The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 898: Skeleton King with full firepower

The Supreme’s energy cannon is very powerful. After all, it is a flying boat of interstellar level. Not only is the defensive power strong, but the attack power is also far stronger than the galaxy-level flying boat.

This time, five flying boats fired together.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The energy cannon of the black hole directly smashed the defensive formation of Skeleton Star.

The defensive formation of Skeleton Star is very fragile. It has been established for thousands of years. But the formation of Taoists is undoubtedly very scarce. Therefore, there is no formation master to maintain the defensive formation here. This also caused the defensive formation of this skeleton star to be useless.


The Skeleton King and the Skeleton Pirates flew out of the Skeleton Star. There are hundreds of warriors in the Skeleton Thieves Group.

"Who are you? Dare to come to my skull band to make trouble?"

The Skeleton King looked at the flying boat in front of him with a serious expression.

Because this is the first time that the Skeleton Thieves Group has been hit by someone like this. After all, before, because the environment where the Skeleton Star was located was surrounded by poisonous clouds, there were very few forces that would reach this generation.

"Are you the Skeleton King?"

Liu Ce flew out of the flying boat with the big man **** and demon.

"I am, kid, who on earth are you who dare to provoke our skeleton thieves, is it really a long life?"

The Skeleton King looked at Liu Ce.

At the same time, the Skeleton King's gaze also fell on the Supreme Master behind Liu Ce. Because he has already seen that this flying boat is a cross-stellar level flying boat. This made the Skeleton King greatly moved, and his eyes showed greed.

You need to know that the Skeleton Thieves Group does not have a cross-stellar level flying boat, which results in the Skeleton Thief Group’s business is also greatly restricted. If their Skeleton Thieves group has a flying boat across the star domain, they can go to other star domain activities, and the wealth will be more.

"You must take down this flying boat, this is simply a treasure to be delivered to your door."

The Skeleton King had already taken a fancy to Liu Ce's flying boat.

"Boy, if you are acquainted, hand over the flying boat behind you, this king is in a good mood, maybe you can still make a living."

The Skeleton King looked at Liu Ce and said loudly.

"Oh, so soon, did you fall in love with my stuff?"

Liu Ce smiled disdainfully.

"Don't you want to know who this son is?"

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

"Who on earth are you?"

The Skeleton King looked at Liu Ce and frowned.

"Well, about a month ago, this young man came across a few arrogant like you. Well, they said they were the second master of the Skeleton Thieves group, and what other third leaders. They were as arrogant as you, and they were finally caught by this young master. It was swattered out like a fly."

"Tsk tusk, Skeleton King, do you think you will be the next fly?"

Liu Ce looked at the Skeleton King tut.

"What, it was you?"

The Skeleton King's heart was shocked, and he looked at Liu Ce's canthus in front of him. Originally, he had been looking for the murderer who killed the second and third child of the Skeleton Thieves. He had been unavailable. He didn't expect the murderer to be right in front of him.

"Second, third, heaven has eyes, and finally brought the murderer before you. Today, big brother, I will catch the murderer and use his head to pay tribute to you."

The Skeleton King beat his chest and his feet.

Liu Ce looked at the Skeleton King sarcastically and said, "Yes, this time we are here, didn't you destroy you?"

The Skeleton King’s eyes were blood-red, and he pointed at Liu Ce hysterically, and ordered the leaders of the Skeleton Thieves group around him: "You guys, whoever kills this gangster can become the second master of my Skeleton Thieves group. Even the third master."

The Skeleton King’s promise made the leaders of the Skeleton Thieves group around him greatly moved. After all, a skeleton thieves have three heads. Since the death of the second and third masters. Neither position has settled. Although the bosses below all fought over and over, the Skeleton King did not let go.

Without the support of the Skeleton King, the leaders below would be useless even if they competed fiercely.

But if you can become the second and third master, the benefits will naturally be many. For example, every harvest is divided into two or three masters.

Therefore, at this moment, the Skeleton King's promise made the people of the Skeleton Thieves rush.


Fei Peng and Zhonglou burst into a powerful aura.


The leaders of the Skeleton Thieves group who were about to pounce on the big man gods and demons were shocked. The most powerful leader of these skeleton thieves was only in the early stage of the transformation of gods. It is equivalent to the strength of the third master of the Skeleton Thieves, Luo Xun.


Yuwen Tuo swept out with a sword.

Xuanyuan Sword contains extremely domineering power.

Although Yuwen Tuo is now only a half-step divine realm cultivation base. However, his use of Xuanyuan Sword was enough to explode the cultivation base of the early stage of Transforming God Realm.

In an instant, the warriors of the five skeleton thieves were blown up on the spot.

The warriors of the Skeleton Thieves Group breathed. Just as he was stunned, Yuwen Tuo once again shot out with a few swords.

Xuanyuanjian's power is unparalleled. The formation of a terrifying sword domain envelops the sky. Crush and kill a strong man with a skeleton thieves. Even some of the leaders of the early stage of Transforming God Realm could not stop Yuwen Tuo Sanjian.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen warriors from the Skeleton Thieves Group died under Yuwen Tuo's sword.

