The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 915: The body of the purple prince demon king


Ding Xingwang and Jiang Xie suddenly opened their eyes.

They have long known that the Purple King Demon King is a beast from the upper world, but they are always in a humanoid state. Fighting likes to show their body, but what is the body itself, I have never seen it before!

Can one single out so many strong characters, this guy must be very good, right?

Or is it a behemoth with a height of hundreds of feet?

Ding Xingwang and Jiang Xie suddenly began to dream infinitely, and the readers had a strong anticipation luster.


Suddenly, the purple demon king clenched his fists, and the purple breath emerged. The exposed body gradually emerged with purple lines, spreading like a matrix.

King Baiqiu was shocked!

The pervert that pervaded was so strong that it had the urge to bend down and kneel to worship!

That guy once said that he was the orc king, was it true?


The wickedness is still rising crazy.

The purple-eyed demon king's eyes have gradually turned purple, and it seems that he has entered some sort of violent state.


He smiled coldly and said, "Greeting for terror!"

However, the Purple King Demon King inspired the body form here, and tens of thousands of warriors in the distance were still locking Jun Changxiao, holding the white egg in his hands.

They will never allow anyone to take away the opportunity left by Guan Haizun!

"You all."

After a bit of breathing, Jun Chang laughed and straightened his waist, his eyes turned to murder, and said, "I urge you to leave quickly, otherwise ..."


The space shook slightly, and a pocket knife appeared out of thin air.

This is-a hard knife!

Since being improved and getting a brand new amulet, Jun Changxiao finally sacrificed it.

It seems that today, not only can you see the Ziwang demon king's ontology, but you can also see what amazing performance the transformed first wish weapon will have.


"so small?"

"Maybe a hidden weapon?"

In Heifengzhai that year, Jun Chang laughed and took out the hard-to-reach knife, and was joked by a group of robbers, but no one would look down on the battlefield level of masters such as clouds. After all, whoever can come here is not strange What's the hole card?

"old man!"

A strong man sneered: "Are you going to compete with tens of thousands of us?"

Jun Chang laughed holding a white egg in one hand and pinched the hard-to-reach knife with **** in one hand, gazing coldly: "If it can't be avoided, why is it against the whole world?"


A strong man from a continent whispered coldly: "As long as you hand over the eggs, I won't embarrass you."


Jun Chang laughs and collapses!

Is he meowing a bunch of blind eyes and did not see that he was caught by the egg?

"Don't talk nonsense with this guy, let's go together, whoever gets the egg depends on his luck!" Someone suggested.

"it is good!"


"Woohoo ——————"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of people repaired it, and the kind of power that formed it suddenly fell down like a mountain.

Not to mention that there are dozens of strong men with strong characters, only tens of thousands of strong men with yellow characters release Xiu Wei together, the formation formed can also make the top strong players panic.

Jun Chang laughs now and panics.

But now that I'm stuck on a mountain peak, and it's difficult to break out, it's only a bet!

The soul instantly melts into the space ring and holds the stamp of opening in his hands.

Just when Jun Changxiao was preparing to crush, a strong demon suddenly appeared in the distance, instantly overwhelming the tens of thousands of people.


"What a terrifying monster!"

The soldiers who were about to rush past turned around and looked around.


Suddenly, a loud roar came, which drove the manic gas waves, and the crowds swayed, and when they got used to it, they stared at each other.

Jun Changxiao, who was about to crush the amulet of the seal, was also stuck in place!

In the field of vision, there appeared a behemoth that looked real and fake, as if hidden in the sky. It looks like a whale from the form ... No, this is not a whale. From the huge body, it is obvious that I thought my wife had made mistakes and made a waste pet. Accidentally evolved into a puppet!

and many more!

That guy's body resembles the tip of a fin, how come a pair of red underwear!

When Jun Chang laughed and saw Ding Xingwang and others standing in the same sluggish state behind the behemoth, he was suddenly shocked: "Is this ... this is the main body of Zitang ?!"

Not bad.

It is the body of the Purple King Demon King.

In the upper bounds, this is the purple Cang Tao that is comparable to the level of the beast!


With a body of hundreds of feet, a mountain-like beast hangs in the air, and all the warriors present were deeply shocked!

"This is me!"

"Another beast that only exists in the Upper Realm!"

Many of the face-to-face warriors are full of knowledgeable powerhouses, and immediately determine what kind of beasts are present in front of them!

Purple Cangdao turned the big eyes and turned strong disdain.

A group of human dregs, how lucky you are to see the extraordinary entity of Wang Yingwu.

"The breath of this beast is not at the level of the ground word, and it is obviously still in its growth stage. Is this the opportunity left by Guanhai Zunren!"

The eyes of everyone suddenly became hot.

brush! brush!

All of a sudden, all of them ignored Jun Chang's laugh, and Qi Qi locked on the purple Cang Daohua, and the excitement in his eyes reached the extreme.

Although they are not sure whether the white egg is an opportunity, but for the moment, it is obviously more cost-effective to catch an alien beast that has reached the level of the ground level. Effortless training!

not to mention!

Still stingy!

At first there was a bit of purple Cangdao dying, and it was found that everyone was staring at himself, and his heart suddenly rose up.

"Purple Tang Lord!"

At this moment, Jun Chang laughed and said, "Since you have exploded to attract firepower, naturally this seat will not let you down, so let's withdraw first!"

"call out------"

As soon as the voice fell, he retracted the hard-to-reach knife and slipped away holding the white egg.

Because all martial arts were staring at the purple Cangdao, no one chased it.

After all, eggs are eggs.

In front of me, there are real beasts in the real world!

Seeing that Jun Chang laughed and flew far away, Zi Cang Dao Hua snarled in his heart: "The King is transfiguring himself to save you. He even ran away first. Who is this!"

and many more!

Ding Xingwang, Jiang Xie and King Baiqiu are gone!

"Zhutang Lord!" A voice came from his ear: "I didn't expect your body to be so powerful. I believe it is okay to deal with tens of thousands of martial artists. I will first return with the suzerain and wait for you to return at the stronghold!"

Zi Cang Dao Hua found that the three guys had already flown into the distance, and then left with the suzerain.

Lying down!

You bastards!


"Woohoo ——————"

Just then ~ ~ Furious energy came from all directions!

The tens of thousands of warriors who originally surrounded Jun Chang laughed. At this moment, they have given up chasing eggs and launched an offensive toward the purple Cangdao.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

Explosive noise, air waves fly wild!

Jun Chang, who has flown to a sufficiently safe area, laughs and looks back at the dazzling area in the distance. He says, "Zhutang Lord! My first purpose of Wanzong is to do iron bones and to be iron bones. To hold on, to hold on! "

Ding Xingwang admired: "In order to help the suzerain attract firepower, he was in deep crisis. This realization is really a model for our generation!"

"The brilliance of the Lord Zitang at this moment is enough to illuminate eternity!" Jiang Xie also gave extremely respectful eyes.

I haven't seen much of King Baiqiu, the King of the Purple Monster, giving a thumbs up and saying, "I thought this guy was a metamorphosis. I didn't expect such a man!"

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