The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1590: Rise from the ashes

The scales flying in the sky are beautiful.

However, the dragon warriors who had been stripped away by oneself were no exception. They were lying on the ground, as if emptied of their bodies.

Is the essence lost?

In fact, one less scale does not matter.

The reason why Qiang made them weak was that the moment Dragonscale was taken away, Longyuan was also taken away from the body.

The place where the different monsters of the dragon dragon family is that there is no crystal core in the body and there is a dragon element, and the strength is not strong.

Xuan Longyuan has similar energy. It can be brewed when it is gone, but it will inevitably become empty when it is suddenly evacuated!



Brought countless scales of dragons together, flying towards the grave of the dragon clan like the galaxy fell for nine days, and quickly suspended in a vortex over the small dragons that broke out of the cocoon, and then spliced ​​them one by one in order.

Xun Jun often laughs and rejoices.

Our contracted beast is not only reuniting dragon scales at this moment, but the vitality is also getting stronger, which is enough to represent escape from danger!

More than that!

As the dragon scales are inlaid, the carried dragon elements are also fused with the body, filled with flesh and blood, and meridians. Dragon horns gradually appear on the head of the dragon, and the nostrils begin to gather.

Although it came out of the cocoon, it has a vitality, but because it was lacking in all aspects, it looks like a smooth loach. Now it has the shape of a dragon completely, even too much ... colorful!

The body color of the Nine Dragons is not single. Now one piece is pulled off from each head and arranged irregularly on the small dragon dragon, which can be called a whistle.

"This this……"

The eyes of the three dragon kings gradually widened.

Suddenly, they remembered a sentence recorded in ancient books-the ancestor of our tribe was the nine-colored dragon that soared in the depths of the universe, and then the upper world opened up the dragon domain with infinite magical powers, for future generations to rest and rest for generations.

Because of its long history, it is regarded as a legend.

Now, Xiaolonglong gradually stood up from the shape of the dragon wearing colorful dragon scales, the shock and shock of the three dragon kings were even stronger.

Because they saw five claws, six claws ... nine claws!

For so many years, the descendants of the Dragons or the mutants have multiple scales, but the claws are always four, because as long as one more, they have the status of the emperor of the Dragons!

"Nine Claws?"

Xun Jun often laughed.

The colorful dragon scales are already pulling the wind, and the small dragon dragon has shown nine claws again. This change is a bit big!


System said: "It's incredible!"

“咻 ——————————————”

在 At this moment, Xiaolonglong flew up, hoping to spin on the sky, and raised the sound of dragon yin shaking the mountains and rivers, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye were rippling!



The space is folded layer by layer, which instantly fills the entire dragon domain.

Those dragons who were in the weak because of Long Yuan were taken away, and they all turned up and kneeled, with strong awe in their hearts.


The three dragon kings are extremely embarrassed.

They were closest to Xiaolonglong, and they heard and felt the strongest. There was only one idea in the sea, that was to kneel quickly, but they couldn't move because they were nailed to the stone pillar.


Xiao Xiaoxian surprised, "So beautiful!"

The colorful scales, the sacred dragon power lingering, Xiaolonglong has lost the previous scales, which can be described as radiant and reborn!

Xun Jun often laughs at this moment and doesn't care about his dazzling appearance, but more about strength, especially from the perspective of breath, it seems to be a lot stronger than himself.


System said: "Better than the host."

"What level?"

"The higher level seeks the truth."


Xun Jun often smiled and twitched.

First, Yao Mengying inherited the innate sacred demon body, and the realm went up. Today, there is a contract animal rebirth of fire, directly soaring to the higher level to find the real world, in contrast, how much failure!


The system spit a sputum.

It is undeniable that there is a bit of failure in the dog leftover realm, but Kaihang is always far ahead.

I am just like being attached to the system just now. I have the ability to find the truth in the peak. This is something Yao Mengying and Xiaolonglong cannot do.

The three dragon kings are now completely stupid.

With a gorgeous appearance and nine dragon claws, this is definitely the legendary dragon ancestor form!

Five-Clawed Dragon?

King of Dragons?

目前 For now, it's too much.


Xiao Xiaolong regained the vastness of Longwei, and slowly fell to the ground. The colorful lights flashed into a young human form, and the layered scales formed noble costumes, and said brightly, "Master."

The short words render the atmosphere very warm.

Xi Jun often smiled and touched his brain, then silently took out a tear gas bomb.


Billowing thick fog.

The camera turned, one master and one servant hugged together, Doudian burst into tears, and moved the sky with tears.

Such a strong state, can't resist the tear gas?

Is very simple, almost separated from yin and yang. Now that she is safe and sound, she wants to cry for no reason, so I use it as a key moment.


The little magic fairy standing next to me also cried.

Although there is a tear gas component, it is more weeping with joy.

The above three belonged to wanting to cry, so it was natural for them to cry. The three dragon kings nailed to the stone pillars were injured and weak, and they could n’t bear the tear gas. Three thousand feet.

Uh ...

The little dragon who lost the body of the dragon emperor has become a nine-color nine-claw dragon. The strength has greatly increased, and it can be considered a blessing due to misfortune.

一切 All of this is because of the upgrade of the Earth Dragon Dragon Heart rewarded by Xuanzong, and even the tear gas is used for the reunion of the master and the servant.

of course.

It's not over yet.

Qing Minglong, who had seized power and seized the body of the dragon emperor, was alive, but only fell into a severe coma.

What's more, the three dragon kings were not punished.

"Little dragon."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "This is the internal affairs of the Dragon clan, and you will handle it."


Xiao Xiaolong walked to the stone pillar and looked at the half-dead Qingming Dragon King, his eyes flickered strongly.

Because of him, he got great chances by himself, but it is not the same thing as committing the following crimes, so death is the inevitable result.

"the host."

Xiao Xiaolong said: "This guy has inherited the body of the Dragon Emperor ~ ~ There is also a powerful dragon element in the body, and I want to smelt him away."


The backbone of the three dragon kings sweated cold.

"As for them ..." Xiaolonglong looked over, waved his hand, removed the dragon nails from them, and said indifferently: "Let's be immortal for the sake of not being a tiger."

The three big dragon kings, the wolf howls, fell to the ground, and could not care about the pain in the whole body. They hurried to kneel and panicked, "Thank my emperor ... the ancestors will not kill you!"

The Qingming Dragon King failed to seize power, and Xiaolong Dragon has become an overwhelming ruler of the Dragon clan. They can naturally recognize the form, but the other person has a colorful body with nine claws, which is actually the legendary dragon ancestor. Zu!

Xun Jun often laughed without saying a word.

After all, it is the housework of the Dragons.


Xiao Xiaolong raised his hand, and the mighty dragon roared out, covering the Qingming Dragon King nailed to the pillar of shame, and condensing into a dazzling crystal nucleus under the extremely miserable cymbals.


The three dragon kings took a cool breath.

Consolidate a pinnacle of truth into Long Yuan with opinions, which is definitely the power of Long Zu!

"Let's go."

Xun Jun often laughed: "The Hui Nationality Hall inherits Datong."


Xiao Xiaolong nodded.


Xiao Xiaoxian followed, and pouted, "Did you feel that you are great now, so you haven't seen me right?".

"Get out of here."

"stay away from me!"

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