The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 839: The Demon King Descends

Looking at the top of his head, the Zhuxian Sword Array was spinning around, and then shrouded toward him. This made him feel endless horror.

Naturally, Anke didn't know that his talisman had failed, this was because in the domain of Zhuxian Sword Formation, all the energy of heaven and earth was isolated. Within the Zhuxianjian array, except for its prey. In addition, an energy vacuum is formed. Therefore, his Talisman cannot come out, this is completely normal.


Zhuxian's Four Swords shrouded Anke's body. Then, in the realm of Zhuxian's Four Swords, Anke began to be horribly strangled.

Although the Anke at the moment is indeed seriously injured. But this does not mean that he really has no room for resistance.

Anke began to struggle hard. A terrifying demonic energy erupted from Anke's body.


Anke roared, and the terrifying fists burst out uncontrollably, and confronted the strangling sword energy of Zhuxian's Four Swords.

For a time, Zhu Xian's four swords trembled uncontrollably, making a buzzing neighing sound.

After all, these Zhuxian Four Swords are just a high-level imitation, not the original Zhuxian Four Swords used by the Master Tongtian.

Every time Zhuxian Four Swords and Anke collided, Liu Ce also withstood tremendous pressure.

After all, the spirit of Liu Ce and Zhuxian Sijian are connected together. When Zhuxian Four Swords were attacked, Liu Ce would naturally receive feedback.

But Liu Ce has withstood this huge pressure. His handprints are getting faster and faster.

Zhu Xian's Four Swords were turning faster and faster in the void. The terrifying strangulation sword fell uncontrollably on Anke's body.


Anke let out a screaming scream.

The devil's might is mighty, the air waves are overwhelming.

The entire Zhuxian Sword Array was constantly surging.


"Emperor Han, if you kill me, you will die miserably. Not only you will die, but everyone will die. When my Demon Emperor arrives, the man will be completely plunged into darkness. Wait... …"

"Emperor Han, if you let me go, I can intercede with the Demon Emperor and forgive you."

Anke's voice became weaker and weaker, and it was obvious that he couldn't hold on for long under the strangulation of Zhuxian's Four Swords.

But Liu Ce did not speak. It's just that the seal on the hand is getting faster and faster. It didn't seem to give him any chance at all.

In the end, it was time for another cup of tea. Anke's voice finally stopped.

"Finally stopped?"

Liu Ce didn't immediately stop the movement of his hands, only after continuing to run Zhuxian's Four Swords for half a cup of tea, he stopped.

Liu Ce withdrew the Four Swords of Zhuxian, this Anke had already turned into a blood mist, leaving no trace of scum.

Regarding this, Liu Ce felt that it was normal, after all, the power of the Four Zhuxian Swords was enormous. Although it was just a high copy, it was also a big killer for the saint, the master of the sky.

And at this moment, at the side, the battle of Yuwen Tuo, the Lord of the Moon, the Ancient Moon Immortal, Set and others is also at the most critical time. It seems that the winner will be decided soon.

The three warriors of the sea demon clan tied by Liu Ce's immortal rope are still struggling at this moment. As the three struggled with all their strength, it seemed that even the immortal ropes could not be controlled.

It's no wonder that the three demigods of the Sea Demon Race were already terrified when they saw their leader Anke being killed. Naturally, we must try our best to escape. Otherwise, Liu Ce will be relieved. Naturally, we have to deal with them. After the three of them tried their best, the bundle of fairy ropes gradually became a little unable to restrain the three of them.

But since Liu Ce found out, naturally he would not give the three a chance to break free.

"I want to go, but there is no door."

Liu Ce grinned, his body straightened, and killed the three of them.

Xuanyuanjian swept away. Suddenly, the sharp sword aura slashed towards the heads of the three.

"Do not……"

When the three warriors of the sea demon clan saw this scene, their eyes suddenly cracked.

But no matter how desperate they were, the sword was cut from their necks.

Three heads flew into the void. As soon as their souls sprang out of their bodies, they were swallowed by a mysterious force.


Seeing this, Liu Ce was slightly surprised. The souls of warriors who have cultivated to the semi-god state are very powerful. Because the soul of the demigod realm can no longer be called a soul, it should be called a soul. The soul is not the same as a weak soul. More than ninety-nine percent of the soul can't exist in the world, and it will soon dissipate. Even if some souls are powerful, they will disappear after only a few days. This is why there are so many supernatural events circulating among the people.

Of course, although the soul of the martial artist did not deliberately cultivate, it will gradually increase as the cultivation base becomes stronger. Especially when it reaches the semi-god state, this soul will degenerate into a soul. The primordial spirit is out of the body, if luck is good, it can still exist through seizing the house.

Therefore, before, Liu Ce would be prepared to kill the primordial spirit of these sea demon warriors. It will never give them a chance to make a comeback.

However, although he had killed the sea demon martial artists in the previous semi-god realm, he didn’t seem to have the chance to get out of the body. All the souls have been swallowed.

Liu Ce was puzzled. Suddenly, something came to mind.

"Is it that thing?"

Liu Ce's eyes condensed.

