The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1053: Refining and promotion


A cold chick sounded.

Accompanied by it, a sharp sword light was drawn from the void.

This sword light directly cut off the suction power that enveloped Liu Gui.


Duan Lang let out a soft hey. Slightly surprised.

Soon, Duanlang saw a stunning woman approaching in her early twenties.

"The saint save me, the saint save me."

Liu Gui, who had been desperate, was seeing the saint Xuan Gu, like a savior. Struggling to walk towards the saint, but was stopped by the big man's yaman.

"Very strong, very strong."

Dalang's look was solemn. He knows about his family affairs from his family. He is definitely not the opponent of the woman in front of him.

"Saint, want to stop our Great Han Tingwei from enforcing the law?"

Duan Lang looked at Saint Xuan Gu and asked.

"He is from our Heaven Temple."

Xuan Gu said blankly.

"But he killed the people of our big man."

Duan Lang stepped forward and blocked the Saintess.

"Your Excellency wants to stop me, do you know that there is a price to pay?"

Xuan Gu said blankly.


Broken Wave narrowed his eyes.

"you wanna die."

Xuan Gu's face showed a cold and stern look.

In Dahan, Xuan Gu felt that the authority of the Temple of Heaven had been challenged endlessly. The Emperor of Han dared to neglect them so much, and now even a warrior under the command of the Great Han dared to challenge the authority of the Heavenly Temple in this way, which was unbearable for Xuan Gu.

The terrible coercion radiated from Xuan Gu's body.

Breaking the waves bear the brunt. He felt as if there was an invisible mountain rolling down from the void.

Suddenly, the breaking wave was faltering.

Duan Lang is not even the God Realm. How could he be the opponent of Saint Xuan Gu. Although the opponent did not produce murderous intent, it was even coerced. Can make him like the end of the day.


At this moment, a cold snort sounded.

The broken wave that was about to be unbearable suddenly felt his body loose. He staggered and faltered, but fortunately the yams on the side supported Broken Wave.

"Thank you brother Yuwen."

Duan Lang gratefully looked at a young man who came with a sword.

This person is Yuwen Tuo.

The saint Xuan Gu suddenly looked solemn when she saw this person. The first feeling that the other party gave her was strong, very strong. A terrible energy was locked on her body. As if she had a slight act of recklessness, she would be hit by the thunderbolt of the opponent.

"Do you guys really want to be super?"

Xuan Gu gritted her teeth.

"Kill him. Kill him."

The people coming from all around saw this scene, and they all began to support the big man. These people have no shortage of people who have been favored by Yang Dashan. At this moment, it is natural to support Dahan to capture the murderer and bring him to justice.

"Have you seen, even if I am willing to let him go, the people of our big men are not willing."

Yu Wentuo said blankly while holding the sword.

Xuan Gu was silent.

"Do you know what your people did. He killed a great good man who had done good deeds for decades. Although this great good man was just a porridge shop owner, he had ran out of his wealth several times in the past few decades. , Saved countless people. Such a person, based on the blood of the Demon Race in his body, is condemned as a heresy and killed by your people. Your Heavenly Temple, is it too domineering, right?"

Yuwen Tuo said coldly.

"Are you sure to stop me?"

Xuan Gu naturally wouldn't shrink back because of this. For her, if she shrinks because of this, her martial arts heart will be dusted.


Xuan Gu instantly unsheathed her sword.

Yuwentuo's eyes condensed, with a hint of excitement.

The swords of both sides collided in the void.

The horrible sword intent rages centered on the two.

Between the sparks and fire. The swords of both sides collided dozens of times in the void.

In the end, Yuwen Tuo took three steps back slightly.

But Xuan Gu also stood five meters away, and the ground under her feet was cracked.


Yu Wentuo said blankly.

Xuan Gu said to the martial artists of the Heaven Temple beside him.

"let's go."

"The saint save me, the saint save me."

When Liu Guizai saw the saint abandon him, his eyes were split.

But the saint went faster and faster, as if she didn't hear him at all.

"take away."

The military attache of Tingwei Mansion shouted to those yamen.

After returning to the inn, the saint Xuanzang gave a few words to the people in the Temple of Heaven, and then entered the room.


Xuan Gu spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Damn big man, **** Emperor Han, my Aunt Xuan has never suffered such a big loss."

Xuan Gu gritted her teeth.

Xuan Gu passed all the news here back to the Heavenly Temple. After all, Liu Gui is the grandson of the Great Sage King of the Temple of Heaven. In his own hands, he was taken away by the big man. All this must be known to the Great Sage King.

Xuan Gu originally had the idea of ​​leaving here. But thinking of the humiliation she had suffered, she was still a little unwilling. After all, her purpose of coming here is to take away the Emperor of Han Dynasty. But the Emperor of Han avoided seeing it, apparently adopting the tactic of dragging characters. In other words. For the time being, Emperor Han dared not completely turn his face with Tiansheng Temple.

After all, Emperor Han should have received the news that his master has left the customs.

"Emperor Han, since you avoid seeing you, then I want to see you, and see what you plan to do then."

Xuan Gu murmured.

Heiyan City Companion Palace

"The girl hasn't left yet?"

Liu Ce looked at the crow's old-fashioned way.

"I didn't leave, I almost stay in the inn now, staying at home."

