But a few minutes later, the fire in Yu Youyou's heart was extinguished by a basin of cold water.

Looking at the galloping Da Qing and the purple-winged eagle with only a small black dot, he began to hesitate.

It was too wishful for land creatures to catch up with flying birds.

If Da Qing was not also a wind creature, and with the assistance of the spirit of wind, its speed was not slow, I am afraid that I can't even see the black dot at this moment.

"Forget it, forget it, I am too idealistic."

Yu Youyou stopped the view and asked Da Qing to stop chasing through the contract, and could only give up helplessly.

He could still gamble if he was almost there, but this was too much. In a few minutes, Da Qing couldn't even see his shadow.

After receiving the order, Da Qing suddenly stopped and looked up at the void. Although he couldn't see anything, he knew that Yu Youyou was there.

"Go back, give up." Yu Youyou said helplessly.

Da Qing didn't complain or show any surprise about this, and it was obviously expected.

How could they, who were running on the ground, catch up with those flying in the sky?

Fortunately, Yu Youyou was rational enough and did not continue to chase.

Daqing turned around without hesitation and prepared to turn back. Yu Youyou looked at the blurred black spot with some reluctance and then changed her perspective.

Daqing did not run so hard when he went back. That full-strength state was very physically demanding.

In just a few minutes, the muscles of the whole body felt burning, which was caused by the high-speed vibration of the muscle groups.

If he continued to maintain the full-strength and high-speed state, it would cause a certain degree of strain.

Yu Youyou could monitor Daqing's state in real time through the contract, so he did not let Daqing use full strength when he went back.

But when the two were about to turn around, they heard a familiar cry at the same time in just a few seconds.


Yu Youyou and Daqing both paused in their hearts, looked back, and the small black spot gradually became clearer.

"What is this?"

Yu Youyou was a little confused. Why did this purple-winged eagle turn around?

Da Qing was also stunned, and a human-like doubt flashed across his light green eyes. Does this summoner still have the ability to attract birds from a distance?

But after a few seconds, the black shadow revealed its entire body. Yu Youyou saw the direction the purple-winged eagle was looking at, and his amber eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Not good, Da Qing, be careful!"

Yu Youyou was shocked and quickly warned Da Qing through the contract that the other party was coming for them.

Without Yu Youyou's reminder, Da Qing reacted faster. After all, strictly speaking, the other party's target was it, and the big bird couldn't see Yu Youyou.

Da Qing was very familiar with the feeling of being locked, just like it locked its prey when hunting.

Yu Youyou also reacted at this time. Da Qing was discovered by the other party, and even angered the purple-winged eagle, thus attracting the attack.

But thinking about it, there was nothing surprising. According to the information he knew about the purple-winged eagle, this is an extremely lonely, extremely sensitive and stressful magical creature to external crises.

In addition, magical creatures such as eagles and eagles have a vision that can be called clairvoyance. Even if they are in the sky, they can clearly see any figure on the ground.

After discovering Daqing's pursuit, the purple-winged eagle felt provoked.

At this moment, Daqing crouched slightly, and his eyes were fixed on the purple-winged eagle.

It did not choose to escape. Its speed was far less than that of the purple-winged eagle. If it escaped, it would be equivalent to exposing its back to the opponent, which would almost be a way to death.

Fortunately, even if the purple-winged eagle flew back, its feet still held the long worm tightly.

So the threat from the claws that could split gold and jade has been much smaller.

Yu Youyou also watched the purple-winged eagle approaching quickly nervously, with thoughts flying in her mind. As a lightning magic creature, it has terrifying magic destructive power.

Moreover, the speed of lightning magic is generally very fast, and it is difficult to dodge.

Once hit, the paralysis effect brought by lightning will make the creature fall into physical stiffness, and the creature in the stiff state is almost a lamb to be slaughtered.

"We can't let the purple-winged eagle attack first, otherwise Da Qing might not have any chance at all."

At the critical moment, Yu Youyou was extremely calm, and immediately passed the order to Da Qing through the contract.

Only by attacking first can we have a chance!

Da Qing's expression remained unchanged after receiving the order, and his slightly bared teeth became even more ferocious.

And this was undoubtedly the most serious provocation in the eyes of the purple-winged eagle.


The eagle's hooked mouth opened slightly, and a loud cry resounded throughout the sky.

The purple-winged eagle began to dive from a height of thousands of meters, and its sharp amber eyes stared at Da Qing.

Seeing this fierce dive, Yu Youyou began to get nervous again. At this speed and height, even magic could not stop it.If not used, the powerful kinetic energy can penetrate any primary magic creature.

"Da Qing!"

The speed of the purple-winged eagle was too fast. Yu Youyou was afraid that she could not control the speed, so she gave the order when the opponent was still hundreds of meters away.

Da Qing did not hesitate at all, and the wind blades shot towards the sky.

It was just a level one wind blade. Even with the blue buff, Yu Youyou was not sure that more than 300 rotating wind blades could achieve good results in anti-aircraft shooting.

Simply use the level one wind blade first, and use the number to increase the success rate. The purple-winged eagle is a typical high attack and low defense. Even if it is a level one wind blade, it can cause effective damage if it hits.

The effective killing range of the level one wind blade is within 1,200 meters. Beyond this range, the elemental power will be greatly reduced.

As the wind blades shot into the air, a scene with a very human war aesthetic appeared in this wilderness.

The purple-winged eagle obviously did not expect that this wind wolf would dare to attack first, and human disdain flashed in its amber eyes.

At this distance, it can completely dodge all attacks. It wants to see how long the opponent's magic power can last.

With a flap of its wings, the swooping purple-winged eagle stopped and turned in the air, and a series of wind blades also changed direction and shot into the air.

This scene is very similar to the scene in the previous human war, with fighter planes flying in front and the bullets of anti-aircraft machine guns following closely.

Yu Youyou was not happy at all because the purple-winged eagle was forced to retreat. In a dozen seconds, nearly a hundred wind blades were shot out, but they were all thrown away by it.

Looking at its relaxed appearance, it is likely that thousands of wind blades will not hurt it at all.

At that time, the only way to survive was to summon Da Qing back, and his contract this time would basically fail.

"No, no, I have to think of a way!"

Yu Youyou raised the perspective, hoping to see if he could predict the trajectory of the purple-winged eagle from a God's perspective, and then let Da Qing make a predicted attack through the contract.

But after more than ten seconds, Yu Youyou gave up. She could predict the attack, but the reaction speed of the Purple-winged Eagle was even faster than the predicted attack, so it would not work at all.

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