The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1810: Strong hole card!

Lu Yan lost.

Because, the speed of landing is faster than sharp.

According to the rules of the race, in the case where it is not possible to determine whether the player has the fighting ability, it can only be determined who left the match first and who loses.

In fact, at the time, everyone could see that they had lost sharply and even abused underages, but the rules were rules after all.

The audience exploded.

Obviously you can win, why should you give in?

The operation of this eternal disciple is completely incomprehensible!


Want to leave it to other disciples?


I can't abuse it alone, I want to continue to abuse it.

But this is the galaxy race, let alone say that there is hope of promotion in the loser group, is it not fragrant to take a top ten seed player?


"They vomited blood from their suzerain!"

"It's childish!"

Everyone did not understand Lu Yan's deliberate concession, and even thought it was completely unnecessary.

"Monarch Sovereign ..."

Gu Tianxing turned his head and said, "Too ridiculous?"


Jun often laughs without saying a word.

At the moment he is being treated by Sun Bukong and is inserting a needle for blood transfusion.

The dog left counted it out, participating in the galaxy race, the disciples were not to win the championship, but to play themselves!

of course.

Jun Chang smiled and understood the intentions of Su Xiaomo and Lu Yan, and could not accept that Li Shangtian was abused, so he planned to let the same door abuse one by one, but ... hey, forget it, just play.

There are also losers.

With the strength of Lu Yan and others, there must be no suspense for promotion.

If that guy can abuse his skeptical life and cast out a psychological shadow, it can be regarded as a revenge for his disciples.

In fact, the reason why Jun Chang laughs is afraid of being acted on, because of the epic task, after all, at least two disciples need to get Jihad tickets. If the amount exceeds the requirements, more rewards will be given.

The disciples are acting.

Not a few of them were promoted.


"But ... hate ..."

He fell sharply outside the Doutai, with pain and anger in his eyes.

Su Xiaomo was deliberately beaten up just now. He didn't see it. This time, Lu Yan deliberately confessed to lose.

仨 word.

Not reconciled.

"You are the righteous son most valued by your father. This time you participate in the galaxy race, you must win the championship." Yifu's words sounded in his ears.

I can't lose.

I also want to win the championship for the right father!

"Can you fight?" The referee came over to ask the status.


Severely pressing the pain on his face, struggling to stand up and saying, "Yes!"

Although seriously wounded, but with a mission, even if he died in Doudou, he still had to fight.

This wolf is very tenacious.

But when he got up, a group of lions came over.

Ye Xingchen secretly said: "If you meet me, I will make you lose the ability to speak."

The elder sister deliberately stepped down and made him very excited, because there was another chance to abuse that guy!

Tell the truth.

Lu Yan's abuse is already fierce.

But in the view of Yedi, he was not strong enough. Only by his own hands will the world understand how happy it is to die!


The game continues.

The disciples of Wan Guzong successively went on to win the competition.

For now, except for a few top-level geniuses, other battles are completely unnecessary.

The next round draw.

Ye Xingchen walked down holding the token.

He stared fiercely until he was sure he hadn't got it, and then said in disgust, "Let him live a little longer!"


He Wudi came over and said, "I got him."

Ye Xingchen hurriedly turned his head and saw that the second number drawn by this guy happened to correspond to the sharp one, and he couldn't control his emotions and shouted, "Fuck!"


Than Doutai.

As the referee shouted.

He Wudi, holding the No. 2 card, came to power first.


Ling Li also came up.

Because he was so miserable by Lu Yan, he stood swaying than Doutai, his hands dropped.

"Are you sure you can still fight?" The referee asked again.


Sharp voice said hoarse.

He Wudi didn't say a word, looked up at the blood transfusion lord, and suddenly realized that he was aware.

At this time, if the dog left knew what he was thinking, he would growl: "I didn't give any wink, you know what a hair!"


"Meet the disciple of Wan Guzong again?"

"This guy is going to be miserable."

"In this state, even the most ordinary contestants can beat."

Everyone whispered.

Everyone does not think that there is still a strong ability to fight. If you insist on taking office, you are definitely giving abuse.

not to mention.

This invincibility seems not simple.

"Oh ..." Hearing everyone talking about themselves, sternly lowered their heads and put their hands up, with a strange smile in their mouths.


He Wudi frowned.

"Do you think I have no energy to fight, do you think I'm here to send abuse?" Ling Li suddenly looked up, and a trembling face appeared.


He Wudi was silent for a while, and straightly said, "Yes."


Li Li covered her face and laughed loudly, and the tears of laughter came out. With a smile, her thoughts returned to her childhood, and she returned to the past where she fought for survival.

It is destined to need anime group to fill the memory plot, so as the original, there is not much narrative. In short, according to the convention, no matter the decent or the villain, as long as it is killed from the memory, the combat power will definitely skyrocket.


Sure enough, the fierceness of his left and right body gradually filled with a blood-like atmosphere, and his chest tattoo followed.

His eyes were red as blood, his hair was red as blood, and his fingernails became slender and sharp, as if from a man to a wolf.

"this is……"

Gu Tianxing was surprised and said, "Bloodline of the Demon Emperor?"

Jun Chang smiled and tore off the blood vessel, his expression also became serious.

The guy seemed to go crazy suddenly, very similar to his bloodline.

"Do not misunderstand."

The system immediately explained: "The dog left had previously incorporated the blood of the demon, please don't brain-fill the demon emperor with his blood relationship."


Jun Chang laughed: "How can a righteous son have the blood of the Emperor Demon?"

"Everyone who survives the killing will be given the blood of the Emperor," Gu Tianxing explained.

"So it is."

Jun Chang smiled and held his chin and said, "So, did he move his card?"


Gu Tianxing's tone was abnormally dignified: "Although this son has only inherited a trace of blood from the Emperor Demon, once his awakening, his power is extremely terrifying. Your disciple is afraid ..."



At this moment, Li Li's whole body seemed to be injected with chicken blood, not only did not shake, but also straightened the waist plate, and his hair, eye pupils, eyebrows, and skin were all blood stained, looking very scary.


"I'm sharp."

"Heaven Emperor Yoshiko!"

At that moment, the resurrection of the full state was more arrogant than before, and the powerful breath that filled it made many top geniuses frightened.

"Did you finish?"

He Wudi said indifferently, ~ ~ 咻 "Suddenly, rushed into a red light, screaming angrily:" They all stared at me, who is abused in this fight! "



For a moment, Bidoutai rolled up the bloodthirsty wind.

He Wudi stood in place, his hair was fluttering, and then ... a side turned away, his right hand was turned into a fist, and he suddenly smashed towards the rushing slam.



"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

After the multi-matrix blessing platform collapsed instantly, the surrounding ground spread like a dense spider web, and even extended to the viewing platform, the audience was almost frightened.

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