The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3326: Nine-story room

Choosing to enter the martial arts class and join the Rose team is no different to Lin Tian!

Whether it is a martial arts class or a fine martial arts class, there is actually no difference!


Seeing the Shangwu ban fighting so hot on weekdays, he was a little curious, so let's take a look!

But now join the Rose team.

It's somewhat convenient.

First see the Tianyuan Pagoda, just to go and have a look with Meng Yun!

After Gu Wanyin knew that he was a cultivator, he still suggested that he come to Tianlong Wu School to see the supernatural power Tianyuan, and he could see that Tianyuan was extraordinary!

As for Tianlong Wushu School, it should not be as simple as it seems!

"This will be your position in the future!"

Meng Yun pointed to the next seat and said to Lin Tian, ​​"It's vacant anyway!"

Speaking of this, her face was sad.

The rest of Team Rose also bowed their heads slightly and fell silent.

"Someone used to?"

Lin Tian took his seat and frowned.

Meng Yun nodded in response.

Then he looked at Tang Hanxing and said with a heavy tone: "Master, at the Mentoring Academy, have you found Dongdong's whereabouts?"

In the Shangwu class, everyone was quiet at this moment.

A depressive atmosphere suddenly spread.

Lin Tian raised his brows, and the owner of the position he was sitting in might be an accident!

"I found it for a hundred miles! There is no clue! Even...there are elders in the Mentoring Academy, and they have gone deep into the three forbidden areas!"

Tang Hanxing sighed and said, "Tan Dongdong probably entered a forbidden area and can't get out! Otherwise, with his cultivation base, there is nothing he can't deal with! All said... Guling, Dulongpo, Shimen Lake These three areas are very dangerous and cannot be entered! None of you will listen!"

The three forbidden areas?

Lin Tianmeiyu showed the color of thinking, came to the college, met Na Xu You in the ancient town of Jimo, and mentioned the three places of Jimo Guling, Dulongpo, and Shimen Lake!

It seems that the name of Tan Dongdong from Team Rose is missing?

"Master, you know, Dongdong is the most law-abiding on weekdays! ~ It is impossible to enter the three forbidden areas! We have also gone there to experience and know the dangers there! Dongdong's cultivation base has reached the late stage of the earth, he these two I have worked hardest in the past month. I hope I can break through early and become a master!"

Meng Yun said sternly, "I begged you to refine the medicine before, but it suddenly disappeared! Will there be conflicts with others, and then..."


The words just fell.

There was a loud noise from the narration.

Bao Deyun slapped the table with a palm and shouted: "Master, I suspect it was made by the gangsters of the Jingwu squad! They seem to practice quietly on weekdays, but one by one is very bad! The conflicts in the class have been around for a long time, and they usually talk and laugh politely, but secretly they are the most vicious! I think Tan Dongdong’s disappearance is related to them!"

"Go directly to those guys in the Jingwu squad and ask!"

The rest of the Shenlong team all joined.

Although the martial arts classes are incompatible with each other and often compete, when it comes to the outside world, they are all united!

"Naughty! There is no evidence, how to ask? Doesn't this mean that someone else did it? It damages the reputation of the Jingwu class and is undesirable! The school does not allow it!"

Tang Hanxing shouted coldly and continued: "Tan Dongdong has always been admired by this seat, and he is regarded as his own student. Am I not in a hurry? I will take care of him personally! Even if it is dead... I will see the corpse!"

Many students in the Shangwu class are more silent and the atmosphere is heavy.

"Thank you Master!"

Meng Yun said gratefully.

"Okay! I'll take care of this! Meng Yun can help the new exchange students!"

Tang Hanxing finally signaled to Lin Tian: "You come with me and take you to get your own room!"

Then he walked out of the classroom.

"Welcome to Team Rose!"

Meng Yun stood up and said solemnly to Lin Tian.

"Gu Xiaohe!"


The two girls beside Meng Yun stood up and introduced themselves.

"Bi Jiafan!"

"Zhuang Qi!"


The others stood up and greeted Lin Tian.

"My name is Lin Tian! Thank you!"

Lin Tian said with a smile.

Then walked outside the classroom.

"Boy, our martial arts squad can not tolerate waste! Otherwise, we will be looked down upon by the jingwu squad! You must stand firm!"

Not far when Lin Tian passed by, Bao Deyun said coldly.

Others also cast unkind and sympathetic eyes.

All the guys here are the restless masters.

On them.

With a sharp fighting spirit, I can't wait to find someone who is well matched!

Lin Tian shrugged and walked out without saying a word.

The Shangwu Tower has nine floors.

On the first floor, the bottom is just the entrance, there is no space.

The second floor is naturally the classroom just now.

There are also seven floors above, and each floor has seven rooms, and each student in the martial arts class can be assigned a room.

And there are still a few rooms left!

"There are seven or eight rooms left! Five on the third floor, two on the fourth floor, and one on the ninth floor!"

Tang Hanxing watched Lin Tian follow up, and said, "The students like to choose a room on a higher level! Of course, there is only one room on the ninth floor, which is unoccupied! The main reason is the inconvenience there!"

Lin Tian looked at it in surprise and said, "Isn't the ninth floor the highest level? It should be better, why is it inconvenient?"

"If you choose the ninth floor, you know it!"

Tang Hanxing said with a smile.

"Then the room on the ninth floor!"

Lin Tian said simply.

It doesn't matter which layer is.

Now he is actually curious about the ninth floor.

"Hehe...well, don't regret it!"

Tang Hanxing didn't explain, and chuckled lightly.

Seeing Tang Hanxing's reaction like this, Lin Tian was not afraid, but more curious.

Soon up to the ninth floor.

There is only one room here, which is more spacious.

There are open corridors all around and a small martial arts field. ,

The door of the room is an exquisite simple wooden door.

Tang Hanxing had the key on him, and directly handed it to Lin Tian, ​​saying: "In the tower room, the dean of the martial arts school and me and the tower elders usually determine the ownership of the room! Your room, I can arrange it! This will be your room in the future. , No regrets..."

Lin Tian took the key and opened the wooden door directly.

The door opened.

A huge space appeared in front of him.

The room is very large, divided into living room, room, kitchen, bathroom and so on by many screens, it can be called a presidential suite.

At least much more spacious than the presidential suite!

Although it is not luxurious, it has a quaint thickness.

"Go in and have a look? There is no chance to regret it!"

Tang Hanxing pointed to Lin Tiandao.

Lin Tian was puzzled.

Divine Sense followed in a circle.

Nothing else was found wrong.

The only strange thing is that there is a sense of oppression inside, which is a direct oppression of his spiritual consciousness.

This is a bit interesting!

Lin Tian raised his brows and was surprised as he stepped in.

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