Savage mountain

The flying boat taken by Liu Ce and others stopped in front of the Savage Mountain

This time, Liu Ce brought Fei Peng, Chonglou, Master Void, Yuwen Tuo, four gods and demons. Plus a few factory guards in the West Factory. Adding these people together, Liu Ce is already very confident. Even if the opponent is tougher. Liu Ce believed that with these gods and demons together, the orcs of the Savage Mountain could not pose too much threat to him no matter how strong they were.

"This road is nowhere."

Several half-orcs appeared.

These half-orcs are obviously from the tiger clan. The face and limbs have obvious tiger characteristics. The body exudes a sturdy breath.

"Bold, do you know, who is this person in front of you?"

Yuwentuo stood up and angered.

"This is the Savage Mountain. It is not something that you and other humans can set foot on. If you don't retreat, otherwise, you will not be responsible for anything that happens."

A tiger clan yelled.

"Joke, can it be Wang Tu in the whole world, and it is Wang Chen who leads the land. You are all in the territory of the big man, and dare you to be arrogant?"

Yuwen Tuo disdain.

In Yuwentuo's view, this Savage Mountain is indeed in the territory of the Han Dynasty, that is to say, everything here belongs to your majesty. These people, daring to stop your Majesty, are looking for death.

"We don't know a big man, we only know that this Savage Mountain is the territory of our half-orcs, and no outsider is allowed to enter."

The head of a tiger is humane.

"court death."

Yuwen Tuo was a little angry.

At this moment, Liu Ce stood up. He waved his hand to stop Yu Wentuo who was about to get angry, and then looked at the tiger clan humanity: "You go and talk to your leader, and say that the Holy Emperor of Huawu Continent is visiting.

But those tiger tribesmen were still unmoved.

"You go, our leader won't see you."

The headed Tiger tribe said with disdain.

"It seems that we can only force it."

Liu Ce said coldly.

"Humans, I advise you not to do this. Otherwise, you will regret it."

Several Tiger tribesmen obviously felt the murderous aura on Liu Ce, and said hurriedly.

"I will courteously and then soldiers. If you have this attitude, I will be rude to you."

Liu Ce smiled coldly.

"Find death, kill him."

The tiger warriors all around rushed forward.


Yuwentuo snorted coldly.

The terrifying coercion erupted from him.

The coercion of substance is like a volcanic eruption.

Several Tiger Clan warriors who had just rushed forward didn't know what was going on, they were knocked out by the volley. He fell to the ground fiercely, vomiting blood.

If it weren't for Yuwentuo's mercy, these people would belch.


In the void, several figures flew down. It fell in front of Liu Ce and others.

This is an old man of the Tiger clan, and his eyes are as sharp as a knife when looking at Liu Ce and others.

"Meet the elders."

The guards of the tiger clan hurriedly stepped forward to bow.

"what happened?"

The elder of the tiger clan has a low voice.

"Elder, these humans are making trouble.",

The previous leader of the tiger clan said.

"Humanity, are you killing yourself?"

The tiger elder snorted coldly.

With that, the tiger elder walked towards Liu Ce's place step by step.

"What's your explanation?"

The tiger elder looked at Liu Ce in front of him.

"There is no explanation, you are just humiliating yourself."

Liu Ce said blankly.

"In that case, just lie down!"

As he said, the tiger clan elder took a picture of Liu Ce's place with a palm.

This palm is powerful and domineering. Contains terrible power.

In an instant, the entire void dimmed under this palm.

Liu Ce felt as if a large truck traveling at a speed of 300 miles per hour had hit him.

But Liu Ce didn't change his face, as if the palm of the other party was not slashing at him. He is extremely calm.


Yuwentuo stood in front of Liu Ce like a ghost. A palm greeted him.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

The patriarch of the Tiger clan suddenly snorted, and the whole person flew upside down like a broken kite, and smashed to the ground fiercely. He smashed a big hole in the ground.


Several members of the tiger tribe were shocked when they saw the elder injured.

The movement here finally attracted the attention of the orcs on the mountain. The half-orcs rushed over from all directions immediately, staring at Liu Ce in front of them.

"Boy, dare to come to Savage Mountain to make trouble, you are really brave."

A red-haired lion man looked at Liu Ce with blood red eyes.

"I didn't make trouble, but I was going to see your leader and your guards were ruthless, so I would naturally not be merciless."

Liu Ce said indifferently.

"You call yourself me, are you the emperor?"

The red-haired lion frowned slightly.

"My Dahan Emperor Liu Ce."

Liu Ce said coldly.

"What a big man, I haven't heard of it. But since you dare to make trouble in the Savage Mountain, don't blame us."

The lion man looked disdainful and was about to do it.

Suddenly, a young fox man appeared in front of him and said coldly: "His Royal Highness has an order to invite these humans to see the beast temple."

