Yu Youyou and Lao Chen were sent back to school by the security wizard at three o'clock in the morning.

Because Lao Chen had been reporting the news to Li Tiancheng, he had fallen asleep when he learned that Yu Youyou was fine.

Yu Youyou also washed up and lay on the bed, but she was not sleepy at all.

Staring at the ceiling of the bedroom, he remembered the record and questioning not long ago.

It was really detailed. Fortunately, he had a good memory and logical thinking, otherwise the story he made up would be exposed.

In the fight with several people, he controlled the water flow to cover his hands to ensure that there were no fingerprints left.

So as long as there were no direct witnesses, or the necromancer summoned the soul to ask the spirit, he would not be found.

There are also requirements for the necromancer to summon the soul. The earlier the time and the stronger the strength, the more complete the memory can be preserved. In addition, there are very few necromancers who can summon the soul, and most of them will not be able to ask anything when they find someone.

What's more, there is no need to spend all this effort to track down a person who does good things without leaving a name.

The reason why I concealed this part of the matter was not only because of my special situation that was difficult to explain, but also because of some concerns.

The opponent's strength and information penetration were too terrifying. There might be someone from the other side in the security magician.

If my situation was exposed, I don't know how much trouble it would cause.

I'm afraid that the next time I face an attack that is more terrifying than this.

Fortunately, he broke through the third level this week and killed several people with the help of the combined aura, otherwise he would be the one who died.

If Shen Ziwei's matter was premeditated, I'm afraid he had already started planning it shortly after he arrived in Shendu.

And when they first came to Shendu, if they didn't choose to follow the special plane of the Water Administration Bureau to Shendu, they would have attacked him on the way.

Thinking of this, Yu Youyou felt a deep sense of crisis in his heart.

This time it was Shen Ziwei, who would it be next time?

Yu Ranran? Or his parents?

In the dark, Yu Youyou's starry eyes flickered. He had many weaknesses. If the opponent didn't care about the cost, it would be really difficult to prevent.

Strength, after all, is still insufficient!

Yu Youyou clenched his palms and frowned. He needed to think of a way to actively avoid these risks.

Otherwise, he would confront the official about the ancient jade?

But the connection between the ancient jade and him is very subtle now. The other party may not have thought of this. Since they put the ancient jade on him so confidently, it means that the ancient jade is difficult to take out except by special methods.

Perhaps only his death can take out the ancient jade.

So unless it is absolutely necessary, doing such a thing is undoubtedly a self-inflicted disaster.

He never underestimates the sinisterness of human hearts. If the news that he is carrying such a treasure spreads, I am afraid there will be no peace at all.

For so many days, he has also checked a lot of information, and he has not heard of any treasure that has such a powerful effect of enhancing element affinity.

It's not that there is no, but those are like the Guose Tianxiang Ningwan, which are not permanent.

Even these consumables have made the second generation like Li Tiancheng personally fight for them. If the effect of the ancient jade is spread, it will definitely attract more people's covetousness.

What other methods are there?

Thinking about this question, sleepiness gradually came over me, and I fell into a deep sleep.

The lights on both sides of the river illuminated the river surface slightly.

This river that gave birth to Chinese civilization is still rushing after countless years.

Under the river bank, there was darkness.


A masked figure suddenly jumped down from a dark path.

The splash dissipated, and the figure disappeared on the river surface.

The masked man controlled the water flow, faster than most fish, and swam towards the depths of the river bottom.

I don't know how long it took, and a faint light came into my sight.

As I moved forward, the light became increasingly obvious, showing a dark blue color. Looking through the light, a huge head was looming.

And the light came from an organ on the head.


The masked man stood in front of the huge head and bowed his head.

After a second of silence, the sound of water flow around was heard, and under the light, a pair of bluer eyes opened and closed.

"Where is the Kunlun Jade?"

An old male voice sounded as the giant mouth opened and closed.


When saying this, the masked man could feel that the water flow around him became a little colder.

"You failed twice and lost so many people, so why did you come back?"

Hearing the somewhat cold voice, the masked man bowed his head and said, "Master Priest, although the mission failed, I got two pieces of information, and you will definitely be interested."

The blue eyes moved slightly, "Tell me, if you can't satisfy me, just treat it as my breakfast...breakfast tonight."

The masked man felt relieved and did not dare to neglect it. He hurriedly said, "One is the kid who integrated into the Kunlun Jade, and the Kunlun JadeIt's a perfect match. In just a few weeks, he has broken through to level three.

I'm thinking, why not wait and see, if that kid is the right person, we can save a lot of effort in the Divine Religion. "

The light flickered, as if thinking, after a moment, "His mother is a patrol mage, and he himself is a top talent in China. Are you sure you can absorb him?"

"Everyone has weaknesses, Master Priest, I have found out that this kid likes money very much. He met the young master of the Li family because of a prize of one million, and he even sold the hair of his own summoned creatures.

According to my experience, this kind of person is the easiest to be corrupted.

So please rest assured, I will definitely absorb this kid into the Divine Religion as quickly as possible."

The masked man's tone was somewhat confident. She didn't know how many times she had done this kind of thing, and she had never failed.

"That's good, I'll give you a year, as for the money, go to contact those people in the Illuminati, they will provide it to you. "

The priest was convinced, and it was also because of some of his subordinate's past achievements that made him feel that this matter was feasible.

The masked man nodded and continued: "The second thing is the news about the Holy Envoy of the Illuminati."


Feeling the priest's interest, the masked man said in a deep voice: "According to my investigation, the Holy Envoy was sealed and suppressed in Mangshan, and was not in the Judgment Bureau."

"This is indeed very valuable news..." The blue eyes closed slightly, and after a pause, he said:

"Take this news to talk to the Illuminati and tell them that if they want to rescue, we can provide help, but the premise is to help us open the door to the coast of China!"

"This..." The masked man hesitated and said: "Priest, this bargaining chip may not be enough..."

The blue eyes flickered, and the old voice smiled and said: "Youyu, study the history and culture of China more when you have nothing to do, especially the culture called bargaining.

First, offer a condition that they find difficult to accept, and then slowly bargain. ”

“I understand.”

“Okay, go ahead.”

The masked man turned and stepped into the darkness behind him, his blue eyes closed, with only a little light flickering.

It was 7:30 in the morning.

In the bathroom, Yu Youyou was washing in front of the mirror.

Feeling his left eyelid twitching wildly, he fell into deep thought.

If he remembered correctly, the left eye was twitching for wealth, right?

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