Cao Xiguo owns four kingdoms, namely Sui, Ming, Tang, and Song regions, all of which are located on the southern map. The place where he started is Sui, so the official title given to him is King of Sui.

Now the Legion of Order is not short of money, and when making money back and forth, you can come back with some Top Level shields.

Lin Zhu put down his glasses and said, "The Cao family and all the affiliated guilds occupy the output points of all the 50-level heaven-level equipment and weapons in the four southern kingdoms. It has been almost four months now. It's normal, if Wu Tian does the same, now we have at least 80,000 sets of heaven-level weapons and equipment, and it is very easy to crush the Cao family."

After listening to Lin Zhu's explanation, the Honorable Master frowned and asked, "Where did they get so many heaven-level equipment, why is this data so exaggerated?"

Lin Zhu played the fifth picture again, pointed at the colorful mage group, and said, "This group is called Xiaoyao Army, all of them are forbidden magicians and pseudo forbidden magicians, and the number is about 7,000. In this regard, the Cao family is short-lived. There are only more than 500 people who can release forbidden techniques, and the rest are pseudo-forbidden techniques, but their equipment is also all heaven-level weapons and equipment."

Now the two strongest collide with each other, what we see is which side is stronger, has more heroes, and the middle-level commander can execute orders better. I think our strength is no worse than Cao's, or even stronger, because this is the In our home court, I will leave the whole territory of Chu and wait for the Cao family to enter Benlangyuan to fight with us.

In the fortress hall of the Order Corps, Lin Zhu was introducing Cao Xiguo to Wu Tian, ​​Zunzhu and others. She said, "This time Cao Xiguo came to attack, the main army of the Cao family has a total of 300,000 people, and the other 200,000 are Players gathered from affiliated guilds."

Wu Tian secretly sent a message to the Lord, ordering him to gather all the shield battle players and the fire Qilin shooter group in the guild. In addition, he sent a message to Chen Mo, asking him to buy as many level 50 sky-level large shields as possible. If there is no sky-level, pseudo-sky-level is also possible.

Wu Tian smiled, glanced at them, and said, "I will set up a desperate formation for the Cao family. In the past few days, everyone should hurry up and gather the players and tell them that the time for the life and death of the Order Legion has come, go and get busy."

After a large number of sky-level shields exploded, they were placed at extremely low prices on the auction houses of these countries, just like 50-level pseudo-sky-level weapons.

The time and the place are favorable to the people and the people, we have the advantage of the land, and the people and both sides are the same. "

This seems to be very good, but in fact it is extremely squeezing the living space of ordinary players, which means that all Top Level maps, top bosses, gem drop locations and rare materials in his area are directly or indirectly controlled by the Cao family.

In the countries around China, except for Southeast Asia, which has become a dog's head, Tai Chi Tiger and Crane Country in East Asia are in the stage of steady upgrade.

Then Lin Zhu put on the second picture, pointed to the all-black warhorse army and said, "This army is called the Xuanjia Army. There are 10,000 people. Heaven-level weapons and equipment, Zhao Tianfan is in charge of commanding them, and he is under the command of the Cao family board of directors."

Heavy infantry is different from heavy cavalry. Heavy infantry focuses on defense, which can only be achieved by trapping in the camp. Their weapons are large shields and short swords, and all gems increase defense and magic resistance.

Venerable Master, He Yue Xingchen and the others stood up at the same time, looking at Wu Tian's expression, they did not expect Wu Tian to say such a thing.

This time Wu Tian also wanted to use the southern players, but Cao Xiguo also left a large number of affiliated guilds to look after him. Unlike the previous life, he had already reached the whole country, and his back was empty. Now there are dozens of affiliated guilds behind him. Looking at him, this trick can't be used.

At level 50, this price could still be maintained, but now that all members of their country are at level 60, the price of the shield has dropped by less than 1 gold coin.

Venerable Lord and Qiankun Zongheng and others all shook their heads, Venerable Lord frowned and said, "I didn't expect the enemy to be so strong."

The light cavalry is specially looking for the enemy's mage group and other crispy occupations to kill, and they also hit the enemy's weak spot. Everything is mainly fast attack and high damage. Therefore, they use long knives, long swords, and long spears. Fast attack weapons, gems are also damage gems or gems that increase attack speed.

"Boss, tell me, how do you do it?" The lord said excitedly, Qiankun Zongheng, Tie Le Feiying and others nodded vigorously, with excitement in their eyes.

There is no way for the scattered players to survive in their area, but the scattered players have no backbone. Unlike Wu Tian who led the scattered players to the north, these big chaebols in the south dare to do this kind of bastard because of their money.

Red Sun Fortress.

