The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 974: Master of Starfall Continent Stronghold

Two thousand warriors entered the battlefield of the plane and had already made up their minds to treat death as home.

However, coming in from the Bronze Gate, I saw bedding bluestone slabs, various building groups arranged in an orderly manner, and I saw the disciples of Wanzong, one by one, like a lightning strike.

Right now.

They want to ask aloud, what's going on!

And Jun often laughs!

This guy was talking to himself before, but didn't follow the door of the plane, how could he appear in front of him!

Jungou left his tactics and leaned back, clasping his hands together, saying: "You must be very confused now. Next, Junmou will give a detailed explanation."

They hurriedly raised their ears.

"The cause of the incident originated from my ancient ancestors' inheritance of ancient times, and accidentally obtained a treasure that can enter the battlefield of the plane in advance." Jun Chang laughed.


The system said: "Blow again!"

Han Chengzhu calmed down and said, "Junzongzhu means that Guizong relied on Arcana and entered the battlefield of the plane early?"


Jun Chang laughed: "It's been almost two years since I came in."


The corners of the mouths of the strong are drawn slightly.

If in the starry continent, Jun Chang laughed and said, they would not believe if they were killed, but now they have to believe if they do n’t believe it, because it is impossible to explain why the other party stepped on their own.

"When Jun first came in, the starburst continent was only a few feet away, and now it is infinitely close to the size of the town. It was made by me in ancient times." Jun Chang laughed.


This sentence made all martial artists suspicious.

Wan Guzong relied on Zhibao to mix in. They can accept it, but what strength is there to expand the territory on the battlefield?


According to the high priest, killing the warrior on the plane will only increase the area of ​​a little bit, and now he is in the area, counting by head, how many kills can he do!

and many more!

Isn't the requirement to enter the battlefield of the Plane Wu Wu?

The warriors in all walks of life suddenly realized, carefully looked at the dozens of disciples behind Jun Chang who laughed, and exclaimed: "Are all Emperors Wu ?!"

"You all."

Jungou laughed and said, "Please look up."

look up?

The crowd was surprised, and looked up subconsciously, seeing seven mountains floating in a staggered manner, one by one with rounded eyes and open mouths.

Seeing their expressions, Jun Chang smiled a little smugly.

Spending a lot of money to create a floating mountain, isn't it just for pretending to be a force? Today, the star warrior mainland warrior was shocked by his masterpiece, and the sense of pretense is definitely bursting!

"You all."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Every inch of land in the Meteorological Continent has been worked out by me, and all the tiles on the house have been piled up by me, too. Do n’t you take your spirits too much?"

Not too much, very reasonable!

"Monarch Sovereign!"

However, a Wu Sheng frowned and said, "I can't believe it if I say nothing."

Relying on the treasure to come in, they already believed, but said that the base was worked out by his eternal ancestors, and there must be strong doubts. After all, such a large area and such a town scale cannot be achieved overnight.

"Your uncle!"

Jun often laughed and cursed in his heart.

He is also very entangled now. How can he prove that the base was worked out by himself?

I knew that before the construction started, I recorded it with the impression matrix method and then played it back to them.

"Old man thinks."

A strong man said: "Before the monarch came in, the starfall continent's stronghold had this size."


Jun Chang smiled and patted the handrail, growling, "This stronghold was beaten step by step by blood and sweat, otherwise, you will come into a wasteland!"


Li Qingyang hurriedly said, "Calm! Calm!"

Having fought with the battlefield of the plane so many times, because of chance, was besieged by tens of thousands of warriors on the plane, and was also punished by thunderstorms and ghosts of the battlefield, in exchange for the current size of the starfall continent, but they were questioned by the results The rest must not calm down.

"You all."

Jun Chang smiled and said with a calm face: "If you want to leave the battlefield safely, you must pay 100,000 natural spirits. If you don't, don't blame Lao Tzu's righteousness!"



"Brush! Brush!"

The Purple King Demon King and Ding Xingwang hurriedly flew down from the main peak.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Mu Changhong's gaze firmly said: "Mu believes that the stronghold of the starfall continent was built by Guizong!"

"Han also believes!" Han Cheng said.

The soldiers from all walks of life did not express their opinions, and they were all thinking about it. Is it true that what he said is not credible?

In fact, whether they believe it or not, it is not important to Jun Changxiao, because since they have done it, they don't care about getting their approval, they just need to hand over the money.


"The boss of the stronghold often laughs."

"Hurry up!"

"Monarch Sovereign."

Wu Sheng Dao of Fengxian Dao: "The master of this stronghold can still claim it?"


Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "You don't recognize this seat?"

"Not disapproval."

"It's the boss of the stronghold that needs to be recommended by everyone. It's not okay to be self-styled ..."

"The number of starfall continents has reached more than two thousand, and they also meet the area regulations. They are officially classified as urban-level and are hereby announced."

Suddenly, a sound of desolation sounded in the sky.

"Dear participants, 2,000 martial artists entered the stronghold, and they automatically expanded a lot and matched the size of the town, so they were recognized by the upper bound." Women's System Road.

"So it is."

The sound of desolation sounded again: "According to the settlement of the upper world, the martial arts monarch named Jun Changxiao obtained a total of 63,000 points of meritorious value, which is the most outstanding warrior on the mainland and was appointed as the first stronghold of the stronghold. "


"Sixty-three merit points!"

"It's terrifying!"

After hearing the voices of all face-to-face warriors ~ ~, their eyes widened.

Many people have a meritorious value of three to five hundred points, and they are all very happy. If one person obtains sixty thousand meritorious value, I dare not imagine!

of course.

The warrior on the plane knows that the guy has so many meritorious values, and it must be related to the previous mad killing!

The star warrior continent warrior who has just entered the battlefield of the plane, although he doesn't understand any merit, hears that Jun Changxiao has been appointed as the first master of the town stronghold, and his expression on the face suddenly turns bright.

Especially the martial arts saint of Fengxiandao.

The forefoot is still saying that everyone needs to be recommended. As a result, the upper bound was directly determined, and the face at the proper speed of light!

"call out----"

At this moment, a red light flew from the sky, then bypassed the seven suspended mountains, hung directly in front of Jun Changxiao, and waited for the light to dissipate. A gold-lined token was engraved with 'Starfall Continent' 'Master of the stronghold'.

Han Chengzhu and others looked horrified.

Although the token was not big, it sent a breath that made them afraid, so they couldn't help secretly saying, "Is this thing from the upper world?"


Jun Chang smiled and raised his hand to grab the token, and said lightly, "Does anyone still question now?"


Everyone was silent.

"Jun doesn't like nonsense." Jun often laughed and swept everyone, saying: "Hurry up and pay!"

Possibly because the token of the master of the starfall continent's stronghold, the words of this guy contain an irreversible majesty.

"of course."

Jun Chang smiled and pointed upwards, saying: "People who pay money can not only go back safely, but also live on it, and enjoy the experience only for advanced users."

"Monarch Sovereign."

A strong man looked ugly and said, "One hundred thousand natural spirit stones are a bit expensive. Can you give ten thousand?"

Jun Chang smiled and put his hands on his lap, and said with a cold face, "Small business, don't bargain."

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