The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 102: Accept The Tenth Disciple, Sherria Ya!

Originally, he came here this time simply to challenge Erza.

I didn't expect that not only did I not meet him, but I stayed for a month, and the guild kept urging me.

"All right."

Liu Yun was a little disappointed, but he didn't force it.

Before leaving, Jura asked one more thing: "Master Liu Yun, before I leave, I have one more thing to ask for your help."

Liu Yun said with a smile: "Tell me, as long as I can help, I will help.

"Then thank you master, Sherria, come here."

side head,

Jura shouted back.

At the door, a little girl who had already poked her head came over,

This girl is none other than Sherria Ya.

"This is?"

Liu Yun's eyes revealed puzzlement.

"Master Liu Yun, before going back this time, I have one more request, that is, I hope that Sherria Ya can also worship under your sect."

Jura said so.

"Speaking of which, it was her initiative to request it.

"Uncle Jura."

Sherria blushed, but said nothing more.

During this time in the gym, Sherria naturally fell in love with the atmosphere of the gym. There are great teachers and many children of the same age.

Sherria naturally wanted to stay.

"Teacher please accept Sherria.

Sherria bowed her head and said.

"Master Liu Yun, please."

Jura said carefully.

Get in touch these days.

Only Jura did not fight Liu Yun, not only because of his strength and identity, but because Liu Yun just stood there, he felt a lot of pressure.

Even in giving advice, Liu Yun often sees the problem directly. ,

Liu Yun's extraordinary can be seen in all kinds of things.

It is a good thing for Sherria to be taught by Liu Yun.

However, he has also heard about the admissions conference, and knows that Liu Yun only teaches outstanding students. Although he is very confident in Sherria, Jura can't guarantee that Liu Yun will definitely agree.


The result was unexpected.

Liu Yun agreed, and he agreed very simply.

"Can"". "

"I will accept this child."


Jura froze for a few seconds.

On the contrary, Sherria looked excited, and the little man ran up to Liu Yun and said.

"Really? Can I really stay?"

"Of course it is possible."

Liu Yun nodded with a smile.

Sherria is a gifted child.

Since childhood, without being taught by anyone, I have learned the god-killing magic that is even more difficult than the dragon-killing magic.

This talent alone is rarely possessed.

Liu Yun has no reason to reject such a genius.

After a few seconds of sluggishness, Wu La also immediately thanked: "Thank you, Master Liu Yun.

It is undoubtedly the dream of many magicians to be able to study under a heavenly king.

Even Jura herself couldn't help being a little envious of Sherria.

Of course.

It's just envy.

Liu Yun's apprenticeship requires him to know.

Thinking of this, Jura reminded: "Sherria, don't hesitate to learn from your teacher."


Sherria nodded emphatically.

He walked up to Liu Yun and knelt down.

"Teacher Liu Yun."

【Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully recruiting the tenth student, Sherria!】

【The strongest teacher system】

【Grade】: Level 3

【Hall Owner】: Liu Yun

【Elite Student】: Erza

【Qualified students】: Mirajane, Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Laxus, Sting, Rogue, Sherria

[Special Facilities]: Practice Field, Meditation Room, Life Hot Spring, Tree of Life

[Promotion conditions]: qualified students (9/10) elite disciples (1/1)

A familiar voice sounded, indicating that the official apprenticeship was successful, and before he knew it, Liu Yun had also accepted a student.

Looking at Liu Yun also showed kind eyes.

"Get up, you will be my student from now on, you must continue to practice magic.

"is teacher."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his head and said to Jura.

"Your Excellency Jura, I have a gift for you, which is the reward for the students' cultivation.


Jura froze for a moment, then waved her hands again and again.

"No, no, I should be the one to thank you, not only disturbing the Gym these days, but also accepting Sherria, that's enough preferential treatment.

"Because of emotion and reason, I should be the one who feels you."

These words were spoken from Jura's heart.

During the few days in the gymnasium, Jura not only opened his eyes, but also increased his strength a lot. To Liu Yun, he can say that he is extremely grateful.

"Don't refuse in a hurry, see clearly before you speak."

With a slight shake, a bright red fruit appeared in Liu Yun's palm.

"This is?"

As soon as the Congo fruit appeared, Dove's attention was instantly attracted.

The strong life force that emanates from the fruit fluctuates, and one can instinctively feel the extraordinaryness of it, as if one can instantly improve one's strength as long as one eats it.

~ Fruit of life, a fruit that can enhance one's own potential. "

Liu Yun explained.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't expose the Fruit of Life to his face.

However, it doesn't matter if the object is Jura, who is a well-known honest person.

"Improvement potential?"

Jura was surprised again.

This was the first time he had heard of such a treasure.

For a moment, he who was planning to refuse earlier also hesitated, but in the end he resisted the temptation and refused.

"This thing is too precious, Master Liu Yun, you should keep it, or leave it to Sherria and other students, there is no need to waste it on me.

I still feel ashamed after all,

Jura thinks she doesn't have the face to accept this gift.

Seeing this, Liu Yun appreciated it even more.

It has to be said that it has been a few years since I came to this world, and I have encountered many wizards (does Zhao's) there are too few people who are as humble as Jura.

If it wasn't for being too old, he would have wanted to accept it.

Liu Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry, Sherria is my disciple, so naturally I won't treat her badly.


Liu Yun took out three more.

Jura: "???"

what's the situation?

This kind of thing that enhances potential.

He thought that after hearing Liu Yun's explanation, he thought that this fruit of life was extremely rare and precious. Looking at it now, it feels like a Chinese cabbage.

"Teacher, this thing is too expensive, I just want one."

Faced with such a gift, Sherria was immediately overwhelmed. Through Jura's reaction, she could see how precious the thing in front of her was.

"It's okay, this thing is still there."

"And not only you, I will give to other students, so you can accept it with peace of mind. I still have many fruits like this.

Liu Yun comforted Dao Chuang. .

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