"Dad, help me keep an eye on it."

Yu Ranran shouted in a deep voice. The father and daughter seemed to be in sync. Yu Yuanming stared at the python closely and pierced the python's body with spikes.

Unfortunately, the water was too deep, and the spikes only showed a small tip.

Even if it hit the python, it would only leave a trivial wound.

It can only be said that earth magicians are too restricted in this water environment. Yu Yuanming has many magics but doesn't know how to effectively kill the python.


With a slightly trembling wolf howl, five wind blades shot towards the python's body.

The python's body twisted, and the violent water covered its whole body. The wind blades sank into the rapidly flowing water, and the power was greatly reduced, leaving only a few shallow marks.

But fortunately, the python was finally held back. Yu Ranran raised her eyebrows, and her mental power connected with the magic power, and another python appeared from the water.

It was the fourth-level water magic: water python strangulation.

The water python rushed towards the python, and the water flow formed by the python's body rotated at a high speed, like a cutting machine.

The python felt the crisis and swung its body to escape, but with a bang, a three or four meter high stone wall rose from the ground and blocked it.

Yu Ranran stretched out his hand and pulled the unrecognizable female corpse over with a long whip of water flow. In an instant, there was another bang, and several stone walls blocked all the retreat routes of the python.

The python anxiously slapped the stone wall, and then layers of water curtains rose up, trying to stop the water python, but with a loud bang, all the stone walls collapsed inward instantly.

The stone walls hit the python's body, weighing several tons. When they fell suddenly, even the python felt some pain, its scales were broken, and blood flowed.

The layers of water curtains shook and disappeared directly, but the real killing move had just arrived. The water python suddenly swung its tail and entangled the python. The high-speed rotating water flow was more terrifying than any blade.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Accompanied by painful hisses, blood and flesh splashed, and the water python also turned into a blood python, strangling the big python like a meat grinder.

After a while, the water python turned into blood and dispersed, revealing the dying big python, with most of its flesh and blood disappearing, revealing the white bones.

With the deep red blood next to it, it was like a scene of purgatory on earth.

Yu Youyou closed her eyes slightly, but the picture in her mind could not be shaken off, especially the unrecognizable female corpse also appeared in her mind, merging with the bloody scene.


Yu Youyou's face turned pale, her stomach churned violently, and she quickly lay down on the side of the boat and retched.

The vomiting sound attracted the father and daughter who had finished the battle, and Yu Yuanming and Yu Ranran looked over with concern.

Daqing on the side tilted his head, with doubts in his light green eyes.

In its world, this bloody scene is just a daily occurrence, and it obviously cannot understand Yu Youyou's feelings.

"It's the same the first time. I vomited and couldn't eat for three days."

Yu Ranran stepped forward, patted Yu Youyou's back, and then opened the hot water he brought with him and handed it over.

Yu Youyou didn't refuse, took the hot water to rinse his mouth, then leaned back and lowered his eyes slightly.

This was not the first time he faced death, but it was the first time he faced this kind of death.

He had occasionally passed by this cake shop. Although he had never bought anything to eat, his super memory also remembered the faces of several shop assistants.

Now that one of them died so tragically in front of him, he felt more or less indescribable in his heart.

Humans are the only creatures that are afraid of the corpses of their own kind. With this picture, he finally failed to overcome the physiological impulse.

This kind of vomiting is more like a way to vent fear. It does feel much better after vomiting, but the picture still keeps flashing in his mind. Obviously, this influence cannot be eliminated in a short time.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Feeling the three pairs of eyes still on him, Yu Youyou said softly.

Yu Ranran and Yu Yuanming nodded and looked away. During this time, the dying python finally died completely.

Yu Ranran manipulated the water flow to lift the remaining python body over. The bones and flesh of the fourth-level magic creature were extremely hard and tight, and it was difficult to cut the body with the kitchen knife.

The speedboat couldn't put such a big python body, so it could only be hung beside the speedboat.

Yu Yuanming contacted the security wizard to come and retrieve the body. Fearing that the body would be washed away or eaten by other magic creatures, the three of them guarded it.

After a while, several security wizards drove motorboats with small boats hanging behind them and surrounded them.

The middle-aged security wizard in the lead was also shocked when he saw the blood and the huge python body next to the speedboat.

"Do you know the deceased? Or do you know the identity of the deceased?"

After the body was fished into the boat, the middle-aged security wizard in charge asked while taking notes.

Three peopleNaturally, she shook her head. Yu Youyou said, "I only know that she is an employee of this cake shop. If you can contact the store manager or other employees, you should be able to recognize her."

The security mage nodded and asked about the identities of the three people and the details of what happened.

"Okay, thank you for the information and help you provided." The security mage put away the small notebook, glanced at the python and said seriously.

This kind of intermediate magic creature is also a big disaster for them. If one is eliminated, they can also feel a little relieved.

The three nodded slightly and did not refuse the thanks. Yu Youyou looked at the security wizard who was about to leave and asked, "Excuse me, are there many victims now?"

The middle-aged security wizard in the lead was slightly stunned, but did not say anything confidential. After a moment of silence, he said, "I don't know much about other places. In our area, there are about 70 victims so far. If we add our brothers who were killed, it's almost 100 people."

The middle-aged security wizard's eyes were a little red, and he exhaled softly, "Although we have evacuated most of the people urgently, there are still many people who have been harmed. The rain is too fast and too fast. According to our estimate, if the rain does not stop, the water depth will rise to three meters in less than an hour."

The three people's faces changed. The deeper the water level, the more complex the environment of the water area will be. The survival ability and concealment of these magical creatures in the water area will be stronger. Moreover, at a depth of three meters, there may be more terrifying magical creatures.

"Is there any way?" Yu Yuanming couldn't help asking.

The middle-aged security wizard shook his head, "That's not something I know, but part of the Chashan garrison has entered the city, including the Water Management Bureau, and the magicians from the colleges are all doing their best to rescue. Now we have begun to fight back against these magical creatures, so you don't have to worry too much."

After saying that, the middle-aged security wizard waved his hand and drove away with his teammates on a motorboat.

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