The milky white light curtain lit up in the night as if it was a big light bulb of more than a thousand watts.

It immediately attracted the attention of the people on the street.

"Fuck, where did such a big light bulb come from?!"

"It's a light bulb, it's light magic!"

"Holy light protection! It's a level 5 light defense magic!"

"Defense magic? There's no one in the light curtain? Who is it defending?"

"Brothers, don't join in the fun, run quickly, there are magicians fighting!"

"Call the police! Call the police! Call the police!"

The street below was in chaos in an instant. Except for a few brave people who were still preparing to take out their mobile phones to take pictures, most people retreated in panic.

Even if they hadn't eaten pork, they had seen pigs run.

The TV often broadcasts news about people who watched magicians fighting and were killed.

The people have basically cultivated some simple consciousness now, and they just run first when encountering such a situation.

Listening to the chaotic voices below, the illusionist in the light curtain also became a little anxious.

Someone has called the police. If they are held back by the shadow mage, it will be even harder to escape when the security mage comes.

He glanced at Lao Chen outside the Holy Light Guardian with resentment.

He could hear the sizzling sound of the Holy Light Guardian being eroded by the shadow.

The Illusion Mage's mental power surged wildly, and under the cover of the secret mystery, the night quietly changed.

Level 6 Illusion Magic: Inverted Illusionary Realm!

It's dawn!

In the eyes of all the onlookers, the night in their eyes instantly turned into day.

The scorching sun in the sky was scorching the earth, but the big ball of light on the roof had disappeared.

After a moment of silence, screams rang out.

"How come it suddenly became daytime?!!!"

"Illusion, it's an illusion, it must be an illusion!"

"Too scary! What level of magic is this?!"

"Ahhh! I don't want to die yet! Who will save me!!"

"Woo woo woo! Mom, I want to go home..."

The sudden daylight and the scorching sun made everyone feel a chill in their hearts.

The more abnormal things are, the more they can arouse fear in people's hearts.


At this time, a cold snort exploded in the sky, and under the horrified eyes of everyone, the sky began to distort.

Above the sun, a black spot appeared, and the black spot expanded rapidly until it turned the entire sky into darkness, pure darkness!

Sixth-level shadow magic: Siye domain!

In the darkness, terrifying figures appeared one after another, and the scarlet eyes were like demons that chose people to devour.

Ordinary people can't see the figure that almost melted into the darkness, but they can see the scarlet eyes.

Like a big red lantern appearing in the dark night, it was frightening.

Everyone was quiet, their pupils widened, and only the faint sound of teeth chattering and the smell of urine proved their fear at the moment.

But what reassured everyone afterwards was that the monster did not come towards them.

It seemed that a few seconds had passed, accompanied by a faint sound of breaking.

The familiar scene of thousands of lights and rows of streets appeared in everyone's eyes again.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Until the sense of relief of returning to reality came, everyone was excited and cried bitterly, and hurriedly rolled and crawled towards a farther distance.

Under the light, they saw the monster hidden in the darkness.

Each one was taller than the shops on both sides, vaguely a human figure, but his hands were like crab-like claws.

The scarlet eyes stared at the holy light guard on the roof of the shop that was half swallowed by the darkness.

The darkness flowed and rushed towards it quickly.

At the same time, he finally saw the figure in the Holy Light Guardian, a blond and blue-eyed foreigner.

"Damn it, the night has too much of an effect on the shadow mage. The inverted illusion domain was directly broken by the Siye domain, and those shadow warriors are also more powerful than normal!"

In the Holy Light Guardian, the illusionist's eyes were full of bloodshot, and his eyes anxiously swept over the terrifying monsters on the periphery.

In the dark night, he had no chance of winning against a shadow mage who was at a higher level than him!

If he hadn't relied on the secret secret to make the opponent suffer a few losses, he would have been taken down long ago.

However, the secret secret is not a secret that enhances the power of magic, but is famous for its weirdness.

Facing the sixth-level Siye domain of the shadow mage, he felt like he had no way to go up to heaven and no way to go down to earth.

No! He can't die here!

With his talent, he will become a high-level illusionist sooner or later.

He is still young and has a lot of opportunities!

The magician looked at the fleeing people behind him, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

His mental power surged, and a dark green ball appeared in his hand.

"Huh? What is he going to do?!"

Since forcing out the magicIn order to find the true body of the magician, Lao Chen has been paying attention to the actions of the magician.

When he saw him take out a small round ball, he was worried.

The tall black shadow warriors have surrounded the Holy Light Guardian, and the sharp claws of the big pliers hit the Holy Light Guardian heavily.

"Crack, crack!"

The fifth-level Holy Light Guardian finally couldn't hold on any longer and broke into pieces.

The small round shield also broke into two halves.

The magician made a prompt decision and quickly threw away the small round shield and used mental power to attack several black shadow warriors.

The black shadow warriors stagnated one after another, and it was at this time that the magician threw the small round ball far away with force.

As soon as the small round ball left his hand, it disappeared and was covered by the illusion.

"Not good!"

Lao Chen's face changed drastically, and at this moment he vaguely understood the magician's intention.

At this time, the black shadow warriors recovered and smashed towards the magician in the middle.

The magician dodged hastily, and activated a bracelet on his hand, and the dark stone armor immediately covered his whole body.

Level 5 Earth Magic: Black Mysterious Stone Armor!


Surrounded by the Night Squadron, the traces of the magician were completely predicted.

The black shadow warrior's giant pliers hit the magician's body heavily, and the stone armor made a crackling sound, but it did not break.

However, the powerful impact force could not be completely eliminated, and the magician's body fell down.

Directly penetrated the reinforced concrete roof of the top floor of the shop, and a mouthful of blood mist sprayed out.

"Hahaha!" The illusionist spit out blood mist and laughed loudly: "That is a one-time poison magic weapon. After a few seconds, it will release a fifth-level poisonous magic corruption mist, which is enough to cover a few miles.

If you are below the intermediate magician, once you are contaminated or inhaled by the poison mist, you will turn into blood in a few seconds. Now only your night domain can stop it. Now you need to make a choice!"

The black shadow warrior's movement suddenly stopped, and Lao Chen's figure jumped to the top of the black shadow warrior's head.

With a sullen face, he glanced at the illusionist wrapped in stone armor, and then merged with the black shadow warrior into the shadow and went towards the crowd in the distance.

This is a commercial street, and it is night time. There are a lot of people, and there are thousands of people within a few miles.

If the poison mist breaks out, it will be an unimaginable tragedy!

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