The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 66: The Use Of Domineering!

The sudden move immediately attracted a lot of curiosity.

Erza, who was about to make a move, instinctively sensed the danger and stopped.

"What is he going to do?"

Makarov frowned.

Everyone was amazed at Aria's actions, only Jose had a smile on his face.

"It's almost time to show your true strength."

"Go ahead, Aria."


The bandage was removed, and the terrifying magic power burst out.

From Aria's body, a golden beam of light emerged, and the ground under his feet instantly cracked.

"The magic has increased."

"Did this guy hide his strength just now?"

"This magic power has surpassed Erza's."

The audience was shocked.

No one thought that Aria was still hiding her strength at this time.

Aria is strong.

He is the head of the "Four Elements" of the Phantom Lord Guild, and has a magic power that is not inferior to Erza, but in order to hide better, he usually wears a blindfold to suppress his too strong magic power.

Feeling the oppression from Erza, he had to use all his strength.

"I'm afraid Erza will be in trouble now."

Seeing this scene, Makarov suddenly became nervous,


Aria's doing it!

Release all strength without reservation.

With a single movement, several tornadoes will be condensed,

The power is more than twice as strong as before, and this is Aria's true strength.

The tornado spread across the playing field, releasing wind blades continuously, attacking Erza from all directions.

With super quick reflexes, Erza quickly dodges.

Seeing this, Aria showed a sinister smile: "It's so sad, now you are like a wounded prey, without the strength to resist, really pitiful."


Aria unleashed her own powerful magic again, not intending to give Erza any chance.

"Airspace Phantom!"


The figure condenses and fluctuates,

Aria's body slowly disappeared.

But rather than disappearing, it should be said that it was hiding in the wind.

Seeing this scene, Makarov suddenly felt something was wrong.

You must know that Erza is caught in a tornado at this time, and Aria can launch other attacks at any time.

This is not good for Erza.

"Airspace: Go!"

as expected,

Appearing again, Aria's figure appeared behind Erza, launching an offensive in an instant.



Facing Aria's sudden attack, Erza didn't waver at all, didn't pay too much attention, and swung his knife again.

It is still the perfect swordsmanship before, as if it has not been discovered.

Almost instantly, everyone's hearts were raised.

Jose on the stage also showed a triumphant smile, as if he could already foresee the scene of Erza's fall.

call out---!

A ferocious attack is imminent.

There was almost no possibility of dodging, but Erza still didn't respond, but the moment he fell.

I saw that the attack passed through Erza's body, but did not leave a trace of blood.

Before Aria could react, Erza flashed in the air at high speed one after another, transforming into a series of figures.


cut out with a knife,

The silvery white blade cut through the storm and landed directly on Aria's chest.

With a sound, the bright red blood bloomed on the chest, followed by the blood on the ground

They fell together, returning Aria's fat body.


"The attack went through."


The onlookers all stared wide-eyed.

This... what's the situation?

Not just the guild leaders, Jose was shocked.

According to his magical perception, Aria's attack should hit Erza's body.

Why did you dodge all of a sudden?

"Spatial teleportation? No... No, there is no fluctuation in space. She relies on her own strength, but how did she do it?"

"Your Excellency Liu Yun, how did you do this?"

It wasn't just Jose who noticed this, Makarov also noticed it.

"It's very simple, use the principle of magic burst, condense on your feet, make your speed skyrocket, so as to achieve a seemingly teleportation effect."

Liu Yun explained with a smile.

The starting hand that Erza used just now is to shave.

Skills similar to Instant Body Technique, Instant Step, and Resounding Spin.

The difference is that Erza added his own ideas to it, increasing the burst of magic power, which doubled the speed several times at once.

"I see."

Makarov nodded understandingly.

But that is the case, but it sounds simple, but it is difficult to do.

Among them, the control of power, the grasp of timing, etc., without hard training, it is absolutely impossible to be like Erza.

This has nothing to do with one's own magic power, it is entirely a fighting skill.


Aria, who was knocked down by one blow, has already got up.

He didn't expect that Erza was not only powerful in swordsmanship, but also more terrifying in speed than him.


Without waiting for him to think.

Erza swung his knife and approached again.

Aria unleashes the storm again, and this time he becomes more cautious, blending in again.

With his eyesight, he can see that the reason why he was hit was because he actively approached and kept himself.

Erza's speed is very fast, but if you don't attack melee, there is still a chance to choose long-range attack.

It is not as easy as 813 to perceive a person's magical breath in a violent storm.

You only need to consume the opponent to death.

"I judged the problem in an instant. As expected, the four elements are only accepted, but... Erza knows more than that."

Liu Yun smiled faintly.

"Two Swords Tornado!"

And as his voice fell, a light appeared on Erza's body, and a blade appeared on her right hand, and she turned around and slashed.

And the location of the attack happened to be where Aria was.


Aria was taken aback.

I can't understand it at all, since I have already hidden myself, and Erza will find out, it shouldn't be right at all!

Ordinary magic power perception is naturally impossible.

The magic power will be affected by the environment and changed by the magic power, but knowledge and domineering is different.

Knowledge, color and domineering is based on the breath of the person,

It can make people's five senses sharp, and can detect the breath of surrounding creatures, the arrogance of emotional changes, and can also be used to predict and avoid danger.

Practice to the limit, and even predict the future.

Aria hides her magic power, but it doesn't mean her breath can be completely hidden.

Shaved to match the domineering color of knowledge.

Even in a completely dark world, with blocked sight and no hearing, Erza was able to launch a counterattack.

This is one of the achievements of her two years of cultivation!.

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