Wu Tian laughed, but was not in a hurry to leave. He also knew that it would be difficult for his subordinates to persist in fighting for more than two hours, but he knew that West and his subordinate 50,000 players would definitely last for two hours.

"Come on, play hard with the uncle, right? I let you die without knowing how to die."

Murderous aura is invisible, but he is real. You can't see it, but you can feel it. The players on the West side were still thinking of playing fiercely and teaching the players of the Legion of Order a lesson. When they saw the eyes of the players of the Legion of Order, facing this murderous aura, their usual aggressive and ruthless aura was suppressed to the death, and many people even raised their heads to look at Wu Tian and they did not dare.

This time, she took the initiative to ask Ying to command the front, and West trusted only those women who had followed him, so he appointed Zi Liuli as the commander of the former army, and his order to Zi Liuli was also very simple, obey him command is fine.

The former head of the army, Zi Liuli, is a female player and one of the eight goddesses. She is very dissatisfied with Luo Wanli's ability to manage more and more people, and is more and more favored by West. She has always wanted Find opportunities to prove yourself.

"Mage players are ready, shield battle protection, attack slowly, and kill this group of garbage." Zi Liuli roared.


"Everyone is ready, listen to my orders, get close." Wu Tian issued an order.

"Come to my arms, I will kill you rubbish with an axe."

10,000 people lined up in a row, each controlling the war horses, with Wu Tian walking towards the West side in front, but during the course of the action, the murderous aura bursting out of everyone's eyes was so intense , and when these ten thousand people marched forward with murderous intent, the pressure brought by them made the players on the West side a little confused.

Wu Tian said, "Everyone, get ready, the enemy is on the verge of collapse, we attack again, they will jump out, don't suffer a secret loss."

A thousand players who belonged to her subordinates began to act one after another. They pulled up their shields, and several people gathered together to protect the mage from moving forward.


At this time, the team on the West side was also arranged in a very loose square. In such a square, every player can get out of the queue from all directions around, so as not to be trapped because everyone gathers together. Unable to move in place.

"Retreat." Wu Tian issued an order and led the people to run back, but the mages finally blocked the Legion of Order with their deceleration skills, and they shouted shields and hammers and other players to initiate charge skills.

Luo Wanli originally wanted to compete with Mingyue Ruxue. Although she keenly felt that Mingyue Ruxue's attack method made her uncomfortable, she still had to fight this battle.

"Mingyue is like snow, don't run if you have the courage, let me see how strong your swordsmanship is." Luo Wanli shouted loudly.

From a high altitude, West's lineup is already in chaos. The 50,000 people who should have cooperated with the tacit lineup, including the town of Westbourne, have become a mess of sand in the back and forth of the Legion of Order.

"Ding Ding Ding"

Therefore, the players on Zi Liuli's side couldn't help but feel arrogant when they didn't understand it, but they didn't wait to return to their army, Wu Tian brought them here again, Zi Liuli brought people to attack again, and Wu Tian left again. .

"Drink~!" Wu Tian roared and ran forward with the legion, and again came to a position 40 meters in front of Zi Liuli. Just as Wu Tian was preparing to shoot arrows, sure enough, hundreds of mages jumped out at the same time. A spell attack was launched on the side of the Legion of Order.

"Yes." Everyone became vigilant.

If there is a master commander like He Yue Xingchen and the elite players under him are willing to obey the orders and still win the fight, it will be different if it is replaced by West and his group of players who only know how to fight bravely.

"What does this mean?"

"Damn, everyone listens to my orders and prepares to shoot. Once Wu Tian and the others enter the attack range, they will shoot me immediately." West shouted loudly.

Before the attack, the Wolf Race Tyrant and others also sent an application to West, but West was so disgusted by Wu Tian's back and forth stretching that he didn't pay attention at all, so he did not answer them, and the Wolf Race Tyrant The others were also disgusted by the tiger soul and they couldn't help it, and they each led a charge to launch a charge.

In the past, in their battles, both sides rushed to the front and fought hard. It was a win or a win, and the outcome was determined in one battle. The loser went back to find a way, and the winner took away the dropped equipment and returned victorious. If they fight again, the two sides will find a group of people who will fight face to face with drums and gongs, but their eyes will be red if they are ticklish and ticklish like the Legion of Order.

The bow and arrow hit the shield without causing any damage. At first, West thought that Wu Tian’s gang were strong in frontal attacks. Seeing that they couldn’t even break the defense, West’s mocking face changed. , Haha laughed and said, "I thought it was so powerful, but it turned out to be just that little bit of ability."

Among them, the Wolf Race Tyrant, Yi Ye Hao and others just launched an attack on Hu Soul and others, but Hu Soul and the others did not fight directly. They have already pulled these people out of the army for more than a thousand meters, completely removing the enemy from Pulled out from the formation, it became like duckweed.

This kind of lineup has advantages. The advantage is that there is a shield battle in the front row. When Wu Tian is attacking, the Hash Arrow will no longer have such a big advantage. This is the confrontation method developed by West, but the same lineup also has The disadvantage is that the player needs to be able to resist the pull.

