The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 914: Who are you

Master Lin Bei!

Gao Jinyuan muttered silently for a while, and he couldn't remember that China had such characters.

"Hey, young master! It should be the enchanting young man who has recently turned out!"

For a long time, Gao Jinyuan exclaimed, and finally said to everyone: "At such an age, he has stepped into the ranks of martial arts masters. Even the senior Jun Wuyi who is known as the first master of China, he was not so terrible when he was young!"

After hearing Gao Jinyuan's words, everyone was stunned.

Then, someone frowned and said: "Senior Senior, Jun Wuyi is inferior to him? This is unlikely, right?"

The others turned their heads one after another after hearing the words, their faces were all puzzled.

Jun Wuyi, that is China's official recognized first martial arts master, and even the first master and first assistant instructor of China's military special forces!

Although, in the world of martial arts, there are still a lot of ancient Wu old monsters hidden, and the strength is definitely not inferior to Jun Wuyi.

However, Jun Wuyi once made great achievements for China. In the hearts of many national martial arts enthusiasts, Jun Wuyi is the first person, an invincible God of War!

Now that there is a more enchanting existence than Jun Wuyi, everyone is naturally very unwilling to believe it.

"How can it be impossible? Huh, Senior Jun Wuyi is like Senior Lin Bei when he is such an age, he is worthy of stepping into the pinnacle of Earth-level warrior!"

Gao Jinyuan frowned and shook his head, humming softly: "It wasn't until Jun Wuyi was twenty-five years old that he broke through the ranks of innate masters! At that time, the entire Chinese martial arts world was shocked. At that time, I was just an external cultivator. Fortunately, I went to admire the demeanor of Jun Wuyi's predecessor! Those other characters, the old man was already impressed and sighed!"

"And the predecessor of Lin Bei Grandmaster in front of him, his talent is enchanting, his strength is terrifying, his demeanor is extraordinary, and he has a lot of no clothes!

"Just today..."

Having said that, Gao Jinyuan only smiled bitterly and shook his head.

After listening to Gao Jinyuan's words, many people couldn't help but gasp secretly, and their hearts were panic and annoyed.

Anxious, because many people also mocked Lin Tian, ​​which is somewhat offended.

What is annoying is that such a good opportunity to befriend a young master who is even more terrifying than Jun Wuyi was wasted. Not only that, but also offended people!

This is extremely depressing.

Fang Hao lowered his head, his face was extremely ugly, like a concubine.


Du Miaoshu's face was gloomy and his eyes were cold.

at this time.

He hated him to the extreme!

If Fang Hao's investigation was clear before, he wouldn't have offended a martial arts master for no reason!

This is simply deadly!

"Tell me, what happened just now?"

At this time, Gao Jinyuan looked at Duan Yunhuan, Du Miaoshu and others, frowning.

He came before because he was angry when he heard Lin Tian's words and didn't understand, and he was ashamed and offended.

If he were to be replaced by some weird-tempered grandmaster, he would most likely be killed in a single shot.

Thinking of this, Gao Jinyuan was afraid for a while, for Duan Yunhuan and others, even more unhappy and angry.

Fang Hao paled, turned his head and glanced at Du Miaoshu and others, and finally said tremblingly: "Senior... just now we weren't intentional..."

"Shut up! Humph, the dignified Fang Jia Fanghao is so unbearable! Don't blame the old man for reprimanding you, if your old man Fang Jutang is here, if you know what was just now, you must be killed!"

Gao Jinyuan directly yelled at the other party, and then he looked at Fu Xiaoguai, with a calm expression: "This little sister, you helped the old man talk about what happened just now! Don't worry, no one dares to treat you! What happened today, The old man has to take care of it, otherwise he will be even more angry when Brother Yang Jiyang comes over!"


Fu Xiaoguai glanced at Fang Hao and the others nervously, and finally nodded slightly and said, "This is how things are..."

For a long while.

After listening to Fu Xiaoguai's words, Gao Jinyuan's face was gloomy and dripping.

"Fang Hao, you are so good!"

Gao Jinyuan yelled angrily and shouted: "How can you be so embarrassed if you treat people with courtesy? Maybe, we can get the guidance of a martial arts master, and the cultivation level can go further!"

Everyone was silent.

But many people wailed in secret, Gao Jinyuan's words were simply too heartbreaking!

Most of the people present are obsessed with national arts. Who doesn't want to improve their strength?

"what happened?"

Suddenly, an old deep shout came from outside Lei Feng Island.

Gao Jinyuan and everyone looked up, but saw an old man walking with a young man wearing a Tang suit with buck teeth.

"I have seen Senior Yang!"

Seeing the old man appeared, everyone was shocked and hurriedly bowed.

They all recognized the old man!

It's Yang Ji!

When he was in Bincheng, Lin Tian had seen him in the martial arts hall of Wulin Street in the University City. He was a master of Chinese martial arts!

The young man who followed was naturally Yang Ji's disciple Bao Shuya!


Duan Yunhuan walked out of the crowd and came forward to see him.

Yang Ji nodded slightly.

But Bao Shuya behind, hurried forward to greet Duan Yunhuan.

Duan Yunhuan belongs to the best talent under Yang Ji's sect, and his strength is much stronger than that of Bao Shuya!

"Brother Yang, you can count it!"

Gao Jinyuan walked towards Yang Ji, clasped his fists and spoke.

"Brother Gao, why are you here?"

Yang Ji noticed Gao Jinyuan, and was very surprised. This time he did not invite the other party in the exchange of Chinese martial arts.

"Hey... old man, if I'm late, it will be troublesome! Fortunately..."

Gao Jinyuan sighed and shook his head, his expression depressed.

"what happened?"

Yang Ji frowned and asked.

Gao Jinyuan pointed to Duan Yunhuan and said, "Ask your disciple!"

"Master, just now..."

Duan Yunhuan gave a shock all over his body, and hurriedly stepped up to explain what had happened before.

Speaking of which, he is also responsible for this matter.

This exchange of Chinese martial arts was presided over by him, but failed to get it right. The result was messed up!

"What! You guys are... really annoying old man!"

Yang Ji's eyes widened, his face showed anger, and he shouted: "A group of guys who don't know the heights of the earth! Lin Bei... The old man has never heard of it, but the old man is stronger than this one, and the old man has encountered it in Nanzhou. You really don’t know that there are people outside the sky..."


When Yang Ji arrived, he was furious. Lin Tian naturally didn't know this.

He and Shu Yi left the West Lake directly.

After leaving West Lake, Shu Yi drove him to a hotel not far away to stay.

Along the way, Shu Yi was silent.

"Lin Bei, you...who are you? Are you really a martial arts master? You said before that you don't know how to martial arts!"

Sending Lin Tian to the hotel, before leaving, Shu Yi finally couldn't help it, gritted her teeth and asked Lin Tian directly.

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