In Tianlong Wu School.

Current students in the Budo Academy and the Ability Academy.

Only a few people like the North King and others can break through to the ninth floor in Tianyuan Tower.

Among them are Meng Yun and Chen Yongzhe of the Martial Arts Academy.

Of course there is Ling Quan, but he is now abandoned and lying on the bed!

Lin Tian was still unmoved by the ridicule and discussion of those guys in the Ability Academy.

But I heard the exclamation of everyone.

He also didn't step into the door immediately, but followed up and looked up.

He wanted to see if Meng Yun could step onto the ninth floor.

Maybe it's a bit difficult for her!

at this time.

Meng Yun struggled with his nine mirror images.


She has been at a disadvantage.

She dodges constantly, hoping to overcome this level with various defeating tactics.

Although he had successfully entered the ninth floor before.

But in the face of Nine Ways' own mirror image, they can't beat it anyway!

And once it is knocked down to the ground by the mirror image, Tianyuan Tower will make a judgment, and if it is reluctant to fight again, it will be sent out.

Now Meng Yun is struggling to support, wanting to defeat one by one, but unfortunately he is starting to feel a little weak.

Looking at the situation, sooner or later, he will be defeated.

Chen Yongzhe in the Jingwu squad was in a similar situation.

It is difficult for the two of them to cross this ninth floor.

On the contrary, Nian Beiwang, Chang Kai, and Lu Kejun from the Ability Academy are extremely comfortable.

That year, the Northern King, with an ice and rock mutation ability, was extremely domineering.

The rock attribute gave him a pale yellow light to form a defense.

Those mirror images cannot be broken at all.

And the cold air of ice attributes slows down the speed of those mirror images.

Nian Beiwang shot, carrying a rock-like heavy force, constantly blasting away every mirror image.

Although no sound can be heard, from the light curtain, it is full of domineering!

Then came Chang Kai, without the aura of Nian Beiwang that crushed everything.

But the speed is terrifying.

With a wind power, he is like a violent wind, sweeping through the mirror image.

Wind blades continued to hit those mirror images.

In the end, Lu Kejun was as good as Chang Kai.

Thunder ability also made him speed violent.

Moreover, the attack power of Thunder's ability was even more destructive, and two or three mirror images were defeated in a blink of an eye!

Just two or three minutes.

Lu Kejun has defeated all nine mirror images and entered the tenth floor first.

The next one was Nian Beiwang!

Chang Kai is the last!

Although he has the blessing of wind power, the speed is very fast.

But the attack power of the wind blade is slightly inferior.

So it's half a step.

But it is less than a minute.

The strength of the three is among the best!

But just when the three of them set foot on the tenth floor.

Both Meng Yun and Chen Yongzhe were sent out with regret.

Coming out of the door, both of them looked unwilling.

Then these people such as Yanbin and Bao Deyun also appeared one after another.

Obviously they also failed to reach the ninth floor!

"They have all entered the tenth floor!"

Meng Yun raised his head and looked up, with a look of envy on his face.

Chen Yongzhe and others gritted their teeth, and finally sighed silently.

The difference in strength lies here!


To the tenth floor.

The strength of the mirror is obviously not knowing how much stronger it is.

In Nian, the three of the North Kings began to lose their ability.

They are strong.

But in the face of the skyrocketing strength, and there was an extra mirror image, it became difficult.

All three finally defeated seven or eight mirror images.

But in the end it was also defeated by the rest, and sent out one after another.


Many people standing in the square of Tianyuan Tower made regretful sounds.

However, the three people who came out of Nian Beiwang were excited on their faces.

They had already succeeded in the tenth floor they set foot on!

What's more, they also fought against the mirror image of the tenth layer.


Entering the tenth level, they will be able to enter the supernatural power Tianyuan cultivation!

At the same time, he can successfully graduate from the Academy of Ability.

When the supernatural power Tianyuan practice breaks through the martial arts master, they can choose to leave or continue to stay!

"Sister Yun, it doesn't matter, you will soon be able to step into the tenth floor! At that time, entering the supernatural power Tianyuan, the martial arts master is firmly established! And entering the supernatural power Tianyuan cultivation, there is a great opportunity to impact the realm of martial arts!

Duman looked at Meng Yun with a sad expression, and said with relief.

Several other people also spoke.

"It's okay, I know where I can go! The realm of Wu Zun is too far away!"

Meng Yun smiled and shook his head.

At this time, she noticed that Lin Tian had not entered the Tianyuan Tower, and suddenly said: "Lin Tian, ​​why haven't you entered?"

"The entrance is also opened! Go in! If you can step onto the third floor, you will succeed! For ordinary students or exchange students, the first time they enter the Tianyuan Tower, they are basically stuck on the second floor!"

"it is good!"

Lin Tian smiled and nodded, stepping in.

I just felt black before my eyes.

The next moment.

It appeared in an empty space with only four walls.

It's a little dark here.

All around was dead.

But at this moment, Lin Tian could feel the oppressive atmosphere around him, sweeping towards him.

What surprised him was.

As these weird energy fluctuations surged in, the Nine Revolving Three Lives Art in the body worked on its own and began to absorb these energy.

But after these energies entered the dantian, news soon came.

Perhaps these energies are too weak compared to the aura, for his dantian, it is equivalent to a drop in the bucket!

"The supernatural field energy under the supernatural abyss? But it is not only supernatural power, but also mixed with a little aura and other heaven and earth power..."

Feeling everything around him, Lin Tian whispered softly.


Lin Tian found out.

About ten meters away from him, a figure slowly appeared.

He did not appear out of thin air. ,

Rather, it was slowly formed by bursts of energy from head to toe.

Soon, there was a mirror image exactly like myself!

"Is this a mirror image? He shouldn't know the many methods and spells I practiced! But the physical strength of the body, as well as the moves, should be inherited!"

Lin Tian observed the mirror image on the opposite side and thought to himself.

Before observing the mirror image of other people's fights, Lin Tian has discovered one thing, that is, he has inherited the deity's shooting habits and moves!


The mirror image only appeared, did not give Lin Tian too much time, directly turned into a wind, and blasted over.

"Play with you!"

Lin Tian chuckled and fought with "self".

He is not in a hurry to defeat this mirror image, but wants to get familiar with the so-called mirror image first.


Fist fisted, violent power surged, Lin Tian could feel the oppression.

But for a moment when his fists crossed.

Suddenly there was a wave of power, swarming from his fists, and then was swallowed frantically by his own body.

The Nine Revolving Three Lives Jue was also violently refined, incorporated into the dantian, and was swallowed by two foundation-building platforms!

The cultivation base of the dantian has not grown, but the Taoist platform in the dantian is flickering at this time, obviously a little stronger.

"Huh? What's the situation? If you can improve your cultivation or the strength of the Taoist platform, you need to stay a little longer!"

Lin Tian was startled at first, then his eyes widened, and his face showed surprise.

Devour Devour!

Excited in his heart, he took the initiative to attack this time, culling the past against the mirror image.

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