The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1600: Ye Xingchen: Would you like to stay with me?

Although the Ten Great Sects did not go to the discussion of Wan Guzong, the work to be done was still to be done, the deployment was still to be deployed, and they were always ready for the upcoming disaster.


They have a panic.

With reference to the previous ten warships, many forces were gathered before one was destroyed. If more were to come, the situation would certainly not be optimistic.

"Too elder."

Lin Haoxian, the contemporary monk, stood outside Shimen in the secret room of Ling Tianxian, respectfully said, "Soon, there will be calamities in the upper world.

"Do not worry."

The vicissitudes came from inside: "The upper world is in trouble, and the old man will not stand idly by."

Lin Haoyan heard the words and was relieved.

In his opinion, as long as there is an elder elder, the problem will be small.

The other senior officials of Xianzong were not idle, they contacted the old antiques in Zongmen through various methods, hoping to come forward and compete with the foreign enemies.

Based on the upper realm, establish the realm.

The top ten immortals still have their heritage and energy.

of course.

The dog left is also clear.

Therefore, this time the astral spirit will come to commit crimes, and will never make a big head. What can be done is to protect the ancestral gate and come out to clean up when necessary.

If you get some high-tech from the offender, then it is best.


The mystery of time and space.

The body lying on the ground suddenly opened its eyes.

After a considerable period of time, Ye Xingchen finally merged with the physical body of the demon ancestor.


Standing up, clenching his fists, smiling at the corners of his mouth.

Because of the soul-hardening Heavenly Gong, Ye Xingchen's soul and body fit to 100%, no stranger at all, as if ... this body is originally its own.


Suddenly, the word 'attack' emerged on the forehead.

It can be seen that although the soul has transferred identity, it still retains the special effects of Lingyan Pavilion.


Jun Chang smiled in.


Ye Xingchen nodded, her eyes were more grateful.

Wouldn't he inherit such a perfect body without the help of his sovereign, and would he have ...


The gas field exploded, and the peak turned to Dan Jingxiu to fully open!

After the resurrection of the demon ancestors, after a short period of recuperation, he already possesses the median real-world power, and now he is occupied by Ye Xingchen, naturally inheriting some power.

The soldiers gave Wanguzong.

Technology was given to eternal ancestors.

The body was given to the elders.

Xiuwei gave it to Wanguzong.

If the soul of the demon ancestor was around, Jun Chang smiled and said, "Old iron, thank you!"


Ye Xingchen said, "The disciples want to take revenge!"

Although the appearance has changed, the sound has not changed, the sharp eyes and arrogance have not changed!

Still him.

Still a hot man!

Jun Chang laughed: "The apocalypse is about to commit crimes. It's not too late to go to the woman to settle the bill after dealing with this matter, not to mention that you still have a war covenant, naturally you must be in front of the eyes of everyone. shame!"


Ye Xingchen pressed to find the revenge of Ling Yao Yao Emperor.

He is no longer a night emperor in his own way, but he treats the ancient emperor Buddhism as a real home.

"Head ... it hurts ..."

Pei Niu, lying next to him, stood up, covering his head.


Looking at her body that has been used for more than ten years, Ye Xingchen proudly snorted, and her self-blame also disappeared.

In these years, Huier hasn't really bothered, but he knows that he always looks at himself in the dark and is very upset at first, but as he agrees with Wanzong and accepts the same door, he gradually develops guilt.

It was me who took her fiance's body.

It was me that caused the two to become strangers from lovers.

Every night when people are quiet, and when they are retreating, the kind of self-blame always rises quietly in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the sense of guilt grows stronger.

How to do!

Separate from the body, and let Aniu return!

After cultivating the Sacred Heavenly Gong, she realized that she could choose her body again. Ye Xingchen desperately wanted to free herself to fulfill them.


As expected!


After gradually adapting, Pei Aniu saw Jun Chang smiled in front of him and saluted immediately: "See Suzerain!"


Dog left unexpectedly: "Do you know this seat?"

"I not only know the suzerain, but also a group of brothers and sisters!" Said Pei Niu.


Ye Xingchen's face suddenly pulled down.

This kid must have self-consciousness when he is in control of his body. Do n’t he know all the things he did before?

So annoying!

I really want to kill!



Pei Aniu not only regained control of the body, but also had five transfers, and even inherited the blood of the Qingniu. It can be said that he lost more than ten years of freedom and received maximum compensation.

of course.

Joining Zongmen is Ye Xingchen.

So Jun Changxiao re-entered him for entry.

Pei Niu.

Disciples of Wan Guzong.

"Listen to me clearly!"

Ye Xingchen raised his finger in front of the camera, threateningly said, "From today on, I and he are two people, don't call me A Niu, otherwise ..."


Jun Chang laughed: "Come and try this second-generation armor."

"Okay, lord."


On the peak.

Huier and sisters came out laughing and laughing.

However, just after reaching the entrance of the ladder, he suddenly stopped and looked back at the star who was standing in the distance in front of the big tree.

"It's Brother Ye!"

"Why is he here?"

Female disciples have been whispering since.

These unnamed disciples still admire Ye Xingchen. After all, they are powerful and handsome.

"Come here!"

"What is he doing!"

"Did you come to Sister Huier?"

Just as everyone was talking, Ye Xingchen had stopped in front of Huier, reached out his hand, and said affectionately, "Would you like to stay with me for nothing?"

The female disciple standing next to me was stunned.


Is this confession to Sister Huier?

Is this still the full-blown male **** you know?


Xia Shuiyun pulled the corner of Huier's clothes and said, "Hurry up and answer."

She knew the story between the two, and now suddenly confessed that she definitely hoped that a lover would eventually become a dependent.

Huier didn't answer.

But Dou couldn't stop crying.

To a foreigner, the sentence just now is really scumming, but to her, it means that the real Aniu brother ... is back.

"Don't cry."

Ye Xingchen raised her hand to wipe the tears for her, and said, "I will feel heartache."

"very handsome!"

"Brother Ye is too man!"

The female disciples held their hands together and looked at the sister with envy.

"Brother Niu ..."

Huier finally couldn't control her emotions ~ ~ in the man's arms, tears couldn't stop.

Pei Aniu held his fiancee tightly, lowered his head and said gently in his ear: "You have been wronged in these years, and I will use the rest of my life to make up for it."


On the mountain peak in the distance, Su Xiaomo raised his thumb.

Wei Lao also nodded, and said, "A man of righteousness and righteousness."

Then, looking at Jun Chang on the other peak and the true night star, there was disdain on his face.

These two.

Properly note the orphan!


Ye Xingchen snorted on the face, but his mood was unprecedentedly calm. The whole person seemed to be freed from the cage of sin, and it looked bluer every day, and the water was clearer!

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