The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1727: Do you think I am a person who is afraid of trouble?

Yu soul world is dominated by soul.

This soul can be called a certain attribute.

There are green soul, blue soul, purple soul, red soul, black soul, and gold soul.

In short, in fact, it is similar to the spiritual root of the human plane. The richer the color, the more expensive it is.

However, the color of the soul is inherent and cannot be changed, so in the realm of the soul, it is directly divided into three, six, and nine, and even determines the future of a tribe.

Such as the lowest green soul.

These royal souls have no status from birth to death, and slaves and servants are their only choice.

Why divide the color of the soul?

Because it has a direct relationship with blood purity.

The higher the level, the more natural martial arts practice is.

Some souls are born first, and some souls become slaves as soon as they are born, which is the true portrayal of the souls.

规律 This law has advantages and disadvantages.

What is beneficial is that the noble souls are combined with each other, and the offspring are also noble. They can concentrate resources to make them stronger.

The disadvantage is that the low-level souls will become the foil and always serve them.

"Green Soul?"

When the flower rose appeared in the field of vision, the strong soul in the realm of the spirit was stunned.

There is a clear rule on the plane, and the low-level green soul is not allowed to enter the battlefield of the plane. Why did this woman come out of it?

And this man, not my race!

"Sure enough."

The corners of the mouth of the rose of the rosette rose with bitterness.

She caught contempt in the eyes of the soul-bearing warrior who exudes the same breath.

When I came, although I was mentally prepared, I realized after real experience that it was so uncomfortable to be looked down upon by the same kind.

of course.

The flower rose came to the realm of the soul just to see it, and hoped to learn something here, for example, since they are the same family, why do they and the people live in the lower world.


A strong man said with a cold face, "I'm in the realm of the soul, can you a dirty human be able to set foot at will!"

"And you bitch!"

Looking at Hua Rose, he scolded, "It's hard to be so close to him ..."


Before he finished speaking, the fist carrying the force of great strength suddenly banged in the abdomen, and the powerful impact forced the warrior to bend down, and the painful eyes were almost staring out.

"嘭 ————————"

With a loud bang, he flew out thousands of feet away directly, his entire body was sunken in the mountain, his heart-broken pain occupied the high ground, and his thoughts fainted because of interruption.

The process of happening is too fast.

As a result, when the strong souls around him turned around, they saw Jun Chang smile and collect his fists, and his eyes were cold: "Make my mouth clean."

A few words, combined with the killing intentions, and the dark swirls, as if the demon from Hell.

"Look for death!"

Yu soul world strong immediately became angry.

Purple, red and other lights burst out, Chao Jun often laughed and killed the past.

In the realm of his own family, who can bear his family?

What's more, when a human came out of the vortex, he could understand with his butt, this is definitely a celestial warrior.

"Soul flies!"

"Big Seal!"



The punch of his own companion with a punch, should be extraordinary, so the overpowered Soul Soul powerhouse will show no mercy, and all kinds of martial arts will be exhibited, because the soul is different and the scene is colorful.


"Boom boom!"

Xun Jun often laughed and stood in place, the sky ’s paw prints broke out in a frenzy, and dozens of powerful soul-hunters who were killed were all shot out like flies.

家伙 The realm of this guy is still a half-step heavenly realm, but after merging with the blood of Tianmo, his strength is even stronger.



Dozens of powerful soul souls fell neatly to the ground.

They are without exception, because they can't bear the powerful force to stun the past.

This is Jun Changxiao's mercy, or they all have to die.

He gathered thousands of warriors from the nearby Imperial Soul Realm and saw his companions blown out, his eyes panicked.

This son.

Horrible strength!

"let's go."

Xun Jun often glanced at the soldiers present with a smile and left with a flower rose. No one dared to jump out during the whole process. After all, wasn't he alive?

"Who is this guy!"

"Dare to hurt me like this with such recklessness, it's clear that I'm here to hit the scene!"

"Hurry up and notify the guard tower!"

Uh ...

The environment of Yuhunjie is similar to that of Yutianjie. It is a beautiful place to live in mountains and rivers.

The only difference is that the attributes of heaven and earth here are mainly soul spirits. Although human beings can use them for themselves, they can't be tempered.

On the way.

Flower rose always bowed her head and said nothing.

"That ..." A little, she stopped and said, "Let's go back."


"Because I am Green Spirit, it may cause you trouble."

Xi Jun often stopped and smiled, turned to look at her, and said, "Do you think I am a person who is afraid of trouble?"

"This article is too serious!"

System said: "I can't bear birds anymore!"

"I don't want to hurt you because of me." Hua Rose said.

Xi Jun often laughed: "I don't want to hurt you, especially in this world that is closely related to you."

Hehua Rose looked at him suddenly, his cheeks gradually turned red.


Systematicly said, "Does the host become serious, and the emotional intelligence will automatically improve?"


Suddenly, Jun often laughed and rushed with a lunge, took her in his arms, and stepped on the mysterious footwork quickly.


人 As soon as the people here left, the explosion sounded from the side, and the wind and energy whistled out.

Xun Jun often laughed and stabilized his body. He did not go to see the deep pit where he was standing before, but looked up at the sky coldly.


Above, a strong soul in the realm of the Jin Dynasty stood proudly, gathered a golden light in his palm, and said, "No wonder I dare come to my world to hit the ground. It turned out to be quite capable ~ ~ It is obvious.

This guy is a noble golden soul.

The strength is also good, comparable to the half-step opportunity of the upper world.

Xi Jun often laughed and put down the flower rose, and said, "Hide away."


Flower rose back.

However, my heart is as sweet as smeared with honey.

Before I changed, even if I was worried that I would be affected, I should say something farther away.


The strong soul of the Royal Soul Realm said lightly, "Dare to come to our world with a green soul. Excuse me, who gave you courage?"

"锵 ——————————"

Suddenly, the sound of the sheath sounded.

He had n’t waited for him to return to God, Jun Chang smiled in front of him, and Zhizhen sword frame around his neck, saying: "Liang Jingru."

"Who is Liang Jingru?"

Question mark on the face of a rose flower.

Suddenly was put on the neck by the sword, giving no reaction time at all, which made the strong soul in the realm of the soul feel dumbfounded, then raised his hands calmly, and said, "Have a good life!"


Flower rose silent.

It's too irritating for me to have the same bloodline as me.

I was not too irritated, but her man was too strong, and immediately bound him, but anyone with a brain knew that the wise choice was to surrender!

Xun Jun often laughed and did not kill the golden soul, but tied it into a cave, and said, "I need to know everything about the realm of the soul, including the history and legends of the ethnic group."

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