The difference between the so-called heavy cavalry, light cavalry, and heavy infantry in the game is very simple. The equipment everyone wears is still the melee output equipment that mainly focuses on attacks, mainly depending on weapons and gems.

On the other hand, Yan Cheng also returned from the White Elephant Country with a large number of defense-enhancing gems. As for the other level 50 Heaven-level weapons, Wu Tian is not in a hurry to buy them, because the prices in these countries are still very expensive and cheap. Only shields.

Players in these countries have generally risen to level 60, and elite masters are about to reach level 65. In this case, weapons and equipment of level 50 are no longer valuable to them.

Wu Tian laughed and said, "Our Order Legion started out with scattered players. If we really want to do this, the gang will fall apart."

Lin Zhu switched the picture, pointed to the first army that all rode white horses and said, "This army is called White Horse Yi Cong. There are 20,000 people in total, all of them are second-rank white horse Yi Cong light cavalry, not only that, they are fully equipped They are all level 50 heaven-level equipment and weapons, and the one in charge of commanding them is Cao Xiong, the first cavalry general under Cao Xiguo, his cousin."

Under such unfavorable circumstances, the Cao family dispatched players from other countries to help, suppressing the momentum of the southern players, and thus maintaining the foundation of their family.

Lin Zhu put on the third picture, pointed to the all-colored red armored infantry, and said, "This army is called the Heavy Armored Army. Cao Xiquan, the younger brother of Cao Xiguo."

Even if it is a level 50 sky-level equipment, in a country like Kangaroo Country with a small population, a dungeon of 40 needs only two shield battles, and a dungeon of 100 people only needs 3 shield battles.

For the elite studios and big guilds of the two countries, it is like a life-saving medicine. I am worried that these things cannot be sold, and they are all sold to the country.

Chen Mo's two fleets, in the land of Tai Chi Tiger and Crane, heard Wu Tian's order and immediately purchased a large number of level 50 heaven-level shields.

Compared with other large-scale guilds in Wu Tian's eradication area, the Cao family's approach is to share the map with other large-scale guilds. The result of this is to cultivate many affiliated guilds. The Cao family occupies the shares of these affiliated guilds. Guilds to ensure their control of the main city.

This is not a slogan, nor is it a high-profile, but a mantra of enlightenment. Wu Tian is right. It is a great country, a great river and mountains, and countless talents are nurtured.

They consider themselves to be no worse than anyone. Since Wu Tian has handed hundreds of thousands of players into their hands, why do they fear the Cao family, why don't they dare to let people all over the world see who is the hero?

In the last life, the southern players also almost killed the Cao family. That was when the Cao family was fighting north. Someone set fire in his backyard, almost destroying the foundation of the Cao family. Not only does he own guilds in China, he also buys many guilds abroad.

Different from China, many countries do not have such a large demand for shields, such as countries with fewer people and countries with more elites, such as Tai Chi Tiger and Crane Country.

When these shields arrive, Wu Tian will personally build a Black Tortoise formation for Cao's elite White Horse Yi Cong and Xuanjia Army. Outsiders don't know how powerful this formation is. Before Wu Tian saw it, he didn't think Black Tortoise formation. How, but only after I really saw it, did I know what it is called a top-level desperate formation composed of modern science combined with ancient wisdom and experience in games.

Recently, China has almost become a dog's head. The whole China is in chaos. There are warring kingdoms everywhere, and few people notice the situation outside.

"Yeah." The Lord and others nodded, each left the conference room, and led the players to practice.

Wu Tian said, "Let me introduce the players of the Cao family, what are the main legions?"

Heavy cavalry must use weapons such as heavy hammer, big axe, horse lance, and copper mace. This is the key to cutting through the shield at close range or killing high defense players to quickly open the way. Therefore, the gems they equip are all defense-breaking. A class of gems.

The Order Legion had Wu Tian's fleet to exchange overseas. Before the battle with Ye Wuhen, there were only 360,000 sets. Now it's only a little over 40,000 sets. Honored Lord and Qiankun Zongheng couldn't believe it.

Not to mention the Cao family, except for Wu Tian, ​​who can escape the desperate formation with the Nine Resentment Saber, the rest have no such ability at all, but how did the Nine Resentment Saber get it, and it burst out using a level 100 monster I just got it, it's absolutely impossible at level 50.

From the establishment of the Order Legion to the present, this is the strongest enemy they have encountered, and an enemy whose strength is on a par with the current Order Legion.

Wu Tian looked at the frowning Sovereign Lord and Qiankun Zongheng and the others with a smile and said, "You know, this is the charm of this game, the great China, the great rivers and mountains, the talents that have been bred are innumerable, we have our Order Legion. Survival rule, the Cao family has the survival rule of the Cao family.

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