they can only avoid fighting.

"I'm afraid you forgot what you did on Yunwu Mountain?"

"Mountains and clouds?"

The five elders and others were at a loss.

In this place, Zhenwei Zhenzong has been there thousands of years ago, but none of the parties were present, so it is not clear what happened to them.


If they were on the scene, how could they flicker.

Bai Luocha said coldly: "It seems that you should have forgotten that the old man must inform you so that you understand the beginning and end, and what is wrong with the owner and the debtor."

He and He Luosha have only one purpose,, to make the other party banned from approaching the quarantine formation and to delay time as much as possible.

The five elders are also worried that the veins will be discovered by the two. They try to stabilize their emotions and prevent the situation from becoming serious, so they arched their hands and said, "Wear your ears and listen!"

I go!

Is it so cooperative? !!

Bai Luocha was also very polite, saying: "Things to start from half a month before going to Yunwu Mountain ..."

The delay is the same as the number of words of good-bye in rivers and lakes. After fighting a chapter, making a chapter, and using a hole card, he learned the essence. He talked about the story from half a month to the day of the incident. Dizziness.

"Two brothers!"

At this moment, Jun Chang laughed and said, "Digging is finished, withdraw!"


ps, ask for a monthly pass, happy National Day!

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