The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 857: Skyrocketing national fortune

After Liu Ce heard this, it didn't matter.

System upgrade is now the top priority. Most importantly, only the system has been upgraded. Only Liu Ce can get a higher level treasure chest.

Mozu Palace

"Yun Hui, this time, you did a good job, I am very relieved."

Liu Ce looked at Yun Hui in front of him with satisfaction.

Although Yun Hui didn't seem to be doing anything, it was also a lot of time that the other party bought for his Han army. Otherwise, let the Demon Dragon General of the Sea Demon Clan prepare a defense in advance. It is also a big obstacle to the big man.

From what Liu Ce learned afterwards, the sea demons had a very strong defense on the island. If the defense of the island was deployed, it would be extremely terrifying. Even the Han army can finally conquer the island of the Sea Mozu. It also needs to pay a great price. Therefore, Liu Ce was still very satisfied with Yun Hui.

Although Yun Hui was loyal to him only after being enslaved by him. But it does not prevent Liu Ce from treating him as his own now.

"How many demons are there on Yunhui Devil Island?"

Liu Ce asked Yun Hui.

"There are more than two billion."

Yun Hui said.

Yun Hui hesitated for a moment, and said to Liu Ce: "Your Majesty, in fact, most of these two billion people are ordinary people of the Sea Demon Clan. Yun Hui begs your Majesty and let them go."

Yun Hui is also a wise man, so he naturally knows that Liu Ce is considering whether to exterminate all these two billion sea demons.

Liu Ce was indeed hesitating. From the perspective of avoiding future troubles, it is true that all these two billion sea demon races will be wiped out, so as to avoid future troubles.

However, this is more than two billion creatures, not twenty million, nor two million. Liu Ce felt a bit cruel when he did this.

This is not Mother Liu Ce, but even though the Sea Demon Race is at war with the Human Race, it is also a life. Moreover, the ordinary people of the sea demons were not the initiators of the war.

Of course, more is that Liu Ce is still not so cold. When Bai Qikeng killed 400,000 Zhao Jun, he was called a slaughter. Then kill two billion...

It can be seen that once this number rises, it is still a bit difficult to make this decision.

At this moment, all the gods and demons around Liu Ce were waiting for his decision.

Do you want to act as this executioner?

Liu Ce was still vacillating. How can we avoid such **** and prevent future troubles? Liu Ce didn't want to see the resurgence of the Sea Mozu in a few years. If there is such a hidden danger, Liu Ce doesn't mind if he really bears the charge of slaughter.

Liu Ce was thinking about some examples in China's history to see if there are any lessons to be learned.

Although the national conditions in China's history may not really suit the big man. But this can still be used for reference.

Suddenly, Liu Ce thought of something.

"His Majesty."

Yun Hui kowtowed to Liu Ce.

Although Yun Hui is still very loyal to Liu Ce, these sea demons are all Yun Hui's clansmen after all. Naturally, Yun Hui didn't want these people of the Sea Demon Race to die like this.

"I can't kill these sea demons, I still have to look at you at this moment."

Liu Ce's eyes fell on Yun Hui.

When Yun Hui heard that there was a play, he immediately looked overjoyed.

"Well, this Demon Island, I will make him a place of exile for the sinners of our Human Race who have committed serious mistakes. Then, your Sea Demon Race must not insult the Human Race. The Sea Demon Race is demoted to slaves. The Human Race enjoys noble treatment on the Demon Island. The sea demons must not prohibit intermarriage between the sea demons and the human race."

Liu Ce said to Yun Hui.

"According to the purpose."

Yun Hui breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the dignified sea demons were demoted to slaves, they were better than the dead.

"I appoint you as the commander of the garrison on the island. I am responsible for commanding the garrison on the island. I will leave some people as the garrison of the island."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose."

Originally, Liu Ce planned to leave a human general, but think about it, there is no need for this. Yun Hui's strength is actually not weak, and because he has been enslaved by him, he is completely trustworthy. There is no need to leave another human race to watch him. Although Yunhui is a sea demon clan.

"Okay, do it well. I believe you."

Liu Ce looked at Yun Hui.

"Thank your majesty for your trust."

Yun Hui is really grateful.

For Yunhui. His Majesty not only trusted him, but also thought that his plea, and let go of the Sea Mozu, this kind of grace made him even more grateful to Liu Ce.

"Well, just do it hard."

As Liu Ce spoke, he looked at Yun Hui sternly and said, "But I'm the first to say something ugly. If there is anything wrong with the Devil Island, I can only ask you."

"According to the purpose."

Yun Hui said quickly.

By this moment, Liu Ce's intentions were already obvious. He plans to use the Human Race and the Demon Race to continue to multiply, so as to gradually assimilate the Sea Demon Race.

Of course, Liu Ce will not only do this, he will also interfere with the education of the next generation of sea demons. Assimilated the sea demons in thought from an early age. Then assimilate the sea demons by blood. In a short period of time, there may not be any effect. But after thousands of years. After tens of thousands of years of assimilation, the Sea Demon Race will definitely become a part of the Human Race.

