The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1612: Repair the main battleship

The system gave Jun Chang a smile to understand the characters of other planes, but it made him stare suddenly!

"What happened to the lord?"

Zhen Dejun and Shangguan Xi Yao were shocked.

Just fine, why did you suddenly kill?


Suddenly, Jun often laughed and blasted on the cockpit wall, and said angrily: "Dare you touch my home, I will let the astral spirit world be destroyed!"

"Stop talking hard!"

System said: "Hurry up and send instructions as a general to let them give up attacking the starfall continent!"


Jun Chang smiled hurriedly to the light curtain, but then growled weakly: "This is not a mobile phone or a computer. Why is there no input method? How can I send instructions!"


The system is silent.

Although the information of the Tenth Fleet's attack on the star-studded continent is known, how can it be stopped if they do not know how to use it?

Moreover, such a more developed transmission must have an identity, and it must be difficult for non-generals to get recognition.


Zhen Dejun said, "What's wrong?"

Jun Chang laughed and said the words on the light curtain. After learning about it, he and Shangguan Yunyao both showed strong anger.

Although the upper world has stronger attributes of the earth and the higher world, for most of the people in Wanchou, the starry continent is the home for me to support me, and now it is being watched by the higher planes. The situation is certainly not optimistic.


Zhen Dejun said eagerly: "We have to go back to help!"

"How to go back?"

This sentence made him question.

It's easy to come up, but it's hard to go down.

At this moment, even if it is known that the star continent is in trouble, because of the restrictions of the heavens, it is impossible to sneak on.


Jun often laughed and remembered something, when the black and white Luo Cha shouted.

These two people have been to the Nether, and there should be any special way to go back.


After learning about this, Bai Luocha said embarrassingly: "Sovereign, we can use Qiankun to reverse Dafa to sneak into the upper realm. However, there are restrictions on the number and we can't escape the heavenly sanctions, and the realm will be suppressed at the level of breaking the air."

"How many people can pass?"



Jun Chang laughed and was depressed.

The limit of the realm does not matter, because he does not believe that the presence of a high-level warrior in the lower realm will maintain the peak of the realm. As long as he has enough staff, he should be able to cope with it, and by the way, he can pretend to be beautiful.

Two ...


Jun Chang laughed: "Hurry up and send me to the Nether."


Hei Luochao Road: "The reversal of Dafa by Qiankun can only transfer the warriors of Dan."

Jun Chang laughed and heard the words, paralyzed directly on the seat.

It does not matter if there is a limit on the number of people. As long as you send yourself down, you can't destroy the First Fleet or the Tenth Fleet with absolute strength and plug-ins?


Jun Chang smiled at the elder Taixuan who was always silent, and said, "Is there any way?"

"no way."

The old man Taixuan shook his head.

There is a way up, there is no way to go down.

"At this moment."

System said: "It is more reliable to refresh the mall!"

"That's it."

Jun Changxiao can only put his mind on the mall, after all, the upper world first returned by props.


At this moment, Taixuan said, "I can try to repair this main battleship, maybe there will be a way to return to the lower bound."

Jun often laughs and his eyes light up.

"Don't listen to him."

Systemically said: "The ghost knows if the research can be successful. Even if it is successful, daylily will be cold."


Jun Chang laughs into deep thought.

The star continent is in trouble and cannot delay time.

"Although this main battleship was cut, the overall structure was not damaged. If it is carried into the secret space of time and space, the outside world should be able to repair it in two or three hours."



"Okay, hurry up!"


The system crashed and said, "This old Taixuan is deliberately righting me!"

On the same day, the main battleship was transported into the secret space of time and space, and all members of the Zhenfa Church entered it for repair.

The matter was handed to the elder Tai Xuan. Jun Chang laughed at ease, but because his heart was linked to the safety of the starfall continent, he deliberately came in to take charge of the command and even actively participated in the research.



The atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Disciples are aware of the fact that the Tenth Fleet of the Astral Spirit is about to attack the Astral Continent. At this moment, the disciples know that they are very worried and anxious because their families are in the Nether.

"Second Brother."

Su Xiaomo said, "Can we go back?"


Li Qingyang's eyes were firm.

He and Su Xiaomo's parents are in the Nether, especially the beloved woman is also in Tieguzhen. Although anxious, but because of trust in the suzerain, he can still stay calm at this moment.

At this time, whether Long Ziyang, Li Fei or Li Shangtian were anxiously waiting, they were praying that the starfall continent was not attacked.


"Hurry up!"

In the secret space of time and space, Jun Chang laughed while watching the labor land, while urging the members of the Zhenfa Church to speed up the process.

Unlike Li Qingyang, he has no blood relatives in the Nether, but there are Wang Dazhen, Ai Family Owner, Xie Chengzhu and others who naturally will not tolerate them being harmed.


Nether universe.

Ten steel battleships hang in the dark.


Inside the main battleship, a subordinate said, "The general has not sent instructions."

The man in his early twenties sitting on the command chair dragged his face with one hand and said, "It only takes a quarter of an hour to transmit from the lower universe to the upper universe. Why is there no response?"


The subordinate said: "This starburst continent is a bit strange, and there are many more advanced teleportation arrays inside."


Young people are quite surprised.

He also has a teleportation system in the astral world, but it was also created after years of accumulation. There is even a lower universe, which is beyond imagination.

"Not waiting."

He stood up and said, "Initiate an attack."

Asking the army to give instructions is nothing more than routine business. Today, warships are in the lower universe, and as the captain of the tenth ship, naturally have absolute power to issue various orders.



For a moment, it seemed that the ten warships docked in the port quickly anchored and set sail.


Starfall continent.

In the past few years when Jun Changxiao left, the changes have been quite big. First of all, there are super-transport arrays, which greatly improves the convenience. Many things become simpler than before. Secondly, the twelve patrols make the town harmonious and stable. .

this day.

Southwest Yangzhou is particularly lively.

Because, the original Iron Bone Pipa faction officially opened a sect today decades ago!

In order to commemorate this sect gate, and to remember the ascension legend, many forces and families spontaneously came to Qingyang City and came to Tiegu Town.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Yunlai Inn, Xie Guangkun sat by the window, raised his glass to look at the sky, and said to himself, "I don't know if I will have a chance to meet again in the future."

"It's impossible."

Ai Shangyin shook his head and said, "A legend such as the monarch and the monarch is destined to make a contribution in the upper world. For him, the starfall continent is nothing more than the most insignificant temporary residence in the long years."

"It's impossible ~ ~ Cangshan sent elder Ma Yunteng to come in. Because they are familiar with each other, so you are welcome to sit in the empty seat, and said," Taking the monarch as the man, I will definitely come back, see us old friends . "


The owner of Ai was quite ashamed and said, "I made a mistake and punish myself for a cup!"


Suddenly, the wine glass trembled, the table trembled, and the whole Yunlai Inn shook with it.

Everyone's face changed slightly, and they hurried out.

In the sky, the space was gradually torn apart, and giant ships came in.

"Starfall continent creatures."

"Congratulations, you are about to become slaves to the Protoss."

"This is a supreme glory, and you should be thankful."

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