Everyone saw Wu Fengyun's actions.

The magical situation made many people present once again amazed.

This river alone.

It's so weird.

There must be many peerless treasures on the island in the center of the dance clothes!

Wu Derong took a deep breath and threw away the fish in his hand. His eyes flashed with light and expectation. He said coldly, "Fang Yuanze, lead the way!"

A river.

It's so magical.

What precious treasures will the real main island of Muyi Island have!

Wu Derong felt a little excited at this moment.

The other people's faces were also excited.

When you set foot on Muyi Island, everyone can at least get something.

A group of people.

Follow Fang Yuanze and continue on.

Not far out.

There was a fork in the road.

On the main road of the valley, a river several meters wide appeared.

The water of the river flows from there.

Half flowed out of the valley.

The other half flows towards the depths of the valley.

"That is the source of the river, and the flowing water comes from the mountains..."

At the fork in the road, Fang Yuanze explained to everyone: "I came upstream just now, now I'm down the river!"

"And it's more magical than before, still behind!"

Fang Yuanze sold it again.

This makes everyone look forward to it.


Passed the fork in the road.

The green river channel ahead is at least twice as wide as before.

And every time I walked a certain distance, a basin-sized fish monster began to leap up under the river.

It's just that these fish monsters are not powerful.

Even a warrior in the middle of the yellow rank can easily deal with it.

At the same time, a dozen fish monsters leapt out of the water, but they were quickly killed by everyone.

Even the disciple of a dancer with a different surname can sack and kill him.

Faced with this kind of not-so-powerful fish monster, many of the dancer's disciples were able to kill them.

Go all the way.

A group of young girls all took the lead.

The originally green and secluded river course was dyed bright red in an instant.

Wait half an hour.

Dawn will come.

The sky was slightly bright.

Everyone also reached the end of the valley.

Because on the front, the river formed a vertical waterfall there.


It is already a cliff.

"The Huangquankou that the stone bridge said before is really mysterious. I thought it was so dangerous here! It turned out to be just these fish monsters..."

Standing on the edge of the waterfall, among the crowd, Wu Xiuming was very disdainful.

Although he was still in a wheelchair before, this guy himself is strong and recovers quickly.

In other words, his injury has almost recovered.

I was in a wheelchair before, maybe just to behave.

Right now.

He is already alive and kicking.

Many people agree with his words.

"The waterfall goes down to the deep ocean, how can the road go?"

Wu Fengyun looked around, then looked at the map in his hand, looked at Fang Yuanze very suspiciously, and asked.

The map in hand.

It was given to the clan by the Austronesian dancers and was painted by Fang Yuanze himself.

But how to compare the map at this time, and found that the road here is directly broken.

"Haha...Old Patriarch, the road is just below this waterfall!"

Fang Yuanze laughed and pointed to the bottom of the waterfall.


Can't just jump down?

But below is the deep sea, where is the road from!

Many people are puzzled.

"Hey, I finally caught up!"

At this time, a sneer suddenly came from behind.

Wu Derong and others looked back subconsciously.

I saw three figures walking behind, a young man and two old men.

"Second Brother!"

Wu Rui, who was behind Wu Derong, waited for a few people, and when he saw the young man, his eyes widened, and he was surprised.

Seeing this young man, Wu Derong was also stunned.

"Ji Hai, why are you here? Who are they?"

After a long while, Wu De regained his senses, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression was cold.

During the period, he also looked at the two old men behind the young man.

One is a half-step martial artist, standing behind the young man respectfully.


He couldn't see the depth, and he was wearing a robe.

The whole person was shrouded in the robe, unable to see his face.

But this old man.

Both hands were slightly lowered, and the body was bowed, showing a drowsy attitude.

Without revealing his cultivation base, he seemed to be an ordinary old man.

Wu Derong has never seen these two.

But the young man recognizes it, not only recognizes it, and is too familiar with it!

The young man's name is Ji Hai, the second senior of Wuyishan, regardless of his talent or cultivation strength, he is above him!

After all, Wu Derong is the third-generation disciple of his master sitting down, and he is only ranked third!

Above him, is Ji Hai in front of him!

before this.

The decision of the sect, Hisaishi asked Onta Wu Derong and Wu Rui to explore Wuyi Island.

Now Ji Hai is here too,

Wu Fengyun, who was standing on the side, looked stunned at this time.

His eyes fell on the respectful old man beside Ji Hai, frowning and said: "Elder Leng, why are you here?"

Wu Wansan, who was unwilling, stared at the old man with cold eyes.

The old man, Leng Xiujun, the great elder Ke Qing of the dancer's clan.

Originally, he didn't need to come on this trip to Wuyi Island.

But now it is here.

And it seems that Wei Ji Hai and others have led the way.

"Elder Leng led the way for this young man, right?"

Wu Wansan looked at Leng Xiujun with a cold face, and said bluntly.


Facing the questioning of the two, Leng Xiujun lowered his head and remained silent.

"Humph! He was leading the way for this son! If you have any doubts, you can ask afterwards!"

Ji Hai put his hand on his waist and sneered at Wu Fengyun and Wu Wansan: "Now, shut up first!"


Wu Fengyun and Wu Wansan had their old faces stagnant, and they both hurriedly stopped.

Facing this Ji Hai, they dare not reply!

But Wu Derong looked ugly and said coldly, "Ji Hai, don't you give me an explanation?"

"Ji Hai? Ha ha... You should call me Second Senior Brother!"

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Ji Hai stepped forward and looked directly at Wu Derong and said: "Wu Derong, don't be big or small! If you are so rude, you will be beaten!"

When the words fell, the aura on his body had gradually spread.

The cultivation base in the middle of the foundation period directly fell on Wu Derong.

Not only Wu Derong, but Wu Fengyun and others next to him were shocked.

I just feel that there is terror and pressure.

Especially the disciples of dancers, they almost knelt in fright.

Wu Derong let out a cold breath, his fists rattled.

It's just that he dared not do it after all.

He only had the initial cultivation base during the foundation building period, but he was a little short of a realm.

Really start, he is not Ji Hai's opponent at all!

His face was gloomy, and he stood there with his teeth gritted in silence.

Originally this time it was led by him.

But Ji Hai came here.

The benefits he can get are much less.

"Does the second brother want to take advantage and credit alone?"

Wu Derong took a deep breath, and finally said coldly to Ji Hai.

But Ji Hai ignored him, his eyes turned to Fang Yuanze.

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