The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 945: Little Shimei is a fan

The mang and the ghost were seriously injured, and they were blocked in the air veins. It was understandable that they were paralyzed on the ground. It was incredible to kneel on the ground.

Zhao Doudou looked astounded.

My brother-in-law was hung up, and the perseverance in his eyes made him think that he was a pure man like Dai Li, and he never thought about it so soon!

Or is it ... the girls who came in are amazing?

Zhao Doudou took a peek and found that although Yao Mengying was cute, there was nothing special about it, so he couldn't help but secretly said: "Maybe this brother-in-law is persuaded by himself. Instead of holding it to the end, why not surrender?

"Because the little girl has a congenital demon body, can she scare the devil invisibly?" Jun Chang smiled and guessed.

Yao Mengying came and stood with his hands on his knees, like the supreme king, and said, "Who gave you the courage, came to me to find trouble."

"Little sister is very good." Li Fei secretly.

The reckless husband and ghosts did not dare to raise their heads, and knelt down on the ground shivering.

Yao Mengying did not release Xiuwei, but the whole body exuded the supreme majesty that only they can feel, and the pressure of the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.


"噗通! 噗通!"

The three reckless men were paralyzed directly to the ground in shock.


Zhao Doudou twitched.

The girl's voice was so sweet. How could she scare them into a bear?


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Ask them first."


Yao Mengying said coldly, "Who are you? Who are you from?"

The man and the ghost are struggling fiercely, but the fear from the depths of the soul forces the uncontrollable thinking to open their mouths and say in unison: "I ... we are from the gate of the Emperor."

"Where is the Demon Gate?"

"In ... in ... the Crow Mountains ..."

The three wanted to keep their mouths shut, but their hearts were always shrouded in supreme coercion, and they could only choose to be frank.

"Arowana Mountains?"

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "One of the three forbidden areas?"

There are many forbidden places in the starfall continent. There are three of the most terrifying, and the Crow Mountain is one of them.

The faint mountain range is the widest mountain group on the mainland, and runs through many large states. There are no sun, fierce beasts everywhere, and even the suffocation to isolate spiritual thoughts, even if the emperor enters, he will be lost.

"Specific location." Yao Mengying said.

"Zong ... Zongmen has blessings from Star Wars Array, which will automatically transfer every other period, and we can't be sure of the specific position ..." The ghost voice trembled.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "So brave?"

Zongmen blessed with the formation method, and whenever and wherever he came for a journey of walking and walking, it was also chic.

"It is not easy for you to have today's cultivation. The suzerain of my family wanted to have a good life in the sky. Are you waiting to submit to him?" Yao Mengying said.

Jun often smiled for a moment.

The previous question was his intention, but this sentence was never said.

Little girl is very conscious now.

Not bad!

The reckless man and the ghostly face sullen, struggling violently inside, apparently very resistant to surrender to Jun Changxiao!

"answer me!"

Yao Mengying's eyes flashed a weird light. The whole person seemed to be the incarnation of a thousand years ago. The big hero who dared to contend with heaven and earth and contend with the sun and the moon!

The three men recklessly lay on their backs with their feet on the ground, and each hair stood up.

The girl's breath is so scary, it gives them the feeling of a super king on the top of the mountain!

After experiencing the Valley of the Devil, Yao Mengying has initially assumed the position of a demon emperor. Three pure demon masters will definitely be afraid when they see her.

"Submission ... submission!"

"Give up the soul."


When Jun Chang laughed and held the soul source in his hands, the expression on his face was a bit shocked, because he never thought that the three would counsel so quickly and so thoroughly!

of course.

I also realized that Yao Mengying would be so effective in dealing with magic repair!

"I knew this, so she went to Xiyunzhou to find the Emperor's Gate, and then compiled this force directly." Jun Chang smiled secretly.


Yao Mengying laughed: "There is another woman in prison, and the disciples will persuade her."

"Go." Jun Chang laughed.

He didn't leave the cell, looking at Dai Lu who thought about his face, and said, "Boy, have you considered it clearly?"

"..." Dai Li said nothing.

Even if the three magicians admit to themselves in front of themselves, they will never join the heart of Wanzong, and have never been shaken.

Various protagonists are here to stage the law of true incense again and again. Only Green Scarf is still unswervingly defending the spirit of iron bones.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Zhao Doudou cried and said, "I want to join Wan Gu Zong!"

He has said this many times, and often he is ignored.

This time, Jun Chang laughed and said, "All the prisoners have come out of the experience, and they are just a talent, so stay here and enlighten the prisoners."

"Notify the canteen that three meals a day are delivered on time, don't starve him."


"Take these three people to Medicine Peak and give them to Sun Bukong for treatment."



The cell door closed again.

Zhao Doudou, who was narrowed in the corner, looked dumb. He didn't worry about losing three inmates. Instead, he laughed a lot after dancing.

It used to be one meal a day, but now it is three meals a day.


"Stay here to enlighten prisoners, right?"

Recalling what Jun Changxiao said before leaving, Zhao Doudou gradually calmed down and said, "Is this important to me?"

"Sovereign monarch!" Standing up, his eyes firmly said: "I will not let you down, I will definitely enlighten the prisoner!"


Zhao Doudou appeared in front of Dalu ~ ~ The bitter mother persuades: "The monarch is very kind to you. If you want to be a man, you should know how to be grateful. Don't stand it up, and go to the eternal religion.

"Life is like a cup of tea, it will not be a lifetime, but it will always be a while, as long as you put your mind on, and as long as you keep thinking, no matter how far the road is, you will always be happy!"


Mind Chicken Soup Instructor Zhao Doudou is online.


Yao Mengying had a very good deal with magic repair. It was not long before she entered the female jail, and she came to the hall with the source of the soul of the shadow, and said, "Sect master, the woman has already surrendered."


Jun Chang laughs with thumbs up.

Without Yao Mengying's innate demon body, forced confession by torture alone, I am afraid it will be difficult for the four demon to submit.

"Right, girl."

Jun Chang laughed: "The Lord of the Demon Gate has an innate demon body. What do you think?"

Yao Mengying said affirmatively: "Only the disciples inherited the innate demon body, and there will be no second in the world."

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin and said, "So, this demon gate is deliberately lying about the innate demon body, and then it attracted the world's magic repair."


Yao Mengying said, "If you go to the Crow Mountains, please bring your disciples."

She was curious about who was so brave and dared to impersonate her innate demon.


Jun Chang smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, a system alert sound came from my ear.

"Ding! Zongmen members: 50000/50000."

"Ding! Zongmen mission is on."

In the mission cabinet, a new Zongmen mission appears, which means that as long as all the disciples have finished, they can upgrade the construction level.

"Li Tangzhu."

Jun Chang laughed and said: "Notify the certification hall and let them send someone to verify the level of the sect."

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