The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 120: For Real Peace!

Accompanied by the formation of the giant dragon, an aura of destruction rushed forward, collided with the darkness, bursting out with a terrifying aura.

After a brief confrontation, they crossed the sky with an unstoppable force, penetrated the star collapse, and swallowed the darkness.

In an instant, all the strongest attacks of the two were disintegrated.

The power is still not weakened in the slightest!


The appearance of this scene shocked President Wu, completely unable to understand why his strongest blow still failed to defeat Liu Yun's attack.

And just after this time.

The figure of the dragon has engulfed them.

on the snow.

Erza et al. have come together.

After some fighting, they also knew that their enemy was Oracion Seis of the Balam Alliance. Just as they were thinking, the aftermath of the battle also affected their location.

"How did it get dark on "One Two Three"?"

"What happened, the golden light, this is the teacher fighting."

"This magic power is too terrifying!"

"Rush over immediately.

Erza and Mirajane looked at each other and said, immediately made a decision.

A group of people approached the battle site like this, but after arriving, what was presented in front of them was an extremely horrifying scene.

The surrounding mountain peaks have been completely removed, and the original snow-covered peaks were blown bare, and there was nothing left, and a huge deep pit appeared on the bare ground.

On the top of the deep pit, Liu Yun's whole body was covered with golden power, floating in the air.

Staring at this scene, everyone was stunned for a moment. They couldn't imagine what kind of battle happened just now to create such a terrifying scene.

"Is this his strength?"

same picture,

Gajeel, who was knocked down by Natsu, also looked dumbfounded, and he never expected him to be so terrifying.

On the contrary, Natsu on the side showed a regretful expression.

"Damn it, if we had come earlier, we would have seen a good show."

Natsu is very regretful.

It is clear.

An extremely fierce battle broke out here just now.

Liu Yun made very few shots. Apart from pointing out their basic skills, there were only two times in the Holy Ten elections and the admissions conference.

Every time is very worth cherishing.

But now he missed a ceremony of honor for his teacher and the leader of Oracion Seis, which almost made him annoyed.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go and gather with the teacher first." Laxus stood up and said.

At this moment, Gray seemed to have noticed something in the crowd, and shouted: " seems that there are two people alive. 1"

Following the direction of Gray's finger, several people found two figures in the ruins, struggling hard, but no one could clearly see their identities under the bloody condition.

Among the rocks.

At the last moment, they tried their best, and the two barely survived in the end, but they paid a huge price for their death.


President Wu's body was covered in blood, and his eyes were bloodshot.

The right arm of the body has also disappeared. The reason for the excessive blood loss is that he is now staggering, as if he was drunk, and he may fall down the line afterward.

The same is true for Jellal on the other side, but in better condition.

"This guy is a monster."

The moment Liu Yun started, he truly felt death.

This is something he has never experienced before.


Just when the two were rejoicing that everything was over, a sense of forced oppression came from the sky, as if a mountain was pressing on their hearts.

"Are you still going to die?"

Words are light.

Contains infinite pressure.

However, unexpectedly, under such circumstances, Jellal not only did not show a look of fear on his face, but instead laughed, took out a magic crystal, and roared.

"Don't be too happy, the battle is not over yet."

Almost at the moment Jellal's voice fell.

above the sky,

The dark clouds gradually permeated and stirred, and then huge magic circles appeared in the sky, overlapping and terrifying magic power gathered in the air.

The sudden appearance caused the attention of several people to shift to the past. .

"What's going on here!?"

"Why do so many magic circles suddenly appear in the sky?"

"It's such a strong magic power..."

"Magic spirit power!"

"Magic spirit power. I don't know why."

The vice president questioned Jellal.

"If I told you, would you be a sheep?"

Jellal sneered.

Until now, he didn't intend to hide anything.

The time came a few hours ago.

Magic Council

This day is different from the past.

With an urgent notice, all members of parliament were summoned, and the initiator was Claudeford.

"What's going on, Mr. Parliament, you suddenly summoned us."

Yakima was puzzled.

"Yeah, what is the emergency?" Ouge also looked confused.

Generally speaking, emergency parliaments are not called at will, only in special crises.

What's more.

It's still Crawford who doesn't do anything all the year round.

Crawford, who was sitting on the first seat, said in a deep voice. .

"There is an emergency situation, this matter was reported by Chiklein, let him explain it."


It was only then that everyone noticed that besides the MPs, there was also Ziklein present at the venue.

"What's the matter with Chiklein? If it's not important, you know what the consequences will be." Mikaelo said very dissatisfied.

However, Qi Kelein was still unmoved, and just said in a deep voice: "Everyone, please be patient, there is naturally a reason why I convened an emergency meeting on 2.4.

"Because next I plan to borrow the power of magic spirit power."

"What! Are you crazy!"

"No! This is absolutely not possible!"

Zekelein's words were like a thunderbolt on the ground.

In an instant, there was an astonishing reaction among the members of the House of Representatives, and all of them were opposed.

the reason is simple.

The magic spirit power can easily destroy a kingdom, and it must not be used easily. It is the forbidden power of the Magic Council and the foundation of existence.

The existence itself is like the sword of Damocles, a weapon of deterrence.

However, Zekelein's next words made everyone stunned.

"The power of magic spirits is important, but it can't be used for real peace, right? After all, this is to eliminate Oracion Seis and ancient demons.".

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