The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1620: Hard Gang Realm Church!


名 A famous mountain in the central area.

Later, the Ten Great Sects established Jietang with it for peace.

As the official organization on the bright side, Jietang's headquarters is located on the top of Jieshan, which is naturally magnificent and magnificent.


A child stood in the distance watching the misty mountains and said, "Is this the Jietang?"


My father touched the child's head and laughed, "Don't do bad things when you grow up, or Jietang will send someone to arrest you."

The child is a little scared.

In fact, in the eyes of ordinary soldiers in the upper world, Jietang is an unattainable existence, especially symbolizing rights and majesty, so anyone who passes by Jieshan will be afraid.


Suddenly, the wind was blowing.

After looking at the father and son passing by Jieshan two times, he saw a huge warship hanging in the sky.

"Tongu warship?"

"Eternal Suzerain!"

怎么 "Why did he come to Jieshan?"

Passers-by nearby stopped and their faces appeared stunned.

Because it is an official organization, it is common for power to visit, but this kind of picture of a warship hanging in front of the Jietang Mountain has never appeared.

I'm not right.

something wrong!

"Eternal Suzerain, the monk always laughs."

此时 At this moment, a tender voice came from the warship: "Special visit to Jietang."

The martial arts soldiers in each lane happened to be watching the Tonggu warship, and soon locked the children who were standing at the bow of the ship, their expressions were instantly frozen.

This guy ... is Jun Chang laughing?

Although we haven't seen the elder suzerain, we have heard that it should be a young man in his twenties. Why is it that he looks like a little fart wearing open crotch pants today?

No, no!

Should I be a disciple or servant?



There were several streamers flying out of the mountain of Jiejie, apparently the Jietang strong.

They stopped outside the ancient warship Baizhang, with a trace of anger in their eyes, and a puzzlement.


Since the establishment of Jijietang, there have been no-fly zones.


Why did n’t I see myself since it was the visit of the Patriarchal Suzerain?

Or, send a little fart instead?

Come on!

I look down on who!


An old man whispered coldly: "Sorry, our Jietang will not see you today, so we will come back sometime."

Although Xie Jie Tang is a bit afraid of laughing, but as an official agency, he still has a face, and sending a child to visit is simply a shame of red fruit.


Xi Jun often laughed: "Just today."

Because of the grievances with Jietang, Gouyu didn't talk coldly, it felt like ... rushing into a fight!

Just before it soared, the strength was too weak to compete with this organization, and he could only choose to eat chicken. Today, unlike the past, Zongmen not only has strong real-world seekers, but also has stone statues and dragons behind it.

Don't talk about a community hall, even if there are ten great immortals, I always laugh and dare to go to gun!

Sigh of confidence.

Is enough!

"Deacon King."

Tamarix Sinan stepped out of the cockpit and said, "My suzerain has important matters to discuss during this visit. Please don't deliberately make things difficult."

It ’s okay if he did n’t come out, and Deacon Wang was furious when he came out, and said angrily, “Yu Sinan, as the exterminator of Jietang, do n’t you know the rules of no-fly within Jieshan? Then, who is making things difficult for whom? "

Doraemon: "I'm on the side of Jietang, what they say is reasonable!"

"It doesn't matter who makes things difficult."

Xun Jun often smiled and said lightly: "Give you three counts of time, and let the lords come out quickly, otherwise ..." After a pause, his eyes were cold: "You can enter this seat!"

I changed my mind, the King of Guns!

When Puppet Star Spirit Fleet came to commit crimes, Puppet never saw him so capable!

The anger of the powerful Jietangtang increased.

If they were the elders of the eternal ancestors, they might give up, but a little fart would be so arrogant and treacherous that he would just bully someone into their home.

"one two Three!"

Xun Jun often laughed and shouted three numbers at the fastest speed.


The martial arts soldiers almost fell down.

At this speed, I made it clear that no one will be given the opportunity to consider, and I made it clear that I want to get in!

Since the establishment of Jijietang, it represents a symbol of authority, and no one has dared to enter it. If Wanzongzong did it, it would definitely be ... a little exciting!

The martial arts soldiers of various places are typical to see the fun and not too big. They are sitting on the small benches and smashing the seeds and eating watermelons, and they add the words: "This melon is really sweet!"

"Time is up."

Xun Jun often smiled and said lightly: "Then don't break into this world!"



Suddenly, more than a dozen core disciples headed by Li Qingyang flew out, and the lower-level truth-seeking cultivation was completely erupted, instantly filling the entire boundary mountain.


There are distortions of the matrix around it, and it gradually appears.

Xie Jie Tang is not a ancestral gate, but there is a large array of mountain guards. Now it looks a little shivering in front of a group of elder disciples.


Qi Su Xiaomo flew up first, kicked her feet on the enchantment, and crushed the first layer directly.

"Boom boom!"

飞 Li Fei, Long Ziyang, and others are not far behind, and they have gathered in Zongmen martial arts to form a brilliant light and forcibly break through.

"I go!"

A passerby said, "I really want to get in!"

"Evans are too fierce!"

"If they really broke into the Jietang today, it will surely cause a huge sensation to pass to the upper world!"

"How can the Top Ten Immortals tolerate?"

Many people are beginning to consider the worst consequences of this event.


Eventually, the Hushan array burst completely.



Inside Jie Jie Tang, a large number of masters flew out in anger.

官方 The real strength of this official institution is presented. There are no less than ten real-world realms, and the realms of Zhuan Dan are everywhere.

If the Jun often laughs and breaks forcibly, it will be difficult for the world to see a combat force of this scale.

犯 "Guilt me!"

Deacon King Wang angrily exclaimed: "Unforgivable!"



The strong side of Qiu Jietang was fully opened, his eyes flashed with intense warfare.


Coming soon.

However, when Ghost Eight flew out of the battleship, the median search for the real world repaired and the majestic magma erupted, and immediately suppressed all the breath emerging from the boundary mountain!


Xun Jun often sneered, the small appearance was lovely.

I changed to the previous words ~ ~ Seeing Jietang seeking so much truth, I may be a little persuasive, but now I don't take it seriously.



Uh ...

Bejie Mountain is high in the sky.

The Wanguzong side and the Jietang side were separated by dozens of feet, and the atmosphere was extremely killing.


At this moment, a streamer flew over, showing a majestic middle-aged man wearing a Jinyi, with a stern look: "If you come to commit crimes, are you always smiling?"


Tamarix South Road: "He is the master of the world."

"Lingtian Xianzong?"

Xun Jun often laughed and faintly remembered that the Astral Realm had come to commit crimes. Among the many strong men sent by Ling Tianxian Sect was this one.

Tamarix Sinan nodded, and said, "According to the internal regulations of the Church, the ten masters are on duty in turn, and this time it is Lingtian Xianzong."


Xi Jun often laughed and said, "Yes, this is my intention."

"This seat?"

A closer look at the Jiejietangtang found that this guy looked a bit like the elder monarch, so he blurted out: "Are you the son of Jun Changxiao?"

The dog walked with an angry face, his mouth didn't keep up with his thoughts, and growled, "I'm his boss!"



Wan Guzong's senior and his disciples looked at the question mark.

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