The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 891: Enchanting

Chen Haotian and Zhong Xiangdi suddenly got up and woke up. It was so sudden that everyone was shocked.

Seeing the two kneeling down, they were shocked for a while.

All of them looked dumbfounded.

Only Hu Mengqi stared at Lin Tian with her beautiful eyes, with a look of horror and disbelief.

"Lin...Lin Bei Zhizun?"

And Mu Nanfeng and Fuyaosanren all spoke in trembling, shocked in their eyes.

Just looking at the actions of Chen Haotian and Zhong Xiangdi again, the hearts of the few people are somewhat certain.

"You two are dead!"

Lin Tian glanced at Zhong Xiangdi and Chen Haotian faintly, and said, "If I didn't need the destiny flower this time, come and fetch the medicine, you might not see the sun tomorrow!"

"Ah... yes... you saved us both, senior!"

Zhong Xiangdi and Chen Haotian were very surprised, and immediately grateful again and again, then Zhong Xiangdi looked back at Fuyao Sanren, and shouted: "What are you guys doing in a daze? You haven't seen Senior Lin! If it wasn't for Senior to take action. Captured and killed Saint Gu Cult Saint Lord Hong Qi, and now our Yelang Cultivation Domain is dead in name!"


He... he is the Lin Beizhi who is rumored in the southwest!

"I'm waiting to see Senior Lin!"

At this moment, Fuyao Sanren waited no longer to hesitate, and quickly bowed to see him.

"Oh my God... I... My brother Lin Bei is the Supreme Lin Bei!"

Shi Xiaoshou was holding his pill furnace, staring at Lin Tian with a smile, with excitement and shock on his face, "No wonder he is so good at alchemy, it turns out that he...he is the ancestor of golden pill!"

But Li Xingliang and others were already so scared that their legs were trembling, and their teeth were trembling.

How is this possible?

Hu Mengqi was still a little unwilling to believe it at this time, her face was messy.

"Senior, I guessed before, but I didn't expect to solve the Southwest Saint Gu Sect. It was you!"

Mu Nanfeng saluted Lin Tian respectfully at this time, and said with a wry smile: "I was fortunate to see the magical techniques of the predecessors in Kujing Mountain, but now that I see you again, Nanfeng was frightened by you again. It turns out that you are Jindan. Senior, the junior is rude!"

"Didn't you go to Dongzhou before, why come here again?"

Lin Tian smiled slightly and nodded: "I came to Feiyunju to save them two, it was just a coincidence. I came here for the seeds of the destiny flower!"

"I went to Dongzhou before, but Young Master Zhang from Xingchenshan asked me to go to Central Continent, and I need a destiny flower, so let's drop by here!"

Mu Nanfeng hurriedly replied, "But now you also need the Destiny Flower Seed, Senior, naturally you will give it to Senior!"

"Senior needs a destiny flower?"

Zhong Xiangdi raised his head in amazement, then turned to look at Fu Yao Sanren, and shouted, "Fu Yao, give it all to Senior!"


Fuyao Sanren was shocked all over, responded quickly, and at the same time took a small bag from his body and handed it to Lin Tian respectfully, "Senior...the seeds of the Destiny Flower are here! But this thing is difficult to plant. ..."

Lin Tian took it, untied and glanced at it, making sure that the seeds inside were the flowers of destiny.

"Senior, Shi Xiaoshou... did you teach his alchemy techniques?"

At this moment Fuyao Sanren couldn't help asking again.

"He has a good talent and was almost buried by you! So I taught him something!"

Lin Tian nodded slightly, then looked at Shi Xiaoshou and said, "It's up to you how far you can go in the future! The things I teach you, you need to practice a lot, and now you can use it in alchemy, but only a hundred One part! I still have to take a step ahead!"

With that, Lin Tian stepped forward and left the hall.

Where did Zhong Xiangdi and Chen Haotian dare to neglect, they got up quickly, took the medicine and scattered the others, and hurriedly sent Lin Tian out.

On the square in front of the main hall.

Everyone stayed where they were.

Seeing Lin Tian appearing, many people suddenly looked up, their eyes full of unkindness.

"Grass, this kid came out, it's okay!"

Many people can't believe Lin Tian clearly.

But soon everyone's eyes widened, and their eyes were about to fall to the ground.

I saw Zhong Xiangdi, Chen Haotian, Mu Nanfeng and others who came out, all shouting respectfully to Senior.

"Grass, I heard it right!"

"Zhongzhen people are all saluting this guy, I'm not mistaken!"

Many people were shocked there.

"What are you all doing in a daze? Get out and make way for Senior Lin Bei!"

Seeing many people on the square, they were stunned and shouted.

"Senior Lin Bei?"

Someone reacted first and was surprised: "Master Fuyao, he... what Senior Lin Bei is he?"

"Senior Lin Bei who killed Saint Gu Cult Saint Master Hong Qi!"

Fuyaosanren took a deep breath and said loudly.

"What! Senior Lin Bei! The young man of Lin Bei, who is famous in the Southwest Comprehension Realm! It's... it's him!"

In the square, there was an uproar in an instant, everyone looked at Lin Tian with amazement, their faces were full of shock.

For a time.

The front of the hall became deadly silent.

"Grass, come with me, it's him, kill him for me!"


A burst of shouts rang from across the square.

I saw Zhou Chencheng rushing towards Lin Tian with a group of people.

"Chencheng, what are you doing!"

Fu Yao San's expression changed drastically, and he shouted sharply to Zhou Chencheng.

"Master, this person humiliates me, I will kill him!"

Zhou Chencheng pointed at Lin Tian angrily, shouting loudly.


However, what responded to Zhou Chencheng was the expression of horror and a big slap in true spirit.

Zhou Chencheng's whole body was flew away in the sky and fell to the ground, and a few teeth flew to the ground.

"Master, you..."

Lifting his head, Zhou Chencheng looked at Fu Yao Sanren in amazement, with a look of puzzlement.

Lin Tian glanced at the situation before him, then retracted his gaze and stepped down Feiyun Peak.

Before in the village of buried bones, Jimo Ruxue had already informed Lin Tian Shennongjia the realm of cultivation and the approximate location of Wuya Mountain.

Therefore, after leaving Feiyunju, Lin Tian stepped straight to the northeast, heading to the Jiangbei Province.

Shennongjia Comprehension Domain is located in Shennongjia Forest Park in Jiangbei Province.

Outside of Feiyunju, Lin Tian stepped back into the vast 100,000 mountains, and at the same time, he was about to step on the Feijian to reach Jiangbei at the fastest speed.

However, just not far away, Lin Tian frowned, stopped, and looked back with a puzzled look.


Lin Tian's eyes condensed slightly, and he glanced around. At the same time, his spiritual consciousness also spread.

I just found nothing.

"What's the matter with the demonic atmosphere just now?"

Lin Tian's face was full of doubts, very puzzled, "The most important thing is that it is at least the terrifying aura that the transformation monster has!"

Thinking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help but numb his scalp, and there was a cold air behind him.

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