The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 163: The Dragon Clan Attacks!

The battle is over.

Liu Yun took back the body of the brontosaurus, including the dragon claws that he forcibly tore off.

He consumes too much power.

If you want to recover as soon as possible, you must absorb energy from the dragon meat. After the first experience, practice makes perfect the second time.

The people of the Celestial Spirit family are no strangers to it.





Liu Yun left the remaining keel and scales to the Celestial Spirit family, and roasted the rest.

The aroma is wanton and the juice is flowing.

Good taste, even more delicious than the previous dragon meat.

Liu Yun took a bite and his eyes lit up instantly.

The magic power contained in the meat is almost explosive, more than ten times that of the previous one. If Liu Yun's physique hadn't been further strengthened, he would not be able to accept the magic power.

It seems that the more powerful the dragon, the more terrifying the magic power it contains.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun gulped it down.

After eating and drinking.

Liu Yun lay down and rested.

However, there was a person beside him who was worried.

"Master Liu Yun, do you think the Second Kingdom will send dragons?" Anna said worriedly.

After all, this time is not as simple as going to the 580 once and giving a blow to someone.

Instead, even the dragons were killed.

Even if you don't guess, you can imagine that the people of the Second Kingdom are furious.

"Don't worry, if they dare to come again, just kill them back." Liu Yun said nonchalantly: "Before I leave, I will solve all problems.

Liu Yun didn't say it was okay.

As soon as it was said that Anna's mood plummeted into a trough.


Liu Yun will leave after all, it is impossible to stay in the Celestial Spirit family forever.

Thinking of this, Anna seemed to have made up her mind, and she plucked up her courage and said, "Miss Liu Yun, is Anna not doing well enough?"

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Liu Yun said in surprise, "You did a good job."

"Then why are you leaving in such a hurry?" Anna grabbed Liu Yun's arm and said urgently, her bright beautiful eyes kept looking at Liu Yun.

this moment,

Liu Yun is a real idiot if he still doesn't know Anna's heart.

"Anna, you..."

"Master Liu Yun..."

It was just the two of them in the empty room.

In the environment of a lonely man and a widow, an inexplicable atmosphere surrounds the two,

(ceea) Anna's face turned red, and she wanted to lean over by a strange coincidence, but it was also the sleeping little girl next to her who suddenly woke up and started crying loudly.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere between the two was broken.


Anna's face turned red in a daze, and she distanced herself.

Liu Yun sighed secretly.


Just a little bit.

It's such a shame that a great opportunity just passed away.

However, this is not completely fruitless, at least I have thoroughly figured out Anna's feelings for him.

have to say.

Anna's looks are all on top of each other, especially her figure is very exaggerated.

It must be wrong for Liu Yun to say that he has no idea at all.

took quite some time,

Anna comforted the little girl and the little girl fell asleep.

Liu Yun on the side nodded repeatedly, no wonder Anna was selected as Dragon Slayer's teacher, she is really good at dealing with children.

Of course.

It may also have something to do with her holding the Celestial Spirit key.

"Master Liu Yun, we seem to have forgotten one thing. We haven't given this little girl a name yet." Anna said while coaxing her.

"The name? It's up to you, after all, you brought it back.

It's not that Liu Yun doesn't want to take it.

It's that he doesn't want to have too much concern in this era, the situation is changing rapidly, and who knows what he traveled back, leaving behind a child four hundred years ago.

This is undoubtedly an extremely cruel thing to oneself or to children.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Yun traveled to this era, except for searching for Nirvana, he did not go to other areas.

"Is that so? Then I need to think about it."

Anna didn't think much about it, but looked at the baby girl in her arms, with some warmth on her face.

Liu Yun smiled faintly.

However, his face changed in the next second, and he released his thought power to isolate the fluctuations, and immediately stood up and walked out of the room.

"What's wrong, Master Liu Yun?"

Anna was puzzled.

"It's nothing, I'm going out to stretch my muscles and get some food by the way."


The door closed, and Liu Yun's figure disappeared.

Anna was not suspicious, "Song Youguang still stayed on the little girl's body.

outside world.

Liu Yun's figure appeared thousands of meters above the sky, looking down at the distant world, a group of giant dragons were approaching his position.

There are still many.

At a glance, there are at least a dozen of them.

"It's dragons, lots of dragons.

"Could it be that the dragon group has already attacked here?"

Liu Yun frowned.

He didn't think that after teaching the Second Kingdom a lesson, the other party would immediately send a large number of dragons to take revenge on him. The only possibility was that this group of temple dragons came from the dragon clan.

The area where the Celestial Spirit family is located is located near the south of Ishgar, which belongs to the lower position.

So many dragons appear here.

It could only be because of one thing.

That's because the Dragon Clan has invaded on a large scale, which also means that this area is no longer safe.

"It must be transferred, but before that, this group of giant dragons must be eliminated."

this group

The giant dragon didn't realize that he was being targeted, so he chatted first.

"The destination we are going to reach is ahead, and the dragon-slaying human is hiding there.

"I want to see how strong a human being can be, to have the ability to kill us. This time, we must kill all the human beings.

"It doesn't take much, let's solve them."

Long Qun let out a burst of sneer.

In the next second, a giant dragon among them suddenly lifted up to look at the better sky, and saw a ray of light appear above them.

"What are you looking at?"

A weaker giant dragon didn't notice the approaching danger, but just followed the direction that the giant dragon was looking at.


It also found the problem.

"Is this... a shooting star?"

The dragons looked up one by one and found the problem.

As time passed, the meteor continued to magnify, and the previously discovered dragon was suddenly shocked and roared: "Get out of the way!"

Words fell.

Qunlong also subconsciously realized that something was wrong, and stepped away one after another.

But there are also some giant dragons who didn't respond.


meteor falls,

It directly penetrated the body of the giant dragon, and a large amount of dragon blood poured down, dyeing the mountains and rivers below red.

A giant dragon died before he could react. .

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