The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1264: Detoxify

David was fully prepared this time, and he didn't believe that Emperor Han could retreat all by himself. As long as he catches the Emperor of Han Dynasty, he will make great contributions to the Taikoo tribe.

Thinking of this, David was very excited. As if countless credits are at your fingertips.

"Captain, Emperor Han has entered the Demon Profound Realm."

An ancient warrior came to David's front.

"Has Emperor Han come? Great."

David was very satisfied.

As long as the Emperor of Han entered the Demon Profound Realm, in David's eyes, it was like a catfish.

"I am coming."

Liu Ce came from afar.

"Hahaha, Emperor Han, you really are a believer."

David looked at Liu Ce with joking in his eyes.

"I'm here, and I also brought the key to my god, but what about my daughter?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Don't worry."

David waved his hand.

Soon, two black-clothed warriors of the Primordial tribe, holding a pink jade, the cute little girl walked out.


After seeing Liu Ce, the little girl burst into tears. Obviously, Tianxue was very wronged during this period. Fortunately, Liu Ce didn't suffer much harm when he saw Tianxue's appearance.

"System, can you scan the status of Tianxue for me?"

Liu Ce kept an eye on it, the other party wouldn't hand over Tianxue so easily, it would definitely get involved.

After the system was scanned, the results were sent to Liu Ce's system panel.

"Sure enough, there is a problem."

Liu Ce thought secretly.

"System, do you have a solution? This poison?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

"Yes, it just needs national luck."

The system is concise and concise.

"It can be done."

Liu Ce still trusts the system, although the other party is really bad sometimes.

In this way, Liu Ce has room for manipulation.

"Bring her here, and I will hand over the key to you."

Liu Cedao.


This time, David did not refuse. After all, he had left behind, and he didn't believe that the other party could crack his own. Therefore, he generously asked Liu Tianxue to walk towards Liu Ce.

David's heart is very proud at the moment. The poison he poisoned is a superb poison among the Primordial Clan. In the Taikoo tribe, if there is no antidote, even the most famous doctor of the Taikoo tribe can't solve it. At that time, even if Liu Tianxue returned to Liu Ce's side, what would happen. Still have to be coerced by oneself. He could imagine what would happen when Liu Ce knew that his little princess had been poisoned.

When the little princess Liu Tianxue returned to Liu Ce's side.

David looked at Liu Ce and asked, "Emperor Han, is it time for you to hand over the key to your body? Or are you going to break your promise?"

Liu Ce took out all the divine keys from the system space. Then he lost a handful in front of David.

"You verify it first, don't you?"

Liu Ce looked at David in front of him and asked.


David was slightly surprised that Liu Ce handed over the magic key so easily. But there is not much to say. Take the magic key and hand it to a middle-aged man on the side.

"Master Hong, look, is this a magic key?"

David asked.

The so-called Hongshi is a very famous person in the Taikoo tribe. He has deeply studied the history of the three tribes of the ancient times. Whether this key is true or not is absolutely impossible to hide from him.

"It's true, it's a supernatural workmanship. It really is a race that could fight against our Primordial Demon Race a million years ago."

Hongshi looked at the magic key in his hand and exclaimed.

"Sure enough, Emperor Han, you are still a believer, but should you hand over the remaining keys? Don't tell me, you only have one key in your hand?"

Hongshi looked at Liu Ce.

"Naturally not."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

As he said, Liu Ce waved his hand, and the magic key in his hand shot out towards the surroundings.

"What? Emperor Han, what are you going to do?"

When David saw Liu Ce's movements, he was a little unsure, so he didn't know what the other party was going to do. Suddenly his look was a little ugly.

But David is very clear about the importance of the divine key. Naturally, he will not let the divine key disappear in front of him, and hurriedly chase the place where the divine key disappeared.

Liu Ce took advantage of the chaos on the scene, took out the big moving talisman and threw it out.

Suddenly, Liu Ce and the little princess Liu Tianxue disappeared in place.

"What, Emperor Han ran away?"

David had just chased out in the direction of the divine key, suddenly thought of something, and when he turned his head, he found that Liu Ce had resorted to a large shifting talisman and disappeared in place.

"Emperor Han, you actually play yin, you know. Your precious princess has been poisoned by our Primordial Demon Race, and within three days, she will undoubtedly die."

David said angrily.

But David did not get any response.

"Huh? Did the Emperor of Han disregard the safety of the little princess?"

David's look was a little confused.

But once this idea came out, David himself denied it. Because if Liu Ce really disregarded the little princess's safety, he would not have committed danger and came here.

As for going out of the Demon Profound Realm, there is no such possibility. After all, every time this Demon Profound Realm is opened, there is only a short hour, and the next time it is opened, it will be at least five days later. Now the other party must be in the Demon Profound Realm just like himself and the others.

"Damn Emperor Han, do you think you can escape from my palm in this way?"

David gritted his teeth.

Fortunately, although he entered the Demon Profound Realm this time, Liu Ce's preparations were still adequate. Soon, according to the map provided by Jin Yiwei, a cave on Moxuan Island was found.

"The system helps me detoxify Tianxue."

Liu Ce said to the system.

"It takes 100 million national transport, is it detoxification?"

The system asked.

"One hundred million?"

When Liu Ce heard this, he was a little bit astonished. Detoxification requires 100 million national luck. Does this system feel that it is fattened and can be slaughtered indiscriminately?

"The host can refuse."

The system is indifferent.

Liu Ce frowned and asked, "Why is it so expensive? I always need to know why."

"Host, this poison is one of the strongest poisons of the Primordial Demon Race. It is extremely secretive. If it is not a system, the probability of detoxification in the entire Tianhe Region and even other places outside the Tianhe Region is very low. Therefore, it is naturally necessary. More national luck."

System Road.

Liu Ce: "..."

Liu Ce looked gloomy when he heard this. This **** Primordial Demon Race should treat my daughter like this. Liu Ce's expression was extremely gloomy.


Although Liu Ce thinks it is a bit expensive, his daughter is priceless. Not to mention the national fortune of 100 million, it is 1 billion, tens of billions, Liu Ce will not blink.

Soon, a ray of light swept from Liu Ce's body.

"Successful detoxification."

The system prompt sounded.

"Tianxue, what do you think?"

Liu Ce hugged his daughter and asked with concern.

"Father, Tianxue is okay, she was a little uncomfortable before, but suddenly he recovered."

Liu Tianxue said to Liu Ce.

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