The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1461: Demon ancestor resurrection

The old man in black robe appeared, gathered energy to cover Yao Mengying and take him away. Jun Chang smiled and couldn't help but walk over. He never allowed anyone to take his disciples regardless of the dream or reality.

The result surprised him that although he appeared in the dream as a bystander, he could even touch the other party.

What does this mean?

Both myself and the old man are real!

"How can you ... enter other people's dreams?" The words of the Heipaoren immediately made Jun Chang laugh, and the former also broke into Yao Mengying's dream, so he didn't say anything.


Looking at Gu Chaoxi, who was swollen with blushing nose and swollen face, still stunned, a little shame appeared on the dog's left face, and then he hurriedly lifted it up and placed it next to his disciple, pretending that nothing had happened.

"Master, I had a nightmare just now." Yao Mengying wiped her tears and seemed to have not recovered yet.

"It's just a dream."

Jun Chang laughed: "Don't think about it."

Systemically said, "The black-robed man whom the host just met is probably the culprit in discipling the disciples."


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "Let it run away."

Introducing the disciple into the dream, and then performing a smashing of the ancestral gate, and then finally came to take her away. There must be a plan.



At this moment, there was a magic repair behind him.

They were harassed by the magical gas without exception, and then lost their consciousness and stood still, their eyes gradually sluggish.

Jun Chang laughed and ignored him, and came to Gu Chaoxi and his disciples to release the power of the fire and evil spirits, to dispel the magic that controlled his mind.



After a while, the crowd broke free from their dreams, and they breathed quickly.

They entered the same dream, starting with the birds and flowers and fragrant forests, and then a large number of powerful monsters emerged, and they were forced to enter the battle.

Especially Gu Chaoxi.

A single battle with hundreds of monsters.

As a result, the suffering of the beatings was unbearable, and there was obvious pain in the whole body.


Freed from the dream, he covered his face and said, "It hurts me!"

"Uncle, why is your face swollen!" Su Mo said.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji looked at each other in unison.

In the dream, they have also been attacked by monsters, but they have returned to reality and their bodies have not changed. Why is Uncle so badly injured? And it looks like he's all greeted on his face?


Gu Zhaoxi wondered, "Why am I alone?"

Jun Chang laughed, pretending not to hear it, then turned to look at the group of magicians who just came in and said, "These people are also in a dream."


Suddenly, a demon fell to the ground, his eyes gradually lost luster.

Gu Zhaoxi said: "Dead!"

"call out!"

At this moment, a stream of black light emerged from Yu Wen's still body, and then instantly disappeared into the stone wall.

Jun Chang smiled and frowned suddenly.

This kind of property, he also appeared after the old man in the black robe.



More and more demons fell to the ground and lost their vitality, and a stream of black streamers flew out of the body, blending into the wall like a ghost.


Gu Zhaoxi observed for a while, and said, "This is a means in the demon road, called Dream Haunting!"

"The black streamer flying out is their soul?"


Jun Chang laughed and heard that the whole face suddenly became extremely cold.

In Yao Mengying's dream just now, the old man in the black robe took her away, did he just take away the soul?

Thanks to your own entry, you need to stop in time. If the girl follows, then the end is a corpse.

"What a poisonous method!"

Almost let the disciples be killed by Huang Quan, angering Jun often and laughing.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "Dreams of dreams are only effective for magic cultivation. Orthodox warriors will not be hooked even if they are trapped in dreams."



A famous demon fell to the ground, his soul flew out of his body.

Jun Chang laughed and tried to stop, but couldn't touch the black attributes at all, and could only watch them lose their vitality.


"We move on."

Since coming to the Devil's Land to look for opportunities, it is necessary to do a good job of consciousness of death. The dogs will not be merciful and use two spirits to resolve the crisis for them.


Gu Zhaoxi walked and said, "Setting the dream here is not as simple as laying a trap to increase the difficulty. Obviously, Chiguo Guo takes the soul."

"Are there any attempts?"

"I heard that the scholars have said that another reason for the demon ancestor to create the land of the devil, seems to be laying the ground for his resurrection. Here is a dream ecstasy, maybe ..."

"Gather a large number of magic souls to resurrect yourself?"



After Jun Changxiao fell into a brief silence, he said, "If this is the case, the magic repair that comes to look for opportunities is actually entering the cemetery prepared in advance for himself."

During the conversation, the crowd walked to the end of the tunnel, entered a relatively spacious space, and were stunned by the sight in front of them.

Here is a bit like a palace. The ground is lined with high-standard stone slabs. There are some kind of monster head stone statues above the four walls. They open their mouths together and splash red water.

Very fishy and pungent.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "It's all the blood of the magic!"

Why so sure?

Because the martial art cultivator has magical energy in his blood, he can detect it with a little peeping.

There are ten monster heads in the palace, so there are ten locations spurting blood, and the pictures presented are really creepy.

"Blood is hot."

Jun Chang laughed, "Not long after he died?"

He Wudi took a closer look at the heads of ten monsters, and said, "The ten stone gates I saw earlier have similar patterns. Could it be ..."

He didn't go on, but everyone knew where the blood came from.



The blood of the magical repair fell in the sink, then surged along a fixed route, and finally transported to a huge blood pool in the central area.

Although Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others have been fighting for a long time, they suddenly felt a little vomiting when they saw a large pool of blood.

Jun Chang walked over with a smile and found that there is a luxurious throne made of special materials in the northern part of the Blood Pond. It has complicated lines and a delicate box on it.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "I'm afraid this throne is of great value. We can take it before we leave."

"Right on my mind."

The two looked at each other with bright smiles.


At this moment, Li Qingyang shouted, "Sister Mei went up!"

Jun Changxiao and Gu Zhaoxi hurriedly turned their heads to see that Yao Mengying had stopped in front of the throne, then picked up the box and sat down, his face appeared to be in a dull state, his eyes flashed red.




Outside, the closed iron door suddenly trembled.

Tonggu real person hurriedly looked up, and while Qiye real person was watching ~ ~, he waved the chessboard, and said, "What's the situation?"



Suddenly, a big smile came from the big iron gate, and a powerful voice sounded: "The Ten Immortals, major ethnic groups, your nightmare is here again!"

"not good!"

Tonggu real person and Qiye real person exclaimed in unison: "The demon ancestor is resurrected!"

"Flopping fluttering!"

Just then, a crane crane flew from a distance and transmitted some information.

The chess player's mouth slightly twitched and said, "Just got the news, your apprentice Jun often laughed and brought a few disciples into the devil's land!"


Tonggu real man widened his eyes, then lifted the chessboard in a rage and growled, "He's not a magic repair, he's going to make fun!"

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