After the meal, Yu Youyou helped Zhang Daoyi to the guest bedroom to rest.

Yu's father and mother both had the habit of taking a nap at noon. After cleaning up the food, they also went back to the bedroom to rest.

Yu Youyou took a shower first, changed the bloodstained clothes, and then moved the sleeping wind wolf to her bedroom.

I don't know when he will wake up.

Moved the wind wolf to a huge spread newspaper, Yu Youyou touched the wolf's head with some expectation.

The reason for putting a newspaper under it was not because I was afraid that the wind wolf would catch a cold when sleeping, but because I was worried that this guy would shed hair and be difficult to take care of.

The Yu family almost never raised pets, especially furry ones. Only when he was very young, his sister raised a British shorthair, but found that it shed hair seriously and gave it away.

I don't know if magical creatures shed hair easily. Yu Youyou thought randomly in her heart, and put one hand on the back of the wind wolf's neck and pulled it.

Yu Youyou's eyes lit up, and she looked at the clean palm. It doesn't shed hair, nice!

After reaching out and pulling a few more tufts from other places, Yu Youyou was satisfied that the wind wolf really didn't shed hair, or it was difficult to shed hair, and then he stood up and sat on the tatami beside him.

As a person who aspires to become a great magician, he has not missed a single moment since he woke up.

Yu Youyou sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to enter meditation.

With experience, he now enters the meditation state from several hours at the beginning to about ten minutes.

In Yu Youyou's understanding, the meditation state is a bit like the state of shallow sleep. He can vaguely feel the surrounding environment, but his consciousness is in another place.

But fortunately, he can subjectively exit this state at any time.

The invisible and colorless mental power quickly spread out from the sea of ​​consciousness. In the void, the scene in front of him was no longer dark, but the scene of twinkling stars.

Colorful fluorescence traveled in the sight, these are the magic elements hidden in the world.

However, he had no affinity with other elemental magics, so even if his mental power captured these elements, it could not be incorporated into his sea of ​​consciousness.

His target was the light gold color belonging to the summoning system, which was quite conspicuous. After a while, Yu Youyou found several of them.

So he slowly manipulated his mental power to entangle and capture these summoning element points.

For children who have just awakened, there are two most basic data scores for judging talents, namely element affinity and initial mental power, with a total score of 100 points.

Above 90 points is super, 60 to 90 points is upper, 30 to 60 points is medium, and below 30 points is lower.

Element affinity determines the speed of converting elements into magic energy when absorbed. The higher the element affinity, the faster the absorbed element points will be converted into magic energy.

And mental power determines the speed and duration of capturing these elements. The higher the initial mental power, the faster the element can be captured, and the longer the time for a single meditation practice.

Yu Youyou's element affinity score for the summoning system was 84 points, which was ranked upper.

But his initial mental power was a perfect score of 100, ranking super.

However, Yu Youyou always felt that his mental power was 100 because the highest score was only 100, and his real mental power was probably far beyond this standard.

He was very confident about this. Perhaps because of his two lives, he had an excellent memory since he was a child, and he showed super talent for knowledge points that only needed to be memorized in the nine-year compulsory education.

He had never fallen from the top of the grade since he was a child, and even strictly speaking, he only attended seven years of the nine-year compulsory education, skipping two grades in the middle.

It was also for this reason that he was generally two years younger than the graduates of the same grade. Normally, most students who were about to enter the magic high school were around fifteen years old, and he was only thirteen this year, and he had not even celebrated his birthday yet.

In the magician circle, there is a recognized common sense that memory is generally linked to mental power, otherwise it is impossible for middle and senior magicians to remember the complicated order of magic release elements. According to some of his experience, there is a judgment that mental power far exceeds the full score level of the test.

For example, his most intuitive feeling now is that he can control his mental power to capture multiple summoning elements at the same time, and he can even do it with ease.

As far as he knows, his classmates, even several geniuses who are also rated as super mental power, can only capture two at most at the first level.

So in this regard, it is more or less a benefit for him as a time traveler.

It's just a pity that the elemental affinity is a little bit poor, which causes him to often eat fast but digest slowly.

After a few minutes, he felt a slight swelling in his sea of ​​consciousness, which means that he couldn't transform it.

Helplessly, Yu Youyou had to stop capturingCatch the summoned element, take back the mental power to the sea of ​​consciousness, and look at the current results.

In the gray sea of ​​consciousness, the six magic energies that were originally consumed have been restored. The efficiency of restoring magic energy and converting new magic energy is very different, just like one is to pour water into a bottle, and the other is to make a new bottle.

At this moment, the seventh magic energy can only be vaguely seen to be a little dark light is forming.

Yu Youyou calculated in his mind that it would take about three to five days for the seventh lesson of magic energy to be born.

Around the seventh magic energy to be formed, there are already hundreds of elements that have been captured and absorbed. These elements are much smaller than magic energy, and they are transformed into his magic energy bit by bit under the control of mental power.

The principle of this transformation is also very simple, that is, to use mental power to refine each element and stamp it with his unique mental imprint.

The higher the affinity of the element, the faster the speed of this quenching and the faster the speed of transformation.

After refining for nearly two hours, Yu Youyou felt a trace of mental fatigue and began to stop.

Today's training is over. To continue training, we have to wait until tomorrow when our mental strength recovers.


Yu Youyou, who was about to exit the meditation state, suddenly stopped. Under his mental power, a blue light was faintly visible in the mist in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

What is this?

Yu Youyou was suddenly shocked. His mind was focused on the element refining and transformation, and he didn't pay attention to other places.

This sudden change also made him a little panic. He was very sure that there was absolutely no such thing in the sea of ​​consciousness in the past.

Yu Youyou's mind was racing, and he recalled the knowledge he knew at the first time, but there was no record of this blue light in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Helplessly, Yu Youyou suppressed the panic in his heart, exited the meditation first, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone. When he was in doubt, he searched for help.

After Yu Youyou's fingers trembled slightly due to nervousness, he entered the four words "blue light in the sea of ​​consciousness" in the search bar and clicked OK.

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