The crow said.

"What the **** is this girl going to do. Do you want to see me so much?"

Liu Ce muttered.

The corner of the crow's mouth twitched slightly. This saint was in her early twenties, but her Majesty was definitely younger than the other. Is it appropriate to be so old-fashioned?

"Your Majesty, now the saint will come to accompany the palace almost every day, urging to ask her whereabouts, humble estimate, in a few days, the other party will be crazy."

The crow smiled bitterly.

Now the crow had a headache when he saw the saint. After all, this is a saint, not a waiter. Can't hit, can't scold. Although the opponent would not attack him, as long as the crow saw the frosty appearance of the saint, his scalp numb. Although the crow itself belongs to the same type of person.

"Thanks for your hard work, Lao Wu, that girl will leave it to you..."

Liu Ce looked at the bitter face of the crow and smiled, and patted the other person on the shoulder.

The crow's face became darker.

Five days later

Baolai Inn

Although Xuan Gu would go to Dahan's companion palace every day, without exception, there was no gain. Even the **** of the guardian of the accompanying palace, the crow, did not change in any way. Obviously they are all impatient. It can be said that Aunt Xuan has resisted the urge to draw her sword several times. It's not that her temper has improved. It was Xuanzang who knew very well that drawing a sword here would not do him any good.

"How's it going? Is there any news from the Heavenly Temple?"

Xuan Gu said blankly to the young martial artist in front of him.

This young warrior is the secret guard of the Temple of Heaven and is responsible for passing the news of the Temple of Heaven. Although Xuan Gu is not without the talisman, but here. The summons is not necessarily safe.

"There is news. Saint King is coming to Heiyan City with a team of masters."

Secret Guardian.

"The Great Sage King?"

Xuan Gu's expression was moved.

The strength of the Great Sage King is not weak. You need to know that the number one master of the Heavenly Temple, although he is his own master. But the second master was not the deputy master of the Tiansheng Temple, but the Great Sage King Liu Xun. Even before the retreat, his master had said it. Although he is the number one master of the Heavenly Temple of the Blue Sky Domain, he has no certainty that he can defeat the Great Sage King. It can be seen that the strength of this Great Sage King is really unfathomable.

"The Great Sage King is here, this time Black Flame City seems to be lively."

Saint Xuan Gu murmured.

"Go down."

Xuan Gu waved.


The secret guard left immediately.

After the guard left. Saintess Xuangu muttered: "Even so, I will definitely not get anything when I come to this Black Flame City."

The saint took out a piece of paper.

The map drawn on this piece of paper is impressive.

During this period of time, the saint staying in Black Flame City was not true or nothing. During this time, she passed through various channels. Finally, he figured out the topography of the entire Heiyan City Dahan's Accompanying Palace.

That's right. Xuan Gu is about to sneak into the Dahan's companion palace. She wanted to figure it out. Whether Emperor Han is in the accompanying palace or not. In this way, when the Great Sage King comes, her Xuan Gu can also play a role.

"Di Han, I hope you are really not in the companion palace!"

Xuan Gu murmured.

At this moment, Liu Ce is practicing with the palace. He held a piece of ancient **** crystal jade in his hand. The energy contained in the ancient **** crystal jade can be absorbed. Liu Ce will naturally not miss it. ,

After swallowing a piece of ancient **** crystal jade, Liu Ce suddenly felt that he had touched the shackles under the impact of this turbulent wave.


Liu Ce's eyes flickered, and he took out another piece of ancient **** crystal jade and held it in his hand to absorb it.

Under the impact of the second majestic and turbulent energy, under Liu Ce's anger. Broke through the shackles.

Suddenly it became clear.

Taishang Demon Art Technique in the second stage of the middle stage

Liu Ce muttered.

Immediately Liu Ce opened his own property panel

Occupation: Emperor Han

Cultivation methods: Xuanwu Body Forging Jue (ninth layer peak) Emperor Dao Shenglong Jue, Taishang Demon God Jue (mid fifth layer)

Cultivation: Late Divine King Realm

Martial Skills: Hundred Sword Jue (Transformation Realm) Dou Zhuan Xingyi (Transformation Realm) Xiao Li Feidao (Transaction Realm) Galaxy Breaking Fist (Transaction Realm) Fengshen Leg (Transmutation Realm) Stealing Heaven, Changing the Sun and Seizing Sword Style (Transaction Realm) Sword Twenty-two (Consummation) Immortal Golden Body Jue (Dacheng)...Sword Twenty-Three (Consummation)

Secret Method: Promise Fury (Dacheng)

Physique 395

Summon Gods and Demons: Guan Yu, Yuhuatian, Lu Bu, Mangui, Sima Buping, Duan Tianya, Dugu Qiuqiu, Gan Mingzhu, Absolute Wushen, Sete, Worshiping the Lord of the Moon, Yuwentuo, Wuming...

Martial arts points: 85200

Treasure Box: None

National Transport: 330045423200

Available National Shipping: 225727632000

Martial skill points have increased a lot. It seems to be the harvest in the secret realm. But now martial skill upgrades all require a huge amount of martial skill points, which is not enough for him.

It is still more important to upgrade the repair base.

"System, I want to advance to cultivation base."

Liu Ce said to the system. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1053 Refining and Promotion), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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