The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 63: Erza Vs Baggs!

ghost wins,

There was also a cheer on the field.

"You ghost is indeed a ghost, the strength of the guild members is still acceptable."

"In any case, he is also a member of the Great Guild, and his strength is stronger than ordinary people. There is a reason why the Phantom Lord has grown so fast in the past few years.

"I think it will be the ghost who wins in the end."

on stage,

Many guild leaders nodded.

Although Phantom Lord is not popular with everyone, his strength is still real.

It is true that he lost to others in the magic power test, but the use of magic is also very important.

This is evident in the Aria.

And after winning a victory and saving some face, Jose's complexion also looked much better.

But it just looks better.

Before winning the bet, everything is only temporary.

And after Aria.

Then it was Erza's turn.

Both sides play.

Her opponent is Baggs, the dog with four heads, and there are few wizards who are good at using physical skills.

In the Damo Dou Yanwu, he has the same strength as Erza.

Looking at Erza who was standing opposite him, Baggs had a casual expression on his face: "I didn't expect that my opponent turned out to be such a lady, which is too surprising."

"What? Is there a problem?" Erza frowned.

Bugs spread his hands and said, "Of course there is a problem. After all, fighting with a girl is meaningless, and it's not good if it hurts you."

Erza's points test surpassed him every time.

But, as mentioned earlier, the battle of a mage is not as simple as pure magic.

The understanding of magic and the use of magic are enough to influence the battle situation.

He is good at close combat, and he is the nemesis of most mages, so Baggs doesn't think he is wrong.

As everyone knows.

I have already stepped on thunder in the penalty area.

"How dare you provoke Erza, this guy is probably out of luck."

Liu Yun, watching on the stage, also sighed.

You must know that Erza hates people who look down on girls the most, especially saying this sentence in front of her is undoubtedly a great provocation.

And for those who provoke him, Erza will never show mercy.

as expected,

The voice fell.

Erza's gaze became unkind, and she originally wanted to give a knight's salute according to the knight's etiquette, but now she gave up this idea.

Those who are familiar with Erza know what the result will be once Erza gives up the basic etiquette (ceca).

"Really? Since that's the case, I hope your strength can be as confident as you are now.


The announcement came out.

"The second round of selection, Fairy Tail Guild Erza VS Four-Headed Dog Baggs, the competition officially begins."


All over.

Baggs took the lead.

The speed was so fast that it directly left an afterimage in the air, covering a distance of tens of meters in the blink of an eye.

"Attack with physical skills as soon as you come up? It seems that you plan to fight close to each other, and the battle will be settled quickly."

"But I'm afraid I've found the wrong person."

Liu Yun smiled lightly, and Erza in the center of the field remained motionless facing the galloping Baggs.

This scene fell in the eyes of other audiences, but they were very surprised.

"What's the situation, isn't she going to distance herself?"

"Few people can match Baggs' melee. Even if he resists with a sword, he might not be able to use his sword skills after being melee."

"It seems that I was mistaken. I'm afraid that the Fairy Queen will be out soon."

There was a lot of discussion in the stands.

There was also a mocking smile on Jose's face.

From his point of view, Erza has been completely scared out of his wits,

"What's the use of high magic power, in the end it's not without..."

Before Jose could finish speaking.

Bags was only a few meters away from Erza, and when his fist was about to drop, Erza finally moved.

hold a knife, draw a sword, swing a sword

It took only a split second to complete a whole set of starting moves.

"Jihe cut!"


Ling Ran's voice came out of Erza's mouth.

In the next second, sharp sword energy emerged from the edge of the blade, and with the swing of the blade, a slash of more than ten meters roared out.

The slash of more than ten meters roared out like a violent tsunami.

Everywhere they went, the ground was torn apart.

Bags instantly felt a strong crisis, and his body instinctively dodged to one side to avoid the sharp edge.


When the slash fell, the entire battle field was shocked.

For a time, a large amount of smoke spread.

After a while, the smoke dissipated, and the picture of Yan Xun appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the eyes showed horror for a moment.


In front of them, a straight gully tens of meters long and one meter wide spread out from Erza's front, reaching the edge of the field.

"How is this possible? What happened just now? Why did the ground suddenly crack?"

"Okay...amazing power!"

"I'm not mistaken, did Erza cut the ground with a single knife just now, how did he do it.

"Did she use magic just now? Why didn't I feel it at all?"

"It's like a monster.

Horrified voices continued to sound on the field.

Everyone's face is a dull expression.

too fast.

It was too fast.

They didn't see clearly the process of Erza's shot at all, and the scene turned into such a scene in the next second, which unintentionally shocked the audience greatly.

The people around are still like this, let alone Baggs in the middle of the field.

Staring at the ravine beside him, Baggs had an expression of lingering fear.

Fortunately, he dodged in time. Once such an attack landed on him, even if he practiced physical skills, he might not be able to bear it.

If it is more serious, it may directly lose.

"This guy…………"

The previous casual expression dissipated from Baggs' face and was replaced by solemnity.

After all, if he continued to underestimate him, he would probably be defeated.

It doesn't matter if you lose.

However, it was definitely not what he wanted to see the problem being defeated so easily.

And just when Baggs concentrated his mind, Erza didn't give him too much time, held the blade and stepped on it with both feet.

The ground cracked, and the whole person rushed out like a beast.

The speed is no less than the previous Baggs.

But if it's just that, it's fine. During the surprise attack, a crisp sound of drawing a knife sounded again.

"One sword style, draw the sword and cut!"


The terrifying slash appeared again.

Cutting through the sky, it fell towards Baggs in panic!.

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