The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 110: Gym Internal Assessment, The Strongest Student!

Send Ultear away.

Liu Yun turned around and called everyone together to announce an important event.

"What? Assessment?"

Everyone in the hall stared wide-eyed.

"Wait, I haven't finished talking yet!"

Liu Yun stood up again.

"This is my temporary consideration. Those who pass the assessment, I will give a certificate of qualification to distinguish your strength rankings.

The matter of assessment was completely a whim of Liu Yun.

want to travel,

But it is impossible to completely rest assured of all the students. He needs to carefully identify the strength of his current students, and then arrange some things in turn.

Coincidentally, when this incident happened, Liu Yun thought of the assessment.

Ordinary tasks cannot satisfy the test of several students in the gymnasium, and demons are undoubtedly the most suitable for Liu Yun.

Magic Council Offers Remuneration, "Four Nine Zero"

Liu Yun's side is training disciples.

Both sides belong to a win-win situation. As for whether Ultear will make troubles, he will not worry about it. Liu Yun has absolute confidence in his own strength.

At least.

On this continent, there are only a few people to chat with.

Of course.

This is not accessible to everyone.

Although Liu Yun is not afraid of ancient demons, it doesn't mean that other people are the same. He still needs to select his qualifications carefully.

"The assessment time is one month later. Within one month, I require you to enter the fifth floor of the Hundred Times Training Tower at least. Those who cannot achieve it will not be allowed to participate in the assessment.

"In this month, you can practice on your own."

"The quota is five people, and we will leave in one month!"

"The gym is the strongest?!"

upon hearing this name,

There was excitement on everyone's faces.

Before Liu Yun could finish speaking, one by one figures had disappeared in front of Liu Yun, and one by one returned to the Hundred Times Training Tower full of interest to practice.

No one wants to be left behind.

Even in the relatively weak Sting and Rogue.

As for Erza and Mirajane, not to mention, there is no such word as surrender in their dictionary.

for a while,

The interior of the gymnasium once again fell into a fiery practice.

In fact, it is not difficult to enter the sixteen-fold pressure environment on the fifth floor.

After cultivating on the fourth floor for a period of time, you can basically adapt to that force and continue upward.

That's the case with Laxus.

In the past two months, he has adapted to the environment on the fifth floor and is preparing to approach the sixth floor.

"I'm sorry, Sherria, this time, you guys should stay in the gym and rest.

After talking to the others,

Liu Yun turned his head to appease the others.

There is no way.

Compared with others, Sherria's strength is relatively weak, and she has no obvious combat effectiveness, so she went to participate in this assessment.

Sherria shook her head.

Being able to blend in is already very satisfying for her, so how can there be any dissatisfaction?

"It's okay, teacher, I can't participate this time, but I will definitely be able to next time, and I can provide support to others."

"It's best for you to think like this."

Liu Yun smiled.

time flies.

The assessment date is also approaching soon.

During this period, everyone in the gym practiced crazily, and their strength can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

They have logged into the area of ​​the fifth floor one after another, among which Laxus has adapted to the environment of the sixth floor in less than a month, and can completely sprint towards the seventh floor.


He didn't do that.

The effect of the seventh floor is terrifying.

But at most before the assessment deadline, if you force yourself to enter, and you will waste the training time in it, it is better to practice on the sixth floor with peace of mind.

Erza and Mirajane needless to say.

Except for Sting and Rogue, everyone in the rest of the gym has successfully entered the fifth floor.

The last day.

Liu Yun announced the candidates for the assessment.

"Now announce the list of assessments,"






"The above five people have been selected as assessors."

"Great! My sister was selected!"

"How about it, my sister is amazing.

Hearing that my sister's name was selected,

Lisanna jumped up excitedly.

Although she was not selected in the end, this did not prevent her from being happy for her sister,

Someone rejoices.

Naturally, there are also people who are worried.

"Why... why, I... I didn't make the list, woo woo woo..."

"Damn it, there is still no one who can compete to win the front, obviously they have already met the requirements,"

Looking at the announced list, Sting fell to his knees with a plop...

no way.

As the first few people to join.

Sting's strength is already considered good, but the problem is that the signatures of the two of them are three monsters, Erza, Mirajane and Laxus.

The late Natsu and Gray are also not weak.

It would be a ghost if Sting could win.

Sting naturally knew about it, but he was still very unwilling in his heart.

For this selection, he practiced almost like crazy.


What's more, he hasn't even fully developed the Bamen Dunjia, so it is still quite difficult for him to reach the elite Erza, Mirajane, and even the elite Laxus in a short period of time.

"It's okay Sting, with your strength, there will definitely be opportunities in the future."

Natsu said as if he had come here.

"But you are still too weak now, stay in the gym and practice hard, maybe one day you will be able to surpass me."

You are a devil!

Seeing Natsu calming down in a serious manner all of a sudden, the people around couldn't stand it anymore, Liu Yun's mouth twitched when he heard that.

This is no consolation, this is clearly adding salt to the wound.

And so it is.

It's okay for Natsu not to be comforted.

After being comforted, Sting cried even worse, and only his good brother Rogue comforted him.

"Ahem 2.9.

Liu Yun coughed a few times, diverted his attention and said: "The personnel have been selected, so we are ready to leave tomorrow."

"Due to the special circumstances this time, we will go to the Magic Council first and change careers halfway."


Hearing this, everyone cheered.

next day,

The five people who set off made all preparations.


One of the figures also appeared in the guild.

And that man was none other than Ultear himself.

The distance to the destination is far away, and it will take a long time to arrive with the magic four-wheel drive alone.

So this time, Ultear came on Magic Council's magic airship.


After seeing the five people behind Liu Yun, Ultear's expression suddenly froze. .

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