Yu Youyou looked at the competition on the stage with some boredom.

After experiencing the life-and-death fight with the intermediate magician, watching the competition on the stage felt like watching children playing house.

Fortunately, the three were much stronger than the challenger, and they won easily.

At this moment, Wang Xuandong and the other two on the stage had already started the third round of competition.

It was also the most difficult one, not because the challenger in the third round was stronger than the previous one.

It was because Wang Xuandong and the other two had consumed a lot of magic power, and they no longer had the calmness to release magic at will.

Yu Youyou's eyes moved away from the No. 1 and No. 2 rings. He knew Wang Xuandong and Yao Yueshan's methods well, and knew that there would probably be no problem.

His eyes were more focused on the No. 3 ring, not to see the ice beauty.

But he had never seen such an elegant ice magic.

Yes, it was elegant.

Watching the ice spikes that looked like ice spirit needles rushing towards the opponent's fire magic as the white hand was raised.

The fire mage on the opposite side controlled the fire shield and fled in panic.

But with a wave of his hand, the ice spikes suddenly changed direction and chased after him.

Obviously, this is also a genius who has already mastered the guidance of mental power marking.

The ice spikes penetrated the fire shield, and many of them were vaporized by the high temperature, and a thin mist filled the stage.

In the mist, the cold figure in the white plain skirt was strolling in the garden. With a slight movement of her fingers, she used the ice spikes to force the opponent to the edge of the ring.

The cleverly changing ice spikes reflected the colorful colors in the sun, like a butterfly flying through flowers.

Against the backdrop, the girl looked like a fairy riding on the clouds, which made people unable to look away.


Yu Youyou pouted. I didn't expect such an ice beauty to have a kind heart.

For three consecutive games, she controlled the ice spikes to try to force people off the stage, instead of beating them up and throwing them off like the two next door.


Not long after, the fire mage was trapped in a corner, and an ice spike pierced his ankle.

He stumbled and fell off the stage.

The school doctor who had been waiting for a long time hurried forward to help him away.

Wang Xuandong and Yao Yueshan also ended the battle one after another, winning all three games.

"I declare that Wang Xuandong, Yao Yueshan, and Zhang Zinan have successfully defended their positions. Please leave the stage."

The three of them walked down, and the referee teacher said:

"Next, Yang Zijin, Yang Zipei, and Wang Ying are ready."

"Yang Zijin is on stage one, and the first challenger is Shi Hua from Class 1 of the Thunder Department of Senior 1."

"Yang Zipei is on stage two, and the first challenger is Yang Jianjun from Class 3 of the Water Department of Senior 1."

"Wang Ying is on stage three, and the first challenger is Wu Yuandong from Class 2 of the Wind Department of Senior 1."

"Come on, you two."

Yu Youyou waved her hand to signal the two. The two sisters were the most dangerous among the few people.

Li Tiancheng, Wang Xuandong, who had just come off the stage, and Yao Yueshan also waved to cheer for the two sisters.

The two sisters looked at each other, their faces tense.

"It will be fine!"

The two encouraged each other again, and then began to go on stage to accept the first round of challenges.

Yu Youyou was also a little nervous looking at the two arenas, especially Yang Zijin's, the first round was the thunder method.

On the No. 1 stage, Yang Zijin stared at the tall figure who walked up, his mouth slightly open.

"Ah? Is this a student?"

Not only Yang Zijin, Yu Youyou was also silent when she saw the sturdy figure who could run a horse on his shoulders.

A classic line sounded in my mind: Is this guy eight years old?


With the referee's command, the two arenas next to him instantly burst into magical fluctuations.

There was only the number one platform. Shi Hua, who was nearly two meters tall, looked at the little guy in front of him who was not as thick as his thigh, and said in a muffled voice:

"You admit defeat, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to control your strength and I'll beat you to tears."

This made Yang Zijin come back to his senses instantly. His small nose wrinkled and he frowned and said:

"This is a magic competition, not a competition of who is bigger!"

Shi Hua shook his head and said nothing more. He raised his palm, which was a few centimeters bigger than Yang Zijin's head, and rushed towards Yang Zijin with arcs of electricity.

Yang Zijin's face tightened, his eyes flashed with solemnity, and his mental power surged rapidly.

Level 1 space magic: space mirror.

The ring was not big. Shi Hua took four or five steps with his long legs.

The arc of electricity left his palm and slashed towards the small figure.

Shi Hua's eyes flashed with pity, as if he had already foreseen the charred appearance of the little person in front of him spewing white smoke.


The electric arc instantly fell on the figure, and the little man in front of him cracked like a delicate porcelain doll.

"Why did it crack?"

Shi Hua stared with big eyes, a little panic in his eyes. He just wanted to defeat his opponent, not to kill him!

No! HisHow can a first-level electric arc have such great power!

But by the time Shi Hua reacted, it was too late.

Second-level space magic: spatial rhythm!

"Big guy, drink six more walnuts, don't just grow taller without growing brains!"


Shi Hua heard the voice and was about to turn around, but he felt like a wall was pushing from behind.

The tall figure rushed forward without any defense and fell to the stage.

"Yang Zijin of the No. 1 ring succeeded in the first challenge to the guard!"

The referee's announcement sounded immediately.

"It's a waste of worry, I didn't expect Zijin to be the fastest."

Yu Youyou and the excited Yang Zijin waved and turned their eyes to the other two sides.

Li Tiancheng shook his head slightly, "I didn't expect the opponent to be so stupid."

Perhaps relying on his tall physique and being used to fighting since childhood, he actually rushed forward at the beginning like fighting with ordinary people.

Finally, he fell into Yang Zijin's mirror illusion and was pushed down by the rhythm of space.

At this time, on the rostrum, a group of leaders were also brightened by the sight of this neat and tidy space magic.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a good seedling in the space department this year. It's rare."

"It's a pity that he is not from our Zhongzhou Province. Eh... Zhongwu from Bulk Province? Could it be..."

"It's a small matter if he is not from our province. Let people pay more attention to him and try to stay in our province to study in the Magic University. The same is true for employment."

"Haha, Lao Yu, aren't you afraid that the Thirteen Taibao will come and slam the table?"

"It's a joke. If the Thirteen Taibao can get together and unify their opinions, the Bulk Province will have to change its name."


As time went by, as the three rounds ended, the three of them successfully defended their positions.

Then Li Tiancheng, Zhang Yue, and Chu Tiankuo came on stage.

But this time, it was not as expected by Yu Youyou. Chu Tiankuo, a natural magician, was successfully challenged by a fire magician in the first round.

Even Zhang Yue was successfully challenged by a shadow mage in the third round.

Only Li Tiancheng successfully defended his position without any suspense.

"Next, please ask the last student Yu Youyou to go to the first stage to defend her position. Yu Youyou has only one challenger, Huang Wei from the first grade of the Department of Geography."

After the voice fell, a lot of eyes shot towards the boy who was walking on the stage.

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