When thinking of that thing, Liu Ce suddenly understood. If it is really that thing, everything before that has been explained.

It seems to be influenced by Liu Ce's great power. Yuwentuo, Seth, and Gu Yuexian all solved their opponents one after another.

Only the worshiper of the moon continued to fight his opponent.


The moon worshiper was knocked off by his opponent with a blow. The whole person was covered in blood.

Yuwen Tuo was about to move, but was stopped by Liu Ce.

"Your Majesty?"

Yuwentuo looked at Liu Ce in a bit of astonishment.

"You don't need to help him, I think the opportunity for him to break through should be here."

Liu Ce said lightly.


Yuwentuo heard what Liu Ce said. It suddenly became clear. Because of his keenness, he also felt the change of the moon worshiper at this moment.

"this is?"


It seems that some kind of shackles have been broken in the main body of the worship of the moon. A strong breath erupted from his body.


The opponent of the Lord of the Moon was taken aback.

The Lord of Worship was definitely not his opponent before, but the opponent seemed to be unable to beat Xiaoqiang. Although he can have the absolute upper hand. But it just can't completely destroy the other party. On several occasions, he almost knocked the opponent out. But the opponent was only weak for a while and soon became alive and well. This almost collapsed the demigod of the Sea Demon Race.

The Lord of the Moon Worship finally took advantage of the enemy's power. Let yourself break the shackles, successfully broke through the bottleneck, and now become a warrior in the semi-god state.

"Extinction blow."

The terrifying black air madly condenses from the surroundings towards the location of the moon worship leader, and finally turns into the power of the moon worship leader.


The Lord of Moon Worship waved his hand. A black ball of light blasted from his place towards the body of the sea demon clan warrior.

This black ball the size of a palm looks very ordinary. But it contains the power to destroy the world.

Where the black ball passed, the void exploded. As if the void was going to tremble.

"this is?"

The demigod of the sea demon clan felt horrified at once.

Although he wanted to escape, the surrounding void was sealed by a terrible force.

It can be said. This extinction blow was a full blow from the Lord of the Moon. Just when he broke through the demigod, it was the time when the power of the Lord of the Moon Worship was the strongest. And it was also the time when the Sea Mozu demigod was the weakest.

After all, he had fought a lot with the Lord of the Moon Worship before. In order to kill the Lord of the Moon Worship, the demigods of the Sea Mozu exhausted their methods. So in the case of one declining and the other. This blow of the Lord of the Moon worshipped himself.

"Block me."

The demigod of the Sea Demon raced with all its strength. One palm blocked the ball of light blasted out by the moon worship.


An endless storm of energy erupted centered on the two.

"Cough cough cough..."

The Lord of the Moon worshipping coughed a few times. Although a little embarrassed, nothing happened in the end. On the contrary, his opponent, the demigod of the Sea Demon Race, was dead. There is no scum left.

"Very good. Worshiping the moon, you just broke through to the demigod, you can kill a demigod opponent, not bad."

Liu Ce smiled.

The reason why the Lord of Worship is so awesome is not that his opponent is very weak. It's just that his physique is special, that is, he is resistant to beating. After all, the Lord of Moon Worship has the blood of the Witch Clan. The witches are the ancestors of physical training. Therefore, as long as there is no fatal injury, the worship of the moon can recover in a short time.

Moreover, the Lord of Worship is on the verge of breaking through. Although he has not broken through to the semi-god state, his power is also infinitely close to the semi-god state, with only one film. Therefore, the opponent who had previously worshiped the Moon did not kill the Moon Worship even though they tried their best. In the end, he died in the hands of worshipping the moon.

It is not so much that worshipping the moon kills his opponent with one move, it is better to say that worshipping the moon alive consumes the opponent.

"Thanks to your majesty's great fortune."

The Lord of the Moon worshipped Liu Cedao.

"This is your own ability and it has nothing to do with me."

Liu Ce shook his head.

It's just that, even though he had wiped out thirteen sea demon race demi-god martial artists at this moment, Liu Ce was not at all happy. Because Liu Ce knew that the real test might have just begun. Because the Demon Emperor of the Sea Demon Race should be here soon. If the Demon Sovereign knew, his thirteen men had died in the hands of the big man. It is estimated that it will go wild on the spot.

Until now, Liu Ce has not been sure of dealing with the Demon Emperor.

"Look, your majesty, that flying boat is going to run."

Jiu Jianxian pointed to the flying boat on the void and said to Liu Ce.

"Want to go?"

Liu Ce smiled contemptuously.

"Give me annihilation."

Liu Ce swept out with a sword.

Immediately, the horrible sword light cut through the void. Cut directly on the flying boat of the Sea Demon Race.

"Boom!" A sound.

The flying boat was turned into ashes, and the remaining sea monster warriors on the flying boat were all destroyed.


Suddenly, the emptiness was covered with dark clouds.

The original clear sky, I don't know when. It became a dark cloud cover. The black and oppressive clouds made the entire Han extremely depressed.

"This is a vision of heaven and earth. It is a sign of the imminent terror."

In the temple sub-temple, Luo Fei's expression was extremely solemn.

"Is the Demon Emperor coming?"

Shi Ya asked.

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