The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 2373: Hair growth

Other sects?

The old man doesn't know either!

Bai Miaoke was blindfolded and stunned for a while before he hurriedly said: "Lin Shao, the old man doesn't understand what is going on with the other sects now! I don't even dare to call. If there are any other accidents, I am afraid that I will die. Paul!"

Seeing Bai Miaoke's horrified look, Lin Tian sneered and nodded, and said, "It's not impossible to save you! But there are two conditions!"

"One, Mr. Dong and I will follow you to Wangxiangtai!"

"Secondly, after this matter, I will borrow the land of your Thousand Head Mountain for cultivation! It only takes a day or two!"

We went to Wangxiangtai together, but Bai Miao could not ask for it.

Lin Tian and Dong Quan were born, and they might be able to suppress the Yin-Yang Ghost Sect.

And why is it that he borrowed his Qiantou Mountain to practice?

Bai Miao Ke was puzzled.

You know, although Qiantou Mountain is also a very old martial arts sect.

But here is not really a treasure of cultivation.

Not to mention immortal cultivators, even some powerful masters and even powerful Wu Zun would not look down upon them!

There are too many places better than Qiantou Mountain in this Wangxiang martial arts world!

But Lin Tian wanted to borrow the place to use it. Apart from doubts, Bai Miao Ke couldn't ask for it!

There is Lin Tian's help in front of him. The ghost curse on him can be solved. Maybe Wangxiangtai and his party can also be solved!

And let Dong Quansheng be so respectful, what is the cultivation level of this young Lin in front of him?

If he cultivates in Qiantou Mountain, it will only benefit him if Qiantou Mountain is harmless!

Some masters have dived and repaired here, and the prestige of Qiantoushan may be revitalized!

Moreover, those sects of the younger generation may not dare to covet Qiantou Mountain anymore!

"Shao Lin, yes, this is great! These two conditions... the villain can't ask for it!"

After Bai Miaoke was stunned, his face suddenly showed ecstasy, and he knelt down and said: "Shao Lin, save the villain!"

Lin Tian raised his head and glanced outside the hall, before he said to Bai Miao, "Fortunately, there are still some ghost essences on the road before, so fortune telling you!"

With that, Lin Tian directly pinched Bai Miao Ke's mouth, and threw a trace of ghost essence in his hand into the other's mouth.

Following him, he played several magic tricks against Bai Miao Ke.

Finally took out the silver needle, and began to use the Big Dipper Needle!

Originally, that ghost essence needed to be refined for the best effect.

However, the curse in this Bai Miao guest house is not too serious, and it doesn't matter if you eat it directly.

Following Lin Tian's acupuncture, Bai Miao quieted down immediately, his face worried.


It took only about ten minutes for Lin Tian to apply the needle before he stopped.

This is much faster than lifting Dong Quansheng's curse.

Bai Miao Ke, who was kneeling and crawling on the ground, was let go by Lin Tian, ​​and he was stunned.

He felt his body and found that it was much more relaxed than before. ,

Being cursed, Bai Miao Ke could feel that his life span seemed to be reduced a lot overnight.

And at the same time.

He can sense that something in his body is eating away, eating away at his life!

At this moment, it is unprecedented ease and relief!


Bai Miaoke took a deep breath and raised his head excitedly to look at Lin Tian, ​​his expression unbelievable. ,

Dong Quansheng grabbed Bai Miaoke’s wrist, and after a little inspection, he nodded and said, “This time Lin Shao’s treatment is faster than treating the old man! It’s really good! Maybe only Lin Shao can solve this curse. !"

After a moment of admiration, Dong Quansheng couldn't help but respectfully worship Lin Tian.

For Lin Tian's methods and for Lin Tian's salvation, Dong Quansheng can be said to be etched into the bones, and he now respects Lin Tian to his bones!

"Ah...really better?"

Seeing Dong Quansheng’s confirmation, Bai Miaoke’s face was ecstatic, and he knelt down to Lin Tian: "Xie Lin Shao, thank you Lin Shao! For the help of life, the villain has nothing to pay for!"

Bang bang~

In the end, the floor was knocked by Bai Miao.

"Get out of here! You bald head, you are going to knock the floor!"

Lin Tian had already sat down again and shouted to Bai Miao.

"Yes, yes... this hair can't go back, my head is a bit hard!"

Bai Miao Ke's face was surprised and unsure, and quickly got up.

"Do you still want hair?"

Lin Tian glanced at the other's bare head, and said casually.


The old Bai Miaoke blushed and replied respectfully: "Shao Lin, the old man, I am like this, I feel like a monk, I am really not used to it! But it won't be long..."

Lin Tian curled his mouth, then took out the silver needle with lightning and pierced it quickly.

Bai Miao Ke felt the needle light, his face was shocked.

But he didn't dare to move quickly, fearing that a needle would come down and kill him!

Fortunately, Lin Tian quickly stopped.

"All right!"

Lin Tian said coldly and put away the silver needle.

at the same time.

Bai Miao Ke felt a needle tingling and itching on his head.

"This... amazing skill!"

Dong Quansheng on the side stared at Bai Miaoke's head and exclaimed.

Feng Yang and others on the side were also on the spot in amazement, their eyes staring out.

Because at this time.

On the top of Bai Miao Ke's bare head, dark hair was slowly growing out.

And Bai Miaoke touched his hand, and was stunned.

"Ahhhhh... my hair is growing?"

For a moment, Bai Miaoke suddenly went crazy, screaming and jumping wildly in the hall.

Because this is incredible!

But only half a minute.

His hair was already as long as before, draped over his shoulders.

Especially, the pale hair that was supposed to be black and black made him a little illusion!

"Wangxiangtai Qunlonghui, when will we go?"

Lin Tian looked at Bai Miaoke's crazy appearance, and he couldn't wait to pass by, frowning, he asked coldly.

"Ah...Lin Shao! Thank you, thank you! You are really a god, you are the reincarnation of a genius doctor!"

Bai Miaoke did not respond to Lin Tian's words, and knelt again with excitement, grateful again and again.

This skillful means of regenerating is almost about to subvert Bai Miao Ke's knowledge.

"Shut up! If you cries and howls, I will kick you out!"

Lin Tian raised his brows and shouted coldly: "Answer my words, when will the dragons on Wangxiangtai be?"

"Ah... good!"

Bai Miaoke was so frightened that he was clever, and hurriedly said, "Shao Lin, just... just leave at six tonight! What do you think of the arrangement?"

"Arrange what you should do! I'll be back when the time is up!"

Lin Tian glanced outside, finally nodded, and said: "Dong Quansheng, you and Feng Yang will wait here!"

"Yes, Lin Shao!"

Dong Quansheng and his party respectfully saluted and sent Lin Tian out of the hall.

What are you going to do?

Bai Miaoke had doubts on his face, but he dared not say anything, got up and walked to the door of the hall.

Outside the hall.

In the garden by the square.

Many elders and disciples of Qiantou Mountain are still standing there.

Xu Hong also didn't dare to get up and knelt there honestly.

Seeing Lin Tian and others appear, everyone turned their heads.

But soon he lowered his head and bowed to salute.

"At six o'clock, I will be back here on time!"

Lin Tian glanced at the people present, and then said coldly to Bai Miao Ke.

When the words fell, a little bit under his feet, turned into a shock and swept away in the air.

Puff puff puff~

At this moment, countless muffled noises resounded in front of the ancient temple of Qiantou Mountain, and they were all the sound of knees hitting the ground.

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