The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1296: Living dead

The gate of Huaqing University.

When Lin Tian and Xia Xiaobei arrived, Zhu Yi saw and others were already waiting there.

Others also arrived on time.

These students are extremely excited to be able to become members of the martial arts hall of such a master at Zhu Yijian!

One national martial art includes various schools and various schools.

Generally speaking, in summer, the small martial arts halls outside are basically not popular.

Especially the things cultivated by the native cats are relatively incomplete, either because of the lack of inheritance, or the lack of knowledge.

Only figures such as the master of national martial arts are the essence of each family!

Otherwise, I would not dare to be called a master!

Be able to follow Zhu Yi to practice martial arts, the future achievements are limitless!

These young girls in front of them all carry infinite longing!

Beside Zhu Yijian and a few young people, he was still listening to a bright bus.

When everyone was there, Zhu Yi saw the bus and said with a gentle smile: "Everyone get in the bus! Once in the bus, I will tell you about other aspects!"

A dozen teenagers and girls rushed up and got on the bus with excitement.

Lin Tian looked as usual, and followed Xia Xiaobei in the car and sat down.

After everyone sat down, the bus drove away from Huaqing University and headed towards the east of Yanjing City.

"Lin Tian, ​​what are you going to do? Is it to drop out of school and follow Senior Zhu to learn martial arts, or to learn while going to school temporarily?"

Xia Xiaobei and Lin Tian sat together, she looked around excitedly for a while, and then asked Lin Tian.

Seeing Wu with Zhu Yi?

He can teach me a ghost!

Lin Tian rolled his eyes secretly, then shook his head and smiled at Xia Xiaobei: "I still don't quit school, otherwise my parents will have to worry! It's you, you should come from the Xia family of Yanjing family?"

After coming to Huaqing University, Lin Tian had already guessed.

The daughter who can make so many classmates respect and awe, and the surname is Xia, only from the Xia family of Yanjing family.

"At the beginning in Bincheng, I severely embarrassed Xia Wenshan, the head of the Xia family. I even beat her son Xia Chenglong!"

Lin Tian thought of attending the Jianbao cocktail party in Bincheng, and thought secretly, "Then Xia Chenglong, wouldn't it be Xia Xiaobei's brother?"

Xia Xiaobei didn't hide it.

She nodded openly and said: "People with discerning eyes can see it, you actually asked! But, I don't like going back! My parents have to match me and Lu Jing together! Fortunately, my grandfather has never made a decision and let me Decided. Otherwise, I really can't study at ease!"

"No wonder!"

Lin Tian nodded slightly and said, "Otherwise, with the strength of the Xia Family, you can definitely practice martial arts with a martial arts master!"

"My parents didn't give it. I learned it secretly! The two of them are too old and antique, and they follow the rules!"

Xia Xiaobei pouted and said angrily: "As for the master of martial arts...I don't have that talent. I learn martial arts, just don't let others be bullied!"

After hearing this, Lin Tian couldn't help but smile.

With the straight-forward character of Xia Xiaobei, there must have been a lot of quarrels with others in school before, and learning martial arts is really to beat people!

Not long after the bus left Huaqing University, Zhu Yijian who was sitting in front stood up, looked at the people in the car, and said loudly:

"Some things, I'll make it simple. First of all, the pills you took before were used to test your talent, so when we get to the place, we will explain to you and exclude them. After all, that thing is not good for the body!"

"Secondly, you have two choices. One is that you need to continue in school, then study by yourself, wait for the holidays before going to Louyun City, and the other is to drop out of school directly!"

"But no matter what the situation is, if you want to practice martial arts with this seat, you must be able to endure hardship!"

"Wait to the place, I'll talk to you about other things!"

After speaking, Zhu Yijian sat back again.

It's just that no one saw it, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.


The bus left Yanjing city and came to a rather hidden quarry in the east suburbs.

This caused many people to wonder at each other.

"Master, how come to such a place?"

At this moment someone couldn't help but ask in surprise.

"There are other people, let's go to this quarry and wait for a while! This used to be Master's property, but now it is just abandoned. But the residence inside is intact!"

Zhu Yi laughed when he saw it, and then turned around and explained: "Moreover, if you still want to go back to school, you are going to return here. If you get Louyun City, you will be farther!"

Hearing this explanation, a group of talents nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, and there was no doubt about him.

The lodging area of ​​the quarry is in a valley with a good location, avoiding the smoke and dust of the quarry. There are a row of two-story buildings there, which looks fairly new.

The bus stopped in front of a relatively large building.

There seems to be a place for parking large trucks, and the door has been opened.

"Get off the car and gather in the meeting room in the parking lot!"

Among the few people who followed Zhu Yi, a young man waved and shouted at fifteen young people including Lin Tian.

Everyone got off the car one after another and entered the conference room in the parking lot.

This group of teenagers walked all the way excitedly.

However, after entering the conference room, everyone felt something was wrong.

Because in the office, there were nearly ten big men in black, all of them looked fierce.


Suddenly, after everyone walked in, the door of the meeting room was suddenly closed.

Zhu Yi Jian, who had a gentle smile on his face, had become extremely cold, with a slight sneer on his face.

"Okay! Now sit down while still having strength, there is something on the table, what you should eat, don't be starving. You only have five minutes!"

At this moment, Zhu Yi saw a big wave at Lin Tian, ​​Xia Xiaobei and the others, pointed at a pile of boxed lunches on the large desk in the conference room, and shouted coldly.

"Senior Zhu, what do you mean?"

Someone's complexion changed suddenly and asked loudly.


But at this time, a black-clothed man stepped forward and slapped the man out with a slap. This shot was clean and fierce, directly knocking the boy's mouth crooked.

This scene stunned the others.

"Nangong family and Lu family are here, right?"

Zhu Yi didn't pay attention to it, and turned to look at a group of men headed by men in black, and asked, "Can Senior Leng at Jinglin send someone there?"

"Lao Zhu, except for the Lu family, the Nangong family and Senior Leng are all waiting inside!"

The headed man bowed his salute and replied respectfully.

"Well, you guys are watching outside!"

Zhu Yi nodded at sight, then turned around and said to the young people who had been following: "Follow me in!"

Under the horrified and dumbfounded gaze of Xia Xiaobei and others, Zhu Yi saw it and walked into the inner room.

Puff puff puff~

At this time, a dozen people, including Xia Xiaobei, suddenly felt dizzy and fainted, unconscious.

"It's done! Put these living corpses out, this is all money!"

The man headed saw this and immediately waved to a group of men.

But soon, he found that there was another person standing there, looking okay.

The one who didn't fall was naturally Lin Tian. He turned his head and swept away his consciousness, and made sure that Xia Xiaobei and the others were just sitting in a coma with the corpse and grass.

He turned his head to look at the man, and said with a smile: "A person is immortal, and the body is like a corpse! How much can you sell for? The sale of living corpses is really big!"

"You are okay!"

The head of the man's complexion changed drastically, and immediately shouted to his opponent: "Put him down, if you resist, you will destroy your limbs!"

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