"His Royal Highness wants to see these humans?"

The lion elder frowned slightly.

"Yes it is."

That fox is humane.

"Does the princess know that we half orcs and humans are mortal enemies, and want to see this human?"

The Lion snorted coldly.

"I don't know. This is an order from your Highness, and the villain is only executing the order."

The fox is human.

"Okay, take these humans to the Beast Temple."

The lion elder hesitated slightly.


Several lions nodded.


The tiger tribe who had been beaten up by Yuwen Tuo before made a gesture of please. The nostrils still snorted, obviously still a little unconvinced.


Liu Ce followed several tiger tribesmen to the Beast Temple.

This is the first time Liu Ce has entered the territory of the Orcs, and it is really new. Obviously, the half beasts are all gathered together to survive. There are tiger tribe, bear tribe, and leopard tribe. There are even foxes. The fox race seems to have a very high status here.

Some fox elders passed by, regardless of whether they were the lion or the tiger, they all respected them.

"The half-orcs are really strong. There are many warriors who have appeared in the Nine Tribulations Realm along the way, and there are even Holy Realms."

Liu Ce thought secretly.

Even though he thought so, on the surface, Liu Ce was calm.

After a while, Liu Ce entered the Beast Temple.

Sitting at the top was a fox girl who looked about 18 or 9 years old. She was beautiful and exuded a charming noble demeanor.

"Please sit down, human."

The fox princess said to Liu Ce and others.

After the guest and host are seated

"Human, why did you come to our half-beast tribe, and also injured our people, do you want to give us half-beast tribe an explanation?"

The fox princess looked at Liu Ce with a hint of interest in her eyes.

"Who hurt you, doesn't the princess know? If this is outside, these people who dared to do it would have died a long time ago."

Liu Ce said blankly.

"According to your words, the princess would like to thank you for giving us the face of the half-orcs?"

The fox princess looked at Liu Ce with playful eyes.

"In fact, it is true."

Liu Ce said calmly.

"Well, now you can tell this princess, why came to our Savage Mountain?"

The fox princess looked at Liu Cedao.

"Come for that source crystal mine."

Liu Cedao.

"The source crystal mine? Is that the crystal mine in our half-orc ancestral land?"

The fox princess frowned slightly.

Obviously, the fox princess also knew that several humans broke into the semi-orc forbidden area by mistake. It's just that the place is very sensitive, even though she is the princess of the fox clan, she can't make the decision. And both father and grandpa are in retreat. She is even more embarrassed.

"I can give you some compensation."

Liu Ce looked at the fox princess and knew that the other party was a little embarrassed.

"This matter is not something that the princess can decide in one word. You need to consult with other races to make a decision."

The fox princess said to Liu Ce.

"That is, this princess needs some time to think about it."

The fox princess looked at Liu Cedao.

"In other words, princess you can't make a decision, right?"

Liu Ce also said to the fox princess.

"Emperor Han, although our fox clan is now the royal clan of the half-orc clan, the source crystal mine you mentioned involves a lot. Our fox clan has no way to make a decision. Emperor Han, you can wait for us for a few days."

The fox princess looked at Liu Cedao.

"Okay, I will wait for you for a few days. I hope your decision will not hurt us all."

Liu Ce looked serious.

On that day, Liu Ce and others left Yerenshan.

After Liu Ce returned to Handu, he waited ten days before returning to Yeren Mountain again.

Savage mountain

Beast Temple

This time, although it was Lilia, the princess of the fox tribe, who sat at the top. But there are many more representatives of races on the side.

For example, this time, the patriarch of the tiger races the tiger, and the patriarch of the lion, Shi Kun.

There are also leopard prints, the patriarch of the leopard tribe, the patriarch of the bear tribe, Xiong Fei, and the patriarch of the snake tribe Snake Yang.

"Emperor Han, this time this princess invited the patriarch of our half-orc race to come, whether or not you will let your human race mine the source crystal ores? These patriarchs need to make the final decision.

The princess Lilia of the half-orc said.

"No problem, I am waiting for your decision."

Liu Ce said proudly.

"Okay, let's make the final decision initially."

Tiger Princess Lilia said.

In the end, the decision of four to two overturned the decision of the Human Race to mine the source crystal ore in the ancestral land of the half-orc.

Only the Fox and Leopard tribes decided to mine the source crystal mine. The snakes, bears, tigers, and lions voted against it, and this result is not surprising. Because the snake tribe and the leopard tribe are in the same group, it is not too strange for them to vote yes.

Because Liu Ce had known for a long time that the fox would vote for it.

After all, Liu Ce could still perceive that her Royal Highness Lilia was relatively friendly to their human line.

"In fact, regardless of whether you agree or not, we are determined to mine this source crystal mine."

Liu Ce's face showed determination.

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