And this effect is obvious. The descendants of the human race and the demon race are definitely stronger than the human race in physical and abilities. This can be seen from the Phantom Clan of the Sea Demon Race. Although the fantasy race can't compare with the pure blood race of the sea demon race in physique, he also has its own advantages. It seems that the races bred from the human race and the sea demons will master some other aspects of magical powers. Such as speed, change.

This time, the expedition to the Devil Island was a great success. Liu Ce is still very satisfied. Eventually, under the sweep of the Han army, the entire army of millions of demons was wiped out. Even if some of them were hidden, they were eventually found out and destroyed by the Han army.

Although Liu Ce didn't rush to exterminate him, the royal family and honors of the Sea Demon Clan were completely wiped out by the big man. For tens of thousands of years, Liu Ce has been planning to invade the human race, and Liu Ce will naturally not tolerate it. The remaining people who didn't kill were some flat-headed people of the Sea Demon Race.

Liu Ce left behind a million Han troops to guard the magic island, and then left with the fleet.

However, this time there was a gain. According to the fishermen of the Sea Mozu, there is actually a safer route from the Modao to the Terran continent. This route was actually found by the fisherman of the Sea Demon tribe after he was lost in a yaw of the fishing boat by wind and waves. At that time, the fisherman of the Sea Demon Race saw the Human Race Continent, and later, it took several years for him to return to Demon Island. But this also allowed him to find a safe route back to the magic island.

It's just that the fishermen of the Sea Mozu didn't say this route. Because the royal family of the Sea Demon Race has already mastered a secret passage to the Human Race. It's just that this comrade is only suitable for the sea demons. So even if you say it, you won't be rewarded, so the fishermen of the Sea Demon Clan keep this secret in their hearts.

This time, the fisherman of the Sea Mozu chose to tell the big man this secret. After all, compared with the people in power of the Sea Demon Race, the ordinary people of the Sea Demon Race below did not hate the Human Race as much as they thought.

Liu Ce is overjoyed. With this safe fellow, Human Race's control of the Devil Island is much safer than before.

Therefore, based on the principle of rewards for meritorious work, Liu Ce conferred the baron of the fishermen of the Sea Demon Race. This is equivalent to the other party not only being a slave, but also a nobleman.

Liu Ce did this, except because the fishermen of the Sea Mozu had indeed made great contributions. There is also a great reason, which is to give the people of the Sea Mozu a hope. As long as it is not against the human race. If you still make great achievements, you can not only exempt you from being a slave, but you can also become a nobleman.

This method is indeed good. Although the human race occupied the magic island. Let the people of the demons become slaves. But the Mozu is a warlike race after all. Although the remaining sea demons were just ordinary people. But after all, they still have the blood of the demons. The rule of the human race is just convincing.

This time, Liu Ce gave a reward to the people of the Sea Demon Clan, and immediately caused the original dissatisfaction of many people of the Sea Demon Clan to disappear. After all, for the people at the bottom of the Sea Demon Clan, as long as there is hope, they can live on.

Liu Ce was also satisfied with this result. After all, he still slightly distinguished the people at the bottom of the Sea Demon Clan from those in power.

After leaving a million Han troops to Yunhui to guard the magic island, Liu Ce led the army back.

The news that the big man destroyed the Sea Demon Race. It was sent back to the Huawu mainland ahead of time. This made the entire Huawu Continent boil.

After all, the Sea Demon Clan has always been a mountain on the top of the Human Race. This time the big man not only drove the Sea Demon Clan out of the Huawu Continent, but also conquered the Sea Demon Clan, which increased the prestige of the big man to an unprecedented level.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the big man has conquered the Sea Demon Clan, so that the big man's status in the Huawu Continent is unprecedentedly improved, and the national luck is +5 billion!"

The Mowu battleship had just returned to Dahan's port, and suddenly Liu Ce received the voice of the system.

Five billion national fortune?

Liu Ce looked slightly overjoyed. This one is really good.

Five billion is definitely a huge sum of money for Liu Ce.

It's just that Liu Ce Weiwei was a little puzzled that he had drove the Sea Demon Race back to the Demon Island before, why didn't he immediately give him prestige. At that time, I should be able to harvest a wave of national fortune.

"System, can you explain to me, what is going on?"

Liu Ce raised his question to the system.

"Host, this is actually not a strange thing. It didn't take long for the host to repel the Sea Demon Race to counterattack the Demon Island. The Huawu Continent is very big, and the news spread is not the Earth where the host was in the previous life. The news spread all over the world in a few seconds. And this time, when the host just defeated the Sea Mozu, the news was passed back to the big man, and it took nearly a month. Such a long time is enough for Huawu All the major forces on the mainland know the news of the suppression of the Sea Demon Clan."

The system explained to Liu Ce.

"Well, I got it."

Liu Ce thought about it carefully, and this is indeed the truth.

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