The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 884: Mu Nanfeng lacks spirituality (third shift)

"Little fat guy, give me less idiots!"

The woman came forward, her delicate and pretty face slightly red.

But soon, she scowled and lifted her face to prepare to scold Shi Xiaoshou.


Seeing Shi Xiaoshou's winking eyebrows, she couldn't help but smile.

In the end the woman laughed and cursed helplessly: "Fatty, be serious! Also, I am not your senior sister! Master Fuyao even promised to accept you as a disciple!"

"Hey, Senior Sister, you are my most beautiful Senior Sister! I'm telling the truth, the whole Feiyun Residence, what else is more beautiful than our Senior Sister Hu Mengqi?"

Shi Xiaoshou was not afraid of the woman Hu Mengqi at all, and still smiled hippiely: "Furthermore, Senior Sister, I just defeated Zhou Chencheng! Oh, I defeated him on the spot in alchemy! Hey, I will definitely get it right away. Grandpa Fu Yao's approval! Sooner or later you will be my senior sister!"


Hu Mengqi and the three young people stared blankly.

After the four of them digested what Shi Xiaoshou said, one of the young people stepped forward and gave Shi Xiaoshou's brain a thump.

"Shit (stone) fat man, what are you talking about!"

The youth frowned and scolded with a straight face:

"Senior Brother Zhou’s alchemy talent, even if it is a few of us, we are willing to go down! Now his alchemy level has completely dumped us by how many blocks! Even if the senior sister has not yet entered the junior mysterious pill master! Is it possible that you are more than senior sister. excellent?"

"'s not..."

Shi Xiaoshou rubbed his painful head and immediately waved his hands in fright. After taking a peek at Hu Mengqi, he quickly said: "Brother Li, I didn't mean that! But...but I really defeated Zhou Chencheng. Oh..."

"Well, Shi Xiaoshou, stop talking nonsense!"

Hu Mengqi frowned and interrupted Shi Xiaoshou's words, then glanced at Lin Tian, ​​and asked Shi Xiaoshou, "Who is he? The friend you brought?"

"Almost forgot to introduce!"

Shi Xiaoshou patted his head, turned his head quickly, and took Lin Tian to Hu Mengqi and said, "This is my new friend Lin Bei!"

Lin Bei?

How do you feel where you have heard of it?

Hu Mengqi and the others looked at each other with a look of doubt on their faces.

"Lin Bei, let me introduce to you!"

At this time, Shi Xiaoshou took Lin Tian again and introduced Hu Mengqi and the others, "This is Senior Sister Hu Mengqi, the most beautiful person in our Feiyunju! And this is Brother Li Xingliang who knocked me on the head, and Tian They are Senior Brother Tang Yunyun and Senior Brother He Wuhen..."


Li Xingliang snorted, and his eyes fell on Lin Tian, ​​"Just now you said that Master Fuyao is nothing at all. What a big tone! So arrogant, I want to ask who you are?"

Following Li Xingliang's question, Hu Mengqi and others couldn't help but look unhappy.

"Who am I? You are not qualified to know!"

Lin Tian glanced at the four of them indifferently, and said indifferently, "As for the people you said, the level of alchemy is not very good!"

"you wanna die!"

Li Xingliang and other three young people were furious.

Hu Mengqi's eyebrows were also frowned, her pretty face gradually filled with icy colors, and the beautiful eyes that looked at Lin Tian were full of unkindness.

"Hey...Senior sister, three senior brothers, don't get angry! He is my friend Lin Bei, don't quarrel, I'm afraid he will hurt you! And he is here to find Grandpa Fuyao..."

Shi Xiaoshou's face changed, and he immediately opened his arms and stood between Lin Tian and Hu Mengqi and other four people, and explained anxiously.

Hurt us?

Hu Mengqi's four faces were shocked, their eyes rounded.

Although they couldn't see the cultivation base of Lin Tian, ​​they were as old as Shi Xiaoshou, and the two were walking together again. Where could their cultivation base be so strong?

"It's really like to gather together!"

