The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1823: He is invincible one step further from home


Gu Zhaoxi pushed the door open and growled: "I refuse!"

He has learned from Jun Changxiao's mouth that he will marry a plastic surgery monster next year, and naturally will not agree.

"Rejection is invalid."

Gu Tianxing put down the tea cup.


Gu Zhaoxi shouted: "I want to practice, I want to become stronger!"

"It doesn't prevent you from practicing after you get married, nor does it prevent you from becoming stronger." Gu Tianxing turned his head and said, "If you are in trouble with your children, father and mother will help take care of it."


Gu Chaoxi hugged his head, and his spirit was completely broken.


Gu Tianxing said solemnly: "My old Gu family needs you to spread the leaves."

When he was young, he had no idea about the reproduction of future generations, and he also yearned for martial arts. The longer he can live, the more he understands how important it is to continue the incense.

The dog is still young.

Early marriage will not be sanctioned by heaven.

So he hopes that in his lifetime, he can see his descendants.

"I won't get married!" Gu Zhaoxi snatched out, obviously unable to understand his father's pains.


Gu Tianxing sighed.

Gu Mudao said: "After all, the child is still young, maybe next year will be sensible."


Although the old couple are the top powerhouses in the upper universe, they still have the attitude of being mortal about their son.




In the canteen of the ancient Guzong, Gu Zhaoxi swallowed and drunk.

He was very irritable and needed wine to relieve his worries.

There was Ye Xingchen sitting next to him, who was also very irritable and was drinking gulp.

One is struggling for the past, and the other is struggling for marriage. At this moment, it is barely counted as sympathetic.


Suddenly, Jun Chang smiled and punched Ye Di out of the cafeteria with a punch, then sat down wisely and snatched the wine altar from Gu Zhaoxi's hands, saying: "Although you are about to grow into an adult age, you are not yet drinking age."


Gu Zhaoxi mourned: "I don't want to get married!"

"I know."

Jun Chang laughed and took a sip of drunken life.

Gu Zhaoxi said: "Otherwise, shall we leave Tiantianjie?"

"Are you going to run away from home again?"

"If you don't leave, you will get married with the facelift next year!"

"Do you want to get married, or do you want to get married to Qingqiu Lin?"


This sentence questioned Gu Zhaoxi.


What is it for?

"Brother." Jun Chang laughed: "People Qingqiu Lin needs to look and look, and to have identity and identity, that doesn't deserve you?"


Gu Zhaoxi said nothing.

Although I have understood that the ugly monsters I saw for the first time, I just deliberately found someone to pretend to be, but I was really scared out of the psychological shadows, and even seeing Qingqiu Lin would think she had a plastic surgery!

"People live in this world, sometimes they can't take care of themselves too much, but also know how to take care of others, especially their closest relatives." Jun Chang laughed seriously.

Gu Zhaoxi said: "Brother agrees to my marriage?"

"You are the master of your marriage." Jun Chang smiled.


He added: "If you refuse to marry because of ethnicity, it is completely unnecessary, after all ..."

"I know."

Gu Zhaoxi said: "Sister-in-law is not human."


Jun Changxiao growled and said: "Talking about your problem, how did it get to me!"


Gu Zhaoxi put his chin on the table and said, "I envy my brother. I can marry a woman I like, unlike I have no choice since birth."

"Uncle also thinks of you."

"I know, but I have no relationship with Qingqiulin."

"This is affection." Hua Rose came and sat next to Jun Changxiao, laughing and said, "It can be cultivated the day after tomorrow."


Gu Zhaoxi was silent.

"Boom" At this moment, the door of the cafeteria was violently opened, and I saw Qing Qiulin stepping on the hate sky and entered with anger, he said: "Gu Zhaoxi, my point is not good enough for you!"

Jun Chang smiled at the sight, and pulled the rose in a fun way to leave.

After a while, there was a "bang" bombardment in the cafeteria, a wave of violent energy followed by a wave of shock, and the scalp passing by the disciple burst.

"what happened!"

Liu Wanshi hurried over and learned that Elder Gu and Qingqiulin were inside, and immediately turned around to return, and announced aloud: "The evening meal is delayed by one hour!"




When Gu Zhaoxi was violently abused by the family, He Hewei, who was sitting in the secret territory of Tianji, continued to appear in the whole body.

"Sister He is breaking through!" Su Xiaomo and others said enviously.

Li Qingyang and Lu Qianqian's promotion requires pen and ink to describe, He Hedi is completely unnecessary, after all, come here.

To be precise, as a powerhouse with a clear level, unless it breaks through the realm that has not been reached in the previous life, any previous level will be experienced again.


After a successful promotion, He Wudi exhaled.

There is no surprise or excitement, and some are treated with ordinary heart.

He Wudi walked out of the secret territory, looked up at the blue sky dome, clenched his fists a little, and said, "Go one step further from home."


At this moment, Jun Changxiao's voice sounded in his ear: "Come to the study."



He Wudui pushed the door and came.

Jun Chang smiled and clasped his hands together, squinting with a smile: "Breakthrough?"

Seeing this, He Wudi was immediately nervous.


He said bitterly: "I really have no cheats!"

"This seat is not for you to ask for cheats." Jun Chang smiled: "It's a serious matter to ask you."

Not cheating?

He Wudi suddenly relieved.

Jun Chang smiled with five fingers on the table and beat regularly, with a serious expression: "You come from a high-level plane, can you know any way to enter the land of eternal life?"

"Spy on a higher level than the heavenly machine, you can get the qualification to embark on the road of eternal life, so you can enter the land of eternal life." He Wudidao.

"No other way?"


He Wudi's expression changed, and he was shocked: "The Sect Master will not plan to repeat the old tricks, and sneak into the land of immortality?"

"Do not."

Jun Chang laughed: "The reader will say I repeat the routine."

"Then there is no shortcut." He Wudi said.

"This seat means." Jun Chang said with a smile: "Is there any shortcut to a higher level than Tianji Realm."

I do n’t sneak into the land of immortality, can I take another shortcut?


He Wudi whispered in his heart: "Is there a difference?"


After a little consideration ~ ~ said: "It seems not."

He didn't dare to give affirmation accurately. After all, the world is so big, there are no exceptions, and the ghost knows if there are any shortcuts to peep at that level.


Suddenly, He Wudi thought of something, and he forgot his head: "If there is a shortcut in this world to spy on a higher realm than the heavenly plane, the only thing the disciple thinks is ... Qi Xuan Xia Guangguang is broken!"

"How to say?" Jun Changxiao will ask.

He Wudi said: "Senior Xuan Xuan once put down his words, and the seven remnants contain his feelings about the heavenly path. If the destiny can understand the mystery, any confusion in the martial arts can be solved!"

"You mean, if you can understand the mystery existing in the residual volume of this seat, can you spy on a higher level than Tianji?" Jun Chang laughed.

"Not bad."

He invincible vowed.

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