Chapter 578 Look for

“How can this living person say that he didn’t see him and disappeared? Could it be that he went out without notifying us?” Inui Sadaharu frowned, such a big person, with a mobile phone on him to navigate, so he won’t lose it.

However, this time has not come back, can it be that you are too happy to play outside, what if you don’t rest at night and do the next day’s match, do you perform supernormally?

The more I think about it, Inui Sadaharu is a little angry, and it’s not worrying for such a big person.In this strange place, where will Ryoma go alone?

The person next to him noticed Inui Sadaharu’s anxiety, and soothed, “Don’t be anxious, you will find it, settle down and look for it slowly.

“Nine-Eight Zero”

Inui Sadaharu exhaled, “I’m not worried that he is in danger, but this is the first time he did not return home this night.”

“Maybe something happened, I will go outside to see.” The man said, walking out.

“This Ryoma is always worrying.” Inui Sadaharu’s frowning eyebrows were never loosened.

Inui Sadaharu realized the change in his emotions, and first went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, and drank it all. With a cold water, he was calm.

After calming down, a thought suddenly popped into his mind.

“It seems that Ryoma isn’t the only thing wrong.” Inui Sadaharu put down the cup and murmured.

Inui Sadaharu saw their performance today. Although he didn’t know what happened, he remembered that something was wrong with Yanagi Renji today. Something might have happened in the meantime.

Whether this matter might be connected, Yanagi Renji and Ryoma were both holding back. Inui Sadaharu is not interested in what happened, but he found a clue to look for Ryoma.

Maybe you can find Yanagi Renji to know where Ryoma is?

He guessed that he was pulling the search for Ryoma to Yanagi Renji. He didn’t know if Yanagi Renji was in the hotel now. They just looked for Ryoma and ignored this.

Thinking about this, Inui Sadaharu decided to go to Yanagi Renji’s room to have a look.

Going upstairs, although it was night, Inui Sadaharu knocked on the door out of courtesy. After waiting for a while, no one came to open the door. He thought he should have fallen asleep, so he pushed the door directly in.

The light in the room was not turned off. As soon as he entered the door, he saw two people lying on the double bed room. He looked intently. Isn’t this the same as Yanagi Renji and Ryoma? They have been looking for Ryoma for so long, and they are sleeping right now.

Inui Sadaharu walked to the bed and saw that Yanagi Renji’s mobile phone was about to fall by the bed. He took it and put it on the bed.

The two of them should have fallen asleep together, and Inui Sadaharu secretly glad that he thought of this, otherwise, they still don’t know how long they will be looking for.

Looking down at his watch, it was twelve o’clock. He shook his head slightly. It seemed that he had a false alarm. People were always there, but he didn’t see it.

The person has been found, and Inui Sadaharu’s heart has been relieved. However, there is still an itinerary tomorrow. Do you want to wake Ryoma and let him go back to his room to sleep? When the two are together, there will always be an impact on each other.

Inui Sadaharu stood by the bed and looked at the sleeping faces of the two of them. He hesitated and decided not to disturb them. The people were already asleep, and he came to disturb them again, but it seemed that he was ignorant.

Forget it, let’s do it, the two of them seemed to sleep peacefully, Inui Sadaharu thought, exhaled, turned off the light and walked out of the room gently.

After Inui Sadaharu walked out of the room and leaned against the wall, he remembered a strange question, why did Ryoma appear in Yanagi Renji’s room? When did the relationship between the two improve?

Thinking about it, Inui Sadaharu yawned, he was a little tired, and he should go to rest

As for the two of them, this is a change in their relationship. As an outsider, he does not need to know so much.

He gently brought the door and went downstairs. The others were still trying to find a way. Some of them were tired and sat on the sofa to rest. Seeing him walking downstairs, he lazily looked up at him and then retracted his gaze.

I want to tell everyone that Ryoma has been found and can go to rest. Inui Sadaharu stood on the stairs and greeted them, “Everyone, don’t look for it, I found Ryoma.”

As soon as his words came out, everyone else turned their attention to him.

On the one hand, I thought about where I found Ryoma and where he is now. On the other hand, I thought that the man was finally found and he could rest.

One person asked, “Found Ryoma? Where is he? Why didn’t you bring him back?”

“He is asleep now, I didn’t have 3.5 to wake him up.” Inui Sadaharu explained, fearing that they would continue to ask, he hurriedly changed the subject, “It’s already late, everyone should go to rest too, and have a good rest. , Can play match seriously.

This is the end of the story, and the rest of the people are no longer curious. Many people are already yawning again and again.

“I have been busy for so long, so go and rest.

“Fortunately I found it.”

“Okay, I’ll go back and rest first.” After Inui Sadaharu said, he opened the door and entered the room.

Outside the hotel, the stars shine at night, and the breeze is breezy. It is very beautiful. Inside the hotel, a good night’s dream. .

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