Li Xingliang looked at him for a moment and scolded Shi Xiaoshou, "No wonder you dared to blow such a big bull today. You know him and you have learned to brag! If you let Master Fu Yao hear what you two said, let alone accept you. As a disciple, it might break your legs! Huh, you actually said he hurt us? Had it not been for Senior Sister Hu's good temper, I would have let this kid crawl out of Feiyunju!"

"Brother Li, what I said is true! I just defeated Zhou Chencheng, it was me from the Lin Bei Gang!"

Seeing that Hu Mengqi and others didn't believe it, Shi Xiaoshou couldn't help but started to explain.

"Let's go up, Master is about to prepare for the lecture, and Senior Mu Nanfeng is also preparing to come! Don't waste time!"

Hu Mengqi shook her head helplessly to Shi Xiaoshou, and finally turned her head and said to Li Xingliang and others.

"Yes, yes, yes... Let's go up and find a good position! Don't talk nonsense with this fat man..."

Tang Yunyun, who was on the side with a more stocky figure, nodded repeatedly, with excitement on his face, "Although our alchemy talents are not high, if we can get a little guidance from Master Mu Nanfeng, it will be a lifelong benefit. And it is said that Master Mu Nanfeng is still a good one. The predecessors of the famous foundation building stage, such existence, only a few people like Zhong Xiangdi and others can compare with them..."

The other two young men also nodded in agreement.

"Boy, if we weren't in a hurry to attend the class today, it's because of your disrespect to our master's words, you have to look good!"

Li Xingliang looked at Lin Tian again and warned.

"Looking at what you are wearing, you should have come from outside. I don't know who you are following or what happened to my master, but in our world, it is better to keep a low profile! Otherwise, you may die..."

Hu Mengqi also frowned her eyebrows and warned Lin Tian, ​​and then nodded to the three youths and walked first. The three of Li Xingliang behind them sneered and followed Hu Mengqi to Feiyun Peak.

"Lin Bei, Sister Hu, they don't believe us..."

Shi Xiaoshou scratched his head in distress, and said helplessly.

"It's okay, let's go up too. After seeing Fuyao himself and getting what I want, I have to leave!"

Lin Tian shook his head slightly and said calmly.

However, he was a little surprised. Mu Nanfeng said that he had gone to Dongzhou before, but now he has rushed to the southwest again.

Shi Xiaoshou was puzzled when he heard it, and he didn't know what Lin Tian wanted, but he didn't ask, and quickly continued to lead the way.

Feiyun Peak is extremely tall, but not steep. The huge mountain peaks hovering upward, and the terrain is extremely gentle.


On Feiyun Peak, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, many pavilions are located in many places.

Lin Tian also learned from Shi Xiaoshou that these were the residences of many powerful casual cultivators, some of which belonged to the predecessors in the foundation construction period.


The two reached the top of Feiyun Peak.

On that side, there is a towering hall and a huge square.

At this time, hundreds of people have gathered on the square, which is very lively.

"Lin Bei, let's quickly find a good place to sit down!"

Shi Xiaoshou pulled Lin Tian forward, found a more forward position, sat down on the spot, and said, "Grandpa Fuyao is going to give a lecture. You may not be able to see him now if you go to find him. After all, the lecture may be delayed, so let’s listen to the lecture first! You may be better than me in alchemy, but listening to it will increase your knowledge! By the way, Sister Hu and others just said that there is also Mu Nanfeng. It turned out to be this senior! That is the master of medical dao in the realm of comprehension, and his attainments on the path of alchemy are not weaker than that of Grandpa Fuyao..."

"Mu Nanfeng is really good!"

Lin Tian knew that he was in a hurry, he needed to give a lecture, and he needed to raise soul grass when he had something to ask. He sat down beside Shi Xiaoshou and said, "However, this Mu Nanfeng lacks a little spirituality, no matter what. Whether it is the medical way or the alchemy way, they are all imprisoned!"

Shi Xiaoshou's face was dumbfounded, and it seemed that he could not expect Lin Tian to make such remarks.

And beside him, four people suddenly walked up, surprisingly Hu Mengqi and others.

They obviously also heard Lin Tian's words, and their expressions were terribly gloomy.

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