"A little trouble!"

Seeing all kinds of gorgeous martial arts blast over, Long Ziyang frowned slightly.

Although relying on the real sun can be worthy of those veteran yellow characters strong, but to meet so much power, certainly can not carry it!


Just then Xiao Xiao rushed and waved his hands!


Substantial fossil-based walls suddenly appeared around them, covering them.

This defensive wall is gathered by the spirits of the earth system, and the body of the great waste of Xiao Sinji is blessing. The momentum of the explosion seems to be several ancient mountains that have been moved from the ancient wasteland!

Chihai mainland warriors sneered.

Although the wall looks a bit heavy, I will wait for a shot together, even the top yellow characters may not be able to carry it!




All kinds of light beams blasted on the wall, and the wind whizzed!

However, under the chill, the earth wall erected around Xiao Xinji and Long Ziyang did not produce any cracks.


The Chihai mainland warriors who joined forces attacked dumbfounded.

Although their strength is not the strongest in the yellow class, five or six people join forces to attack, the power is very horrible, but the starburst continental warriors rely on the soil system defense wall to resist, and they have not even broken at all.



The earth walls dissipated one after another.

Xiao Guiji looked up and grinned, "It's really exciting!"

Being able to fight against this level of strong, you can use the defensive power to experience stronger power, making his blood burn instantly crazy!

"Come on!" Li Qingyang yelled.

Li Fei, Tian Qi and others rushed up from the left and right sides.

Their eyes flashed hot, and they all locked up an opponent and launched a crazy bombardment!

that moment.

As long as it is the ancient martial arts martial arts, it will be displayed in full swing!

Because of the large number of warriors on the mainland of Chihai, in order to avoid disciples being attacked more often, Jun Chang laughed and ordered Jiang Xie to fight.


Is to assist Li Qingyang and others to fight.


He Invincible blooms first!

Rely on speed and martial arts to kill a yellow-character warrior on the spot.

Ye Xingchen at the other end is still fighting fiercely, because the opponent is stronger than the previous one.

"Bashing ---"

After fighting more than ten moves, Pei Niu grabbed the opponent's flaw, and a sword flickered and penetrated the heart directly.


The warrior looked at the warrior with a mask in front of him, but his eyes were incredible.

He is obviously stronger than him, but why did he die in his hands!

Because of equipment.

Because of experience.


Ye Xingchen drew his sword and rushed to another Chihai mainland warrior without looking back.

Although Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others are not as high as their opponents, they have the blessing of true sun, and have experience in the life and death secrets. Once you let go of the battle, it is like a beast!


The king of purple magpies said: "Can I fight?"

Seeing the fierce killing of Li Qingyang and other people, he was a little unstable!

"Can be ..."

Before Jun Chang's joke was finished, the Purple King Demon King flew out, and instantly approached a Red Sea mainland strong who was waiting for the opportunity to attack Xiao Xieji, and raised it to the ground with his palm!


The enemy fell to the ground, his chest sunken, and he died of anger.



The Purple King Demon King made two consecutive shots.

The two strong yellow-character warriors had no power to fight back, and were killed on the spot. Those who died couldn't die anymore!

Jun often twitched at the corners of his mouth.

This guy should be a terrestrial character in terms of strength. Killing yellow characters only gives me 1 point of merit. This is a complete waste of life!

At this moment, several Chi Hai continents rallied with various forces!




The Purple King Demon King stepped out of the emptiness of Qilang, his gaze broke out, and his clothes burst out ...

"Don't kill!" Jun Changxiao hurriedly discouraged: "You are responsible for watching them, don't let them slip away. These martial arts are handed over to Qingyang to solve them."

"it is good."

The Purple King Demon King had to converge and murder, and hung in the air holding hands.

Although the clothes weren't finally exploded, the breath of the king spreading around him deeply shocked every warrior in Chihai mainland.

This guy ... is definitely a strong character!

No wonder Elder Puppet wants everyone to evacuate quickly. It turns out that there is still such a strong person in the starfall continent!

After the Purple King Demon King showed his mighty strength, the war of the warriors from Chihai mainland suddenly cooled down, there was only one thought in his mind, and he fled as soon as possible!

"Get back!"

"嘭 ——————"

A yellow-character warrior successfully spared, but was discovered by the King of the Purple Falcon, a big ear photon was drawn, and flew back to the war zone again.


Ye Xingchen quickly approached the warrior who was beaten back yet to hold his body, Qingyang sword flashed, and his head was cut off directly.

Seize the moment.

Our Pei Aniu is faster and more accurate than Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others!



Outside the stronghold, fighting continues.

The Purple King Demon King was standing outside, and the warriors of the Chihai mainland could only fight stubbornly, and then died one by one in the hands of the senior officials and disciples of Wangu.

Every time his own kills, the base will expand.

The strong men of the starfall continent are afraid that they will never dream of it. The battlefield opened only five years later. At this moment, they have their own territory, and they are slowly expanding and gradually forming a scale with the efforts of Wanzong.


After about ten minutes of fighting, the elder elders of the Chihai continent were embarrassed by the dragons and the little magic fairy. At last, with a yell of green muscles, they disappeared out of nowhere.


Run away with mystery!


Xiaolonglong fisted angrily.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Run and run, no big deal, no need to be angry."

Xuanzi Strong has a hole card and can suddenly disappear, which is something that no one can stop.

not to mention.

Running away is not necessarily a bad thing.

After all, someone needs to bring the news out and let more warriors come to the base to moth the fire!

The middle-aged man slipped away by mysterious magical powers, and the remaining dozens of martial artists were tragedy. After struggling to support for ten minutes, they declared the entire army annihilated.

Their strength is not necessarily weaker than Li Qingyang and others, but they can't stand the high-ranking elders such as Jiang Xie, as well as the Purple King Demon King sitting on the periphery, so it is reasonable to end like this.


The battle is over.

The disciples began to lick the bag skillfully.

After all the space rings were collected and turned in, they gathered together to discuss the fighting just now.

"It was fun!"

"This face is more exciting than the mystery of life and death!"

"The rivals just now are not weak. I broke out ten successful forces and barely took the upper hand!"

According to normal strength, the disciples of Wanguzong who have not even arrived at the imperial rank must not be able to beat the strong yellow characters, but they have a surge of talisman and Zhenyang blessing, but they can fight back and forth.

Fighting with the imperial level in the realm of the king level will undoubtedly improve the actual combat experience and understanding of martial arts!

This is the real role of the portal on the battlefield. It is not for pretense, but to allow warriors to escape from the upper limit and sneak in here for actual combat training ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, so as to improve their cultivation!

As long as Li Qingyang can ensure their safety, they can fight with high-level martial arts as much as possible. Whether they win or lose, they will definitely benefit greatly.


After two battles and the building of the hall, the remaining time of the surge of the surge is only a few minutes, until all are gone, and they all fall to the peak Wuzong level one by one.

"Dear participant, the warrior realm you brought did not meet the requirements of the battlefield of the plane, and was forcibly sent out after 60 seconds," the female system reminded.


Jun Chang smiled and said, "Return to Zongmen first."


Li Qingyang had no ink, and brought Xiao Guiji and others along the portal to return to Wanguzong.

Lu Yan and He Wudi did not leave because the two had the strength of the Emperor and met the battlefield regulations.

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