"go to hell."

The shot was a black-robed warrior standing beside the Skeleton King. He plays the role of Ke Qing in the Skeleton Thieves. But in the Skeleton Thieves, his status is second only to the Skeleton King. Even the status of the second master and third master was slightly inferior to him.

The black-robed warrior grabbed Yuwen Tuo's body with one claw.

It is extremely powerful and contains the aura of ruining the world. There is impressively the cultivation base of the early stage of the Divine Realm.

"Your opponent is me."

Chonglou snorted coldly.

The wrist knife slashed down.

"Big Space Cut."

A terrifying knife instantly formed a terrifying knife domain in the void, covering the entire void.

"What, is this the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Divine Master Realm?"

The black robe warrior was shocked.

However, facing the sword of the heavy building, the black robe warrior had no ability to resist at all. Was instantly slashed out.

Fei Peng was unwilling to show weakness when he saw Chonglou slaughter the Quartet. Under each sword, several dead souls of the leader of the Skeleton Thieves group were taken away.

It can be said that under the siege of the Han warriors. The warriors of these skeleton thieves didn't have any ability to resist at all, and those who were killed cried and cried.

Tu Xingsun, Xiao Sheng, Cao Bao, and even the empty son did not take action, but stood by Liu Ce's side to protect them. Several people disdain to shoot. After all, these people are too weak. In the eyes of several people, it is not worth their shots.

Liu Ce shook his head and thought to himself: It seems that after the two heads of the Skeleton Thieves group were killed by me, there is no such thing as a talent.


Watching his men be beheaded one by one, the Skeleton King King Yi was furious at the moment. Although these people are not as concentric as their two righteous brothers. But they were both the backbone of his Skeleton Thieves group, so how could he be able to endure being chopped off melons and vegetables like this.

"Die all to me."

A powerful breath erupted from the Skeleton King's body.

Mid God Realm

Late Divine Realm


The terrifying coercion erupted from the Skeleton King. The surrounding air turbulence, endless energy ripples sweeping out in all directions like a tide.


Liu Ce was slightly surprised. This Skeleton King actually has the cultivation base of the late Divine Lord Realm. Originally, the second master and third master of the Skeleton Thieves group were only the cultivation base of the gods. He thought that even if this master was stronger, it would be limited in strength. Now first jumped out of a black-robed warrior, and then the skeleton king unexpectedly broke out the cultivation base of the late **** master realm, this skeleton thieves group is really interesting.

However, it was too late for Liu Ce to take action to block the Skeleton King.


The Skeleton King slapped his hand at Fei Peng, rebuilding the building, and the three people of Shui Bi patted them on their bodies.

Shuibi and Fei Peng are killing the Quartet. Chonglou and others suddenly felt a sense of depression.

The three quickly resisted with all their strength. Twelve% of the power burst out from their bodies. At the same time, he greeted the Skeleton King with a full blow.


The power of the four collided in the void.

Fei Peng, Zhonglou, and Shuibi's attack collapsed in an instant. The powerful attack directly shook the three of them out.


The three of them spouted blood in the void.

"Interesting, it seems that I still need to take action."

The empty son was about to make a move, but was stopped by a small dark hand.

It is indeed a small hand, because the owner of this hand is a local grandson.

"I'm going, the big guy has been here for so long, and there is no chance to move my muscles and bones once, and my hands are almost itchy."

Tu Xing-sun said to his Majesty solemnly: "Your Majesty, Tu Xing-sun please fight."

"Go ahead."

Liu Ce glanced at Tu Xingsun lightly and nodded slightly.

Liu Ce also wanted to see the strength of Tuxing Sun.

Tu Xingsun didn't use a weapon, but flew out of thin air.

At this moment, the Skeleton King was waiting to face Fei Peng. Suddenly, a terrible breath locked him.

"this is?"

The Skeleton King suddenly sensed a terrible danger.

It was this danger that made the Skeleton King give up and continue chasing the three people, but instead looked at the place where the danger came.

"Well, this is?"

"It turned out to be a dwarf?"

The Skeleton King looked at Tuxing Sun with disdain.

Originally thought it was some kind of bull-breaking character, but it turned out to be a little dwarf, the Skeleton King was relieved immediately.

But the words of the Skeleton King made Tuxingsun furious.

"Damn, I hate people calling me short, do you know that you are trying to kill yourself?"

Tuxing Sun was angry.


The Skeleton King seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world. He fixedly looked at Tu Xingsun and said, "Calling you a dwarf still praised you. You should be called a dwarf."


Tuxingsun couldn't help but laugh at the other side. A palm slapped it down.

Tu Xing-sun did not bring out his signature iron rod and immortal rope. In his opinion, the person in front of him is not worthy to use other methods by himself. One slap can be slapped to death.

No wonder Tu Xingsun is so proud. After all, he is a half-step cultivation base of the Divine King Realm. Half-step Divine King Realm is an invincible existence in Divine Lord Realm.

The horrible palm prints are constantly magnifying in the void.

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