The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1148: Monitor

"Shrink the line of defense?"

Liu Ce couldn't help frowning.

"Yes, your Majesty, we can only reduce our pressure by shrinking the defense line, and at the same time, we can better gather our strength to attack the enemy. Now our big man's defense is too big. The enemy can attack us from several places at any time. Our defense will be very difficult. , But if we can give up a few cities, then we will alleviate a lot of pressure."

Korean channel.

Han Xin was actually a little helpless at the moment, because he knew that if he didn't do this, the pressure on the big man would be really great. And this ancient alien race in a different time and space is naturally not comparable to the enemies he encountered in his previous life. Some of the factors that determine the battlefield are not entirely morale, but the military spirit can decide. It's a stronger force.

Liu Ce frowned. He also hesitated a little at the moment. He knew that what Han Xin said was correct. But if the line of defense is so contracted, it will make the Tiangu Star Region worse. But if you don't do this, the soldiers of the big man will make great sacrifices.

Soon, Liu Ce made a decision.

"Shrink the line of defense, and protect the Tiangu Star Region's Yucheng City, Antai City, and Tianxing City."

Liu Cedao.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Han Xin was overjoyed.

Liu Ce focused on keeping these two giant cities. It is also because these two cities are the most populous star regions in the entire Tiangu star region. There are tens of millions of people in every city. Humans occupy 30% of the entire Tiangu star field.

Next, the Swire Alien race launched an even more violent attack on the Tiangu Star Territory. Countless demonic souls swallowed the past city vigorously.

These cities screamed sternly. Countless people of the human race were swallowed. Turned into bones.

Star City City Lord's Mansion

At this moment, City Lord Luo Chengdong opened a memory stone. Suddenly, the tragic situation of the major cities in the Sky Valley Star Region appeared in the void.

Boundless bones, boundless ruins, and demons who are devouring fresh flesh and blood.

Even the City Lord Luo Chengdong, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, couldn't help but pale as paper at this moment. The daughter Luo Li who stood beside Luo Chengdong also looked shocked.

"Father. This is the city after being ravaged by the Demon Soul?"

Luo Li's look at the moment was a bit ugly.


Luo Chengdong nodded and said: "This is the information that our family's secret guards have obtained from the front. It is also the last piece of information. At this moment, we have already lost contact with the secret guards outside."

Luo Li was silent. Since the contact is lost, what happened is naturally self-evident.

"What happened to the things that Emperor Han asked you to do?"

Luo Chengdong looked at Luo Li and asked.

Luo Li nodded slightly: "Millions of people have signed up to join the army."

"Millions of people?"

Luo Chengdong narrowed his eyes.

"Forget it, everyone has his own destiny."

Luo Chengdong shook his head.

It's just that Luo Chengdong, as the city lord of Star City, can't bear the collapse of Star City. After all, this Tianxing City can develop to the present prosperity, it is their Luo family's management for several generations.

"Father, the Lin family, the Han family, the Guo family, and the Su family are here."

Luo Li confronted the host city of Los Angeles.

Luo Chengdong couldn't help frowning.

"What are they here for?"

Luo Chengdong frowned slightly, and his expression looked strange.

"It seems to be for the destiny of our Star City."

Luo Li said.

Luo Chengdong sneered: "Before, we asked them to have a good relationship with the big man. No one took them seriously. They did not take their family children into the army. They did not take it seriously. Now the Swire aliens are almost at their doorstep. , At this time, they started to be anxious. It's really interesting."

"Father, what shall we do now?"

Luo Li also had no idea at the moment.

"Please. I also want to know what they are going to do."

Los Angeles host.


Star City City Lord's Mansion

Lin Haisheng, the head of the Lin family, looked at Luo Cheng Dongpi with a smile and said without a smile: "City Lord Luo, we won't be oblivious. As far as I know, you are in contact with Emperor Han?"

Luo Chengdong frowned slightly, looked at Lin Haisheng and asked, "What do you say?"

"City Lord Luo, it's like this. A few days ago, three young people came to Star City. We didn't pay much attention to them when they came to the door. But as far as we know. The last one they visited was the City Lord's Mansion."

Lin Haisheng said.

"What about this?"

Luo Chengdong said lightly.

"One of them is Emperor Han?"

Lin Haisheng said.

"Yes, he is Emperor of Han Dynasty."

Luo Chengdong did not deny either.

"City Lord, can Emperor Han promise to save us Star City?"

Lin Haisheng asked.

"not at all."

Luo Chengdong shook his head.

"City Lord Luo, what did Emperor Han say to you? You don't have anything to do with Emperor Han, do you?"

Lin Haisheng said coldly.

"Patriarch Lin, you are so bold, this City Lord's Mansion is not a place where you can be presumptuous."

Luo Chengdong was also angry.

On weekdays, the heads of these major families are polite to him. Don't even dare to breathe. But now, daring to be so arrogant in front of him, this made Luo Chengdong also angry.

However, this time, Lin Haisheng faced the city lord's anger, but he didn't feel too scared. This time it was the union of the patriarchs of the major families in Star City, Lin Haisheng was still confident, and naturally he was not too worried at this moment.

"The city lord calms down. Now that the ancient alien race is approaching, the Sky Valley Star Territory has suffered an unprecedented catastrophe. If we don't work together, our major forces will face death. We also look to the city lord Haihan."

Lin Haisheng said.

"The Emperor of Han had been to our City Lord's Mansion, but didn't he also go to your major families? Our City Lord's Mansion is just a routine hospitality, nothing special."

Los Angeles host.

"Is it?"

Lin Haisheng frowned.

Although this time brought the Patriarchs of the major families of Star City to come and put pressure on them, the strength of the City Lord was unfathomable. Even if the Patriarchs of their major forces came together, they were not ready to truly turn their faces with the City Lord. After all, for so many years, the majesty of the City Lord of the Star City still made them scrupulous.

"You believe it or not."

Los Angeles host.


Patriarchs of the major forces looked at each other, but did not dare to attack.

"see a visitor out."

Los Angeles host.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, the Patriarchs of the major forces looked a little ugly. Originally, they thought that this time they could come together to come to the City Lord's Mansion to find their breath. But at the moment there is nothing, which makes them all feel a little gloomy.

"Patriarch Lin, what shall we do, are we just giving up like this?"

Su Chaosheng, the Patriarch of the Su family, couldn't help but ask Lin Haisheng.

"The strength of the city lord is far above us, we must not force each other too much."

"After I go back, I will closely monitor the City Lord's Mansion."

Los Angeles host.

It's just that although the City Lord's Mansion is under the surveillance of the major forces, the City Lord's Mansion is calm and peaceful after these few days, and there is nothing unusual.

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