“Let’s take a break and then evaluate” After more than two hours of continuous appraisal, Hao Xuan was also a little tired and suggested resting.


Xiaoqi and Xiaole are also very happy, usually the appraiser is tired, the assistant who helps is very easy, the first time I meet the appraiser is easy, the assistant is tired.

Usually, it takes Yan Zihua ten minutes to identify a pokemon, so basically after the identification of one, the little chess piece can be taken back and made a mark, and today the little chess was identified as soon as the elf was released, and it was very busy at once, so busy that it couldn’t stop.

Hao Xuan took a sip of tea, looked at the 20 Spirit Balls left on the No. 2 cart, and carefully calculated and identified many of them, which was right for its million.

This side of the room is resting, the other side of the room looks very hot.

Yan Zihua and Niu Xin vigorously identified the elves that Haoxuan had identified, and Niu Xin came to take over half an hour ago.

As a result, I heard Yan Zihua say that he came to a platinum appraiser, and he also identified it like this, and immediately joined in, the two identified together, the more the appraisal the more panicked, the two identified elves added up to close to 70, the current identification results are the same as Hao Xuan’s identification, the two identify different elves will exchange their own opinions and identify again, and the result is the result of Hao Xuan’s identification.

Wu Jun, who was watching from the side, was shocked, Yan Zihua and Niu Xin were both gold-level appraisers, but they each had major strengths and weaknesses, but if the two of them identified a little elf at the same time, they never missed the results of the appraisal.

So far, Hao Xuan’s identification accuracy rate is 100%, which is terrifying.

“Brother Yan, Brother Niu, you better rest and rest, I think you don’t need to be identified,” Wu Jundao said.


“We still want it!”

The two are appraisers, even if their level is not as good as Hao Xuan, they are definitely not convinced in their hearts.

“Then you guys rest first, and later we will identify some of the more important elves, only identify high-level and rare qualifications, and ordinary and intermediate will not be used,” Wu Jun suggested.

Yan Zihua and Niu Xin thought about it for a while and felt that it was okay, and simply nodded and agreed.

Only then did Wu Jun leave the room and come to the big appraisal room where Hao Xuan was.

“Mr. Hao has worked hard” As soon as he entered the room and saw Hao Xuan resting there, Wu Jun came up and said lovingly.

“It’s okay, I’ll just move my mouth, but the two of them have worked hard” Hao Xuan pointed to Xiaoqi and Xiaole.

Wu Jun looked at the two, his heart was speechless, the first time he saw the identification elf tired the assistant like this.

“They also work hard, but Mr. Hao’s identification of elves must be very brain-consuming, and they can’t compare,” Wu Jundao.

“That Manager Wu, I’ll identify another two hours, can I sleep or not” Hao Xuan is also a little sleepy, Hao Xuan has been busy since the day to now, basically did not stop, somewhat tired.

“Okay, no problem,” Wu Jun agreed cheerfully.

If he hadn’t seen Hao Xuan’s appraisal speed before, Wu Jun would definitely not agree, but now that he saw Wu Jun, he felt that this transaction was too profitable, and Hao Xuan alone could withstand ten gold appraisers at the same time, and the accuracy rate was currently 100%.

As far as Haoxuan’s identification speed and accuracy, don’t say sleep for a while, you can sleep until tomorrow morning.

“That fire chicken” Hao Xuan began to mention the fire chicken, although the other party agreed, but it would definitely take time for the fire chicken to reach his hands.

“Mr. Hao, don’t worry, I have just sent someone to contact, the auction in C City, there happens to be a rare qualification of the fire chicken, which has been arranged for people to be transported over, and it will be able to reach H City tomorrow afternoon”

Wu Jun had already believed in Hao Xuan’s level when Yan Zihua and Niu Xin had identified the 50th elf, and immediately contacted them and asked them to bring the fire chicken over immediately.

“That’s really thankful” Tomorrow you can get the natural best, so that Hao Xuan can be sure to cultivate the fire chicken into a flame chicken in the remaining twenty days, and when the time comes, directly give the flame chicken a writing wheel eye, and the side mission will be completed.

After resting for twenty minutes, Hao Xuan continued to start the appraisal, in fact, Hao Xuan had rested early, just playing small chess and Xiao Leduo to rest for a while.

After another two hours of identification, under Wu Yong’s gaze, the 500 elves on the No. 3 cart were all identified by Hao Xuan.

Wu Jun had already arranged a room for Hao Xuan and personally sent Hao Xuan back to the room to rest.

After that, Wu Jun came to the appraisal room where Yan Zihua and Niu Xin were.

I saw that Yan Zihua and Niu Xin were still identifying, and the two were sweating, and the two of them had also identified a total of nearly two hundred elves, and the speed had obviously improved, but it was far from Hao Xuan.

“Brother Yan, Brother Niu, how is the appraisal? Are there errors? Wu Jun waited for the two to identify the elves in the cage before he began to inquire.

“There are two, we two can’t identify them,” Yan Zihua pointed to the two Spirit Balls placed on the counter.

“Oh! What kind of elf? Wu Jun asked.

“It’s a circle bear and a pangolin,” Niu Xin said.

Wu Jun walked over and looked at the label on the Spirit Ball, and saw a symbol written on the green paper.

“Huh? What does this symbol mean? Wu Jun doesn’t remember asking the staff to write something on the label.

Wu Jun immediately called Xiaoqi to inquire.

“That Manager Wu, Mr. Hao said that these two elves have something special, similar to the elves auctioned at the auction of the hunting ground”

“I know, you go to rest” Receiving Xiao Qi’s answer, Wu Jun looked at Yan Zihua and Niu Xin sympathetically.

Yan Zihua and Niu Xin naturally also heard the answer, and they were all tender, the underground auction of the hunting ground, what kind of elves were auctioned, the two naturally knew that that kind of elves were difficult to define, even platinum appraisers were difficult to identify, but both of them had identified these two elves, plus previous appraisal experience, it was obvious that these two elves were like this.

“Xiao Wu, I’m tired and want to rest” Yan Zihua suddenly lost his fighting spirit.

“Brother Yan, Brother Niu, you all go to rest, and rest well tomorrow” Wu Jun had long advised the two to rest, but the two had to compare with Hao Xuan, but they didn’t catch Hao Xuan’s mistake, and the two were hit instead.

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