He raised a finger and said, "One hour, you can only hold on for one hour, and after one hour, you must collapse."

After Wu Tian took the team out of the battle, he assembled the team again, and he didn't know how many times he attacked Zi Liuli's side.

West discovered the situation of his subordinates immediately, but he just frowned and thought about it. He didn't stop Zi Liuli's actions. He also wanted to see what Wu Tian wanted to do.

But Zi Liuli just took the people forward for less than 10 meters. When they felt that they could launch an attack, the mage was about to jump out with the ability to shrink into an inch, but was surprised to find that the players of the Order Legion ran away.

The reason why they use such a formation to fight the enemy is not what West and the others want. It is because the group spells of players after level 30 are popular, not only spells, but also the group attack of the shooter, the melee range attack of the warrior, and the gravel of the hammer and axe. The ground splitting skills will make the players in the range die quickly. Therefore, although the number of players on the West side is only 50,000, and there are more than 2,000 in a row, the overall width is more than 4,000 meters wide, so that the width is equal to the 10,000 of the Order Legion. People are not much different.

The 10,000 people who followed Wu Tian’s actions saw Wu Tian’s words, looked back at these people, and found that what Wu Tian said was really right. Originally, there were some players who couldn’t hold back their anger in their hearts, and they were all amused. The last trace of the burden on the face is gone.

The eyes were really scary. Everyone looked at them like this, as if a pack of wolves were staring at their prey with bloodthirsty eyes.

Talk about fighting, don’t fight, talk about not fighting, and deliberately come up to disgust you, don’t pay attention, he shoots around you, there are always loopholes to be hit by them, you pay attention to him, still can’t catch up, keep repeating Repeatedly, over and over again, the grumpy people have pointed at the Legion of Order and scolded them, but the players of the Legion of Order have already tasted the sweetness of such a war, and watching the grumpy and cursing players on the opposite side is like watching a monkey show.

After more than half an hour of back and forth, Zi Liuli carried out more than 60 actions during the attack and retreat, which directly led to the players under Zi Liuli couldn't help it, and the mania, anxiety and anger spread in their hearts .

Facing the oppression of the Legion of Order, West's subordinate players who were standing in the first row roared in anger.

Zi Liuli didn't think so. She didn't see how she was inferior to Luo Wanli, especially in terms of commanding ability. Now that the damage of the shooters of the Order Legion was so low, she couldn't help but want to prove it. Oneself, so Zi Liuli issued an order.

"Yes." Hu Bugui had already found the angle and was waiting for Wu Tian's order.

Shield, hammer, axe and other professional players saw the opportunity, they stopped saving their strength, and rushed out, but when they launched a charge against the players of the Legion of Order, they did not wait to rush in front of them. The players of the Legion of Order Has run out of the spell range, began to speed up.

West, who was commanding the battle behind the former army, was also disgusted by Wu Tian's tactics at this time. If he didn't know that he was the commander, he would also go to the front to scold people. At this time, he even sent him to his subordinates. The news was ignored.

"It's as powerful as it is, let's go." The weapon in Wu Tian's hand turned into a bow and arrow, standing in the 40-meter area, aiming at the shield in front of him and attacking fiercely.

Before Wu Tian's attack, he saw the actions of his subordinates. He knew that the general attack could begin. He sent a message to Hu Bugui and said, "The battle team is attacking, first insert from the flanks, attack from both ends, and follow me to kill Wei. Sturt's home team."

West laughed and said, "I'm watching right here, how can you beat me in an hour, if you can't win, your fortress is mine."

"Damn, don't run, I'll kill you." The players on West's side couldn't bear it any longer, and ran behind the players of the Legion of Order. At this point, the lineup of West's former army was completely scattered. Was pulled down into a mass of loose sand.

At this time, Luo Wanli couldn't bear the anger anymore, so she personally led people to chase out, and was also pulled out more than 1,000 meters.

He laughed with the people around West, but Wu Tian didn't say anything, but rode the Qilin horse back to his own formation. Looking at the players of the Order Legion whose eyes were burning, he nodded with satisfaction.

Almost no one on the Zi Liuli side has seen how the Legion of Order defeated Liu Ziyuan. During the first wolf bite tactic, West's side was still fighting Duan Yuntian. As for the second game, it was the Legion of Order. In the tough battle with Liu Ziyuan, the two sides are comparing real skills, and there is no technical content at all.

Just as Wu Tian was enticing back and forth, Tiger Soul, Mingyue Ruxue, Chasing Feng and Ren Xiaoyao were also carrying out the wolf pack tactics. Brings out the army.

Mingyue Ruxue couldn't help rolling her eyes, she didn't understand Mingyue swordsmanship at all, and now she doesn't know who gave her such a swordsmanship name, and who wants to use swordsmanship? It was disgusting, so he didn't talk to Luo Wanli at all, and carried out the wolf-biting tactics step by step.

"Let's see if they look like monkeys locked in chains, screaming and screaming after getting out of breath." Wu Tian took the people away again and typed in the group.

"Pretend to be as powerful as you are, and stare at me, come over."

Zi Liuli went back again, Wu Tian came again, Zi Liuli continued to attack, Wu Tian still ran...

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