“Huang Rong, you dodge me, today I finally met the main lord, I must beat him” Wang Zijian’s face turned red, and his eyes were angry, as if he had some deep hatred with Hao Xuan.

“Brother, I seem to have no grievances with you, why do you want to beat me” Hao Xuan didn’t understand, he just scolded Wang Zijian, as for fighting with himself.

And Hao Xuan is not afraid of fighting with the prince, but if something happens, what should I do, who will be counted at that time, I don’t have much money at present, I can’t afford to fight.

If Hao Xuan has tens of millions on him, he is guaranteed not to kill Wang Zijian.

“Hao Xuan, if it’s a man, come out, what kind of skill is hiding behind a woman,” Wang Zijian said defiantly.

“Sorry, I’m hiding behind Uncle Zhao,” Hao Xuan responded.

“Uncle Li, you help me contain Zhao Hao, I want to single out this kid” Seeing that Hao Xuan couldn’t come out, Wang Zijian immediately entrusted his bodyguards to help.

Li Qiang was speechless suddenly, his duty was to protect the safety of Wang Zijian and Wei Hua, but he didn’t start beating people, not to mention that the other party had a relationship with the Huang family, and if he did it, he would definitely not have good fruit to eat.

“Young Master, it’s still important to get down to business” Li Qiang naturally knew why Wang Zijian hated Haoxuan.

Wang Haoyu is Wang Zijian’s father, and in last month’s platinum promotion exam, Wang Haoyu beat Wang Zijian after returning from B City.

Why hit Wang Zijian? Because Wang Zijian is also an appraiser, but he has not yet become one, he has only passed the written exam, the practice has not yet been examined, and he has prepared for the two-year exam.

Wang Zijian is very confident that he passed the written exam at such a young age, and he must be the youngest appraiser in the history of Xia Kingdom in the future, so after passing the written test, Wang Zijian was very swollen and played around every day.

Wang Haoyu naturally dislikes Prince Jian and spends time drinking, but he is usually too busy and rarely has time to educate.

After returning from the B City promotion exam, I heard that Wang Zijian was still playing outside, and I immediately called it back and it was a beating.

And Wang Zijian naturally knew that his father didn’t like him outside, but he wouldn’t beat himself, and Wang Haoyu mentioned Haoxuan while smoking Wang Zijian.

Look at people who are the same age as you, and they have become platinum appraisers like dad, you are good, not even an appraiser.

And Wang Haoyu even took this as a reason, as long as Wang Zijian had a problem, he would be beaten.

In the past month, Wang Zijian has not known how many times he has been beaten, a small dozen in two days, a large dozen in three days, and when he does not hit Wang Zijian, he must also verbally educate a few times.

Wang Zijian, who suffered from his father’s domestic violence, was naturally very angry, and immediately inquired about Hao Xuan’s information, only knowing that Hao Xuan was the same age as himself, but he was a platinum-level appraiser, and as for Hao Xuan’s appearance, there was no one on the Internet.

There is information about appraisers on the alliance website, but no photos will be provided to protect the appraiser’s safety.

But Wang Zijian completely noted down Hao Xuan’s person, and today he finally escaped from his father’s clutches, and met Huang Rong, who did not deal with his own family, naturally he wanted to say a few words of ridicule, but he did not expect to meet the enemy.

It just so happens that the new hatred and the old feud are calculated together, and today Wang Zijian must take a meal before he is willing to stop.

Li Qiang naturally knows about this, but in Li Qiang’s opinion, Wang Haoyu is just educating Wang Zijian, so when Wang Zijian let himself make a move, Li Qiang promised that he would never make a move, once he made a move, not only was it not beneficial, once this matter was known by Wang Haoyu, Wang Zijian couldn’t run away after a beating, and he might be fired.

“If you don’t go on, I’ll go on!” Wang Zijian did not believe that Zhao Hao dared to make a move on himself and stepped away.

“Stop!” Hao Xuan scolded.

Wang Zijian also stopped cooperatively and said, “What else do you have to say?”

“Brother, be reasonable, I don’t seem to have any hatred with you, even if you want to beat me, you must always give a reason” Hao Xuan naturally didn’t know why Wang Zijian wanted to hit himself.

“There is no reason, I just want to beat you” Wang Zijian would not tell Hao Xuan the reason why he wanted to beat him, and it would be a shame to say it.

“Can you be as mature as me, you are like a kindergarten child” Hao Xuan shook his head helplessly, I really don’t know which tendon this Wang Zijian broke.

“Mature P, come to single-handedly, don’t hide” Although Wang Zijian was angry, he was not a fool, knowing that Zhao Hao would definitely block him, stop moving forward, and just rushed over just pretending.

“It’s okay to single out, but you say okay first, what if you win or lose, and what if you accidentally beat you to death” Hao Xuan is a civilized person and never beats people.

“Life and death depend on the sky, who deserves to be killed” Wang Zijian looked angry, and he didn’t know how stupid he said.

“Huang Rong, quickly call 110, call an ambulance by the way, this guy is crazy” Hao Xuan immediately asked for help.

“You’re crazy, your whole family is crazy,” Wang Zijian scolded angrily.

Hao Xuan didn’t bother to say more, Wang Zijian must have smoked which one, Hao Xuan took out his mobile phone and prepared to dial 110.

“You stop, I won’t single you out” Seeing that Hao Xuan really planned to call the police, Wang Zijian immediately prodded, if this policeman comes, he will be taken to the bureau, then his father will definitely know, then he will definitely be beaten again.

“Are you sure you don’t single it out?” Hao Xuan is still a little uneasy, this prince Jian is really a loser like Huang Rong said, isn’t it! It’s a loser with a neurosis.

If this is his own son, Hao Xuan promised to lock him up so as not to harm others.

“Don’t single out” Wang Zijian also calmed down now, but Wang Zijian knew that Hao Xuan thought of him like this, and he would definitely beat Hao Xuan to the death.

Seeing Wang Zijian’s assurance, Hao Xuan put the phone away, but still hid behind Zhao Hao, so as not to let Wang Zijian hurt people.

“Young Master, Hao Xuan is a platinum-level appraiser, if you hit him, it will have a very bad impact on you in the future,” Wei Hua also whispered in Wang Zijian’s ear.

Wang Zijian raised his eyebrows, and suddenly found that he was almost in a catastrophe, if he beat Hao Xuan, he would definitely be mixed doubles by his father